"Heavy Haulage through the years"

Top team on the move yesterday moving this 70 ton piling rig ex Liverpool to Peterborough

Junior top team on the wide stuff earlier this week Wishaw to Addlestone.

NMP, But IIRC Jonnie Roddam drove it, The last time I had a drink with him was in Labour Club drivers reunion before the Covid started, He still keeps in touch with my pal Jimmy Blackburn who worked alongside him at Martin Cooks, Larry.

Lawrence Dunbar:
0NMP, But IIRC Jonnie Roddam drove it, The last time I had a drink with him was in Labour Club drivers reunion before the Covid started, He still keeps in touch with my pal Jimmy Blackburn who worked alongside him at Martin Cooks, Larry.

Larry, side loading has always been a bit dodgy, is it still allowed?

Star down under.:

Lawrence Dunbar:
0NMP, But IIRC Jonnie Roddam drove it, The last time I had a drink with him was in Labour Club drivers reunion before the Covid started, He still keeps in touch with my pal Jimmy Blackburn who worked alongside him at Martin Cooks, Larry.

Larry, side loading has always been a bit dodgy, is it still allowed?

. I dont think so, HAS Regs wouldnt allow it now,Larry.

Lawrence Dunbar:

Star down under.:

Lawrence Dunbar:
0NMP, But IIRC Jonnie Roddam drove it, The last time I had a drink with him was in Labour Club drivers reunion before the Covid started, He still keeps in touch with my pal Jimmy Blackburn who worked alongside him at Martin Cooks, Larry.

Larry, side loading has always been a bit dodgy, is it still allowed?

. I dont think so, HAS Regs wouldnt allow it now,Larry.

Load Restraint Guidelines cover it here.
I had four short chains, that I would hook on each corner on the inside of the tracks, then dog the front ones back and the back ones forward. Never had a problem, but now the track frame has to be chained instead.



All credit to Peter Schöler for the photos.

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Heavy Haul PS 50918518016_27efc7e146_o.jpg

Ontario Community Archive.

Photos credit to Foulger Rail Photos.


A fleet of V8 Bedfords and they still use the Foden :sunglasses:

Top outfit at work on this shot !




LOL Buzzer,very drole!


Punchy Dan:
A fleet of V8 Bedfords and they still use the Foden :sunglasses:

This was obviously some kind of publicity shot because I’m sure the landing legs are down on that trailer so when the Foden was dragged out from under the Scania would be coupled up and take the trailer away ! The term “Skin off a rice pudding” comes to mind when looking at that shot ! Cheers Denzil :blush: :open_mouth: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Punchy Dan:
A fleet of V8 Bedfords and they still use the Foden :sunglasses:

This was obviously some kind of publicity shot because I’m sure the landing legs are down on that trailer so when the Foden was dragged out from under the Scania would be coupled up and take the trailer away ! The term “Skin off a rice pudding” comes to mind when looking at that shot ! Cheers Denzil :blush: :open_mouth: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No way, The Foden could cope with anything Dennis, :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: , I know you never rated the good old Fodens as being any good, But lots of companys ran them like good old self and made a few bob doing so, Take care and stay safe my friend, Larry.

Lawrence Dunbar:


Punchy Dan:
A fleet of V8 Bedfords and they still use the Foden :sunglasses:

This was obviously some kind of publicity shot because I’m sure the landing legs are down on that trailer so when the Foden was dragged out from under the Scania would be coupled up and take the trailer away ! The term “Skin off a rice pudding” comes to mind when looking at that shot ! Cheers Denzil :blush: :open_mouth: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No way, The Foden could cope with anything Dennis, :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: , I know you never rated the good old Fodens as being any good, But lots of companys ran them like good old self and made a few bob doing so, Take care and stay safe my friend, Larry.

You know it Larry these Fodens go anywhere :smiley: