Heartbreaking picture

Maybe this picture will make some people sit up and take action !

RIP little fella

Over 100 views yet none of you give a toss enough to leave a comment, just goes to show what some of you are really like !!

All right, I give a toss. I give a toss that his/her parents dragged the poor little bugger in a smugglers, probably overloaded boat to get to Europe instead of going to a safe country on their original continent!

What are we supposed to say.Let them all in.Or stop the bleeding heart bs open door immigration policy that is attracting them to take the risk.Meanwhile weren’t there also pictures showing men in life jackets who survived the same/similar incident leaving the women and kids to it.Which figures for the Islamic culture.As for the pic he doesn’t look of Middle Eastern appearance as stated in the description.

What exactly were you expecting? A way to solve the crisis from someone on a truck drivers forum? Yes it’s a very sad picture & hopefully something decent might come out of it, but reality says that it will be forgotten when the next boat sinks.
You only have to read some of the rubbish written on the immigrant thread to see what you’re up against, they froth at the mouth at the mere mention of the crisis let alone have any sympathy, as you can see from the above.

All right, I give a toss. I give a toss that his/her parents dragged the poor little bugger in a smugglers, probably overloaded boat to get to Europe instead of going to a safe country on their original continent!

His her parent/s not only dragged the poor little bugger out to sea but they didn’t even give a zb about giving him/her the chance of making sure he/she had a life jacket on to make the trip before setting out.Probably because they were too pre occupied with all that material wealth on offer for themselves if/when they made it to England/Sweden/Germany.On that note the socialist zb Merkel has a lot to answer for in relaxing German ‘asylum’ rules.

Maybe this picture will make some people sit up and take action !

RIP little fella

what can we do?
upsets me too see this! but all because of religion there is hate and war!
there is a difference between refugees and migrants
in 1956 my dad was a refugee. from Hungary
He came with his mother and my half sister
not a scrounger!
he has worked all his life. never claimed and has an OBE

CF Britain is not in the top 3 of destinations!

What exactly were you expecting? A way to solve the crisis from someone on a truck drivers forum? Yes it’s a very sad picture & hopefully something decent might come out of it, but reality says that it will be forgotten when the next boat sinks.
You only have to read some of the rubbish written on the immigrant thread to see what you’re up against, they froth at the mouth at the mere mention of the crisis let alone have any sympathy, as you can see from the above.

It’s only a crisis because the bleeding heart socialist zb’s have made it one by offering a place for all who want to come.Instead of saying not welcome stay in a country of safety on your own continent.Like Saudi for example.No surprise that the Arabs don’t give a zb about their own.Assuming it’s even a case of Middle East ‘asylum’.As opposed to economic migration from wherever.

Well I think the responses so far have been bang on. Without doubt, there’s no sadder sight than that for a parent, I’d be besides myself. But the blood is not on my hands, it’s on the hands of the EU that give more rights and hand outs to economic migrants than its own member states. And it’s funny how the socialist left media can put a picture of a dead child under your nose to push the agenda, yet when a 16 year old little scroat rapes an old lady, they can’t report his name for “legal purposes” :imp:

Carryfast, you really are a knuckle dragging ■■■■■

Nobody seems to have giving any thought as to what all these immigrants are actually going to do for a living when they arrive in these countries? We are already awash with migrant car washers everywhere, and beggars sorry street entertainers on every street corner in city centres. Many of these will either live off benefits, or be involved with crime to make a living as do may of the ones already here.

Yep it is an emotive picture of a child, but just remember his parents were trying to illegally enter a country, where they had no legal right to be. Sadly I have zero sympathy for the ‘plight’ of these criminals, in the same way they have zero sympathy for the truck drivers they land with thousands of pounds in fines, or leave with damaged vehicles. :confused:

They’re going to claim benefits when they get here, and quite possibly top that money up with cash in hand work on the black economy. And anyone who thinks any different is a fool

Forward the picture to Tony Blair and his heir David Cameron, who together with the leaders of other poodle countries aided and abetted their cohorts in the USA, without whose combined actions the middle east would not be in the turmoil it is today.

Those who voted for the above pair can think long and hard about their portion of the blame for all of this.

An online picture search would soon reveal footage of missiles and guided bombs, authorised by the two relatives of Beezlebub above, hitting their targets in Iraq and Libya, one can only imagine how many poor little buggers like the one above perished and are permanently maimed and scarred directly as results of their actions, and endorsed by their supporters and voters, you the electorate that is.

You don’t get to shift the blame nor disguise your own guilt by saying the right-on thing to assuage your share of the blame.

Anybody with a shred of human in them would be touch by this story but why post it on a lorry drivers forum we all know from the news the probs about people fleeing these places without it being everywhere we look but that kids parents decided to put him in that peril and the scum that are trafficking them ! sad pic wrong place to post

interesting to note that the story on the pic claims that the family were fleeing Syria. Not true.
They had fled Syria and were in Turkey, a safe country. They had no need to flee anymore.
Possibly the reason for not applying for asylum in Turkey has something to do with national service in the army.
maybe this is something to be considered for the UK, although I have my own doubts about giving out lots of automatic weapons willy-nilly.

del949 this I agree with, if I was ever unlucky enough to have to go through what these poor people are having to, then I can 100% say without any doubt I would be attempting to ‘settle’ in the first safe country I was arriving in. not getting to somewhere ‘safe’ then thinking I know I will place further risk on my family by attempting to get to a ‘more profitable’ place.

does that picture affect me ■■■■ right it does but after the whole ‘war’ blame the only people to blame are the parents who made the choice to continue the journey. no different to the hoards in Calais none of them look starving, unkempt, or actually with any wife or children but all want to come to the uk to ‘study’ see a brother etc. yet france is safe :unamused:

Turkey is safe? :open_mouth:

just by coincidence I am flying to Bodrum this afternoon, really hope that I don’t witness anything similar whilst there.

Turkey is safe? :open_mouth:

It’s as safe as Tunisia, according to the home office shortly after the Tuisian attacks, it’s in the top 3 places where fundamental terrorists are active & likely to strike.

That image, like words can be used in 2 ways, ATM the bleeding hearts are trying to use it for sympathy vote to get EU leaders to slacken the border controls. Likewise it also portrays why refugees should seek asylum in the 1st county of safety. Lessening the risk to life. Those outside the railway station in Hungary are protesting to be allowed the right to go to Germany and not stay in Hungary. Because if they really wanted to desperately get to Germany illegally why don’t they get themselves to the next station and catch the train instead of sitting outside the station battling with the police??
It’s as sensible as sticking a locked door in the middle of a field. You can try to find the key to open it, or walk around it and carry on your journey …

A news story yesterday stated a bleeding hearts charity in Leeds, have collected 100’s of tents and sleeping bags left over from the leeds festival and are taking them to the illegal migrant camp in Calais. But won’t this send a message & incourage more migrants trying to get into the UK. Maybe someone should throw a dozen illegals into the Leeds van, at £2K a pop it might Mel em think twice about doing it again.

While we’re at it, why not shut down and brick up the channel tunnel??

Is this thread a genuine snapshot of a society that has become so dissasociated with its fellow human beings that looking for someone or something to blame is the initial knee jerk reaction to the death of a child.

Yes children die every day, (every second even) but a picture like this should hammer home ones humanity a little even if this has been infected by years of social brainwashing and cultural comforts as we happen to win the lottery of life and be born into a part of the world that is ok to live in.

Well what can be done, well safe havens will become a new buzz word and just maybe the richer nations can share more resources to help those fleeing oppresion, but that opens up the floodgates and tribal instinct kicks in to want to protect ones own home from invaders.

This short term solution is just a finger in the dyke of the worlds problems, on a basic level we are all just nimbys and would rather not know about the bad stuff that goes on. After all our biggest fear is loss of WiFi.

So we carry on going through life in the hope these bad events dont affect or touch us directly. One things for sure this picture certainly touched me, sure I will forget about it by tomorrow…