Hazard Lights

I noticed, that drivers are using this lights very often. I don’t even want to talk about using it as a “magic lights” with a magic power to annul “no stopping” signs, but I really wonder:

  • is that in British Highway Code, that you have to use your hazards when you are on tow? If yes, I wonder how it can improve safety if you can’t indicate your direction - you can’t show the others where you are going, but also you can’t stop if they don’t give you way, as you are on tow…

  • also: lorry reversing. Yesterday I was in Edinburgh. The lorry was reversing from the small lane, and I he was going to turn my way or the opposite. Therefore I had to go without giving him way, as if he would turn my way, he would not make that becouse of me, as I was already there stuck in traffic.

There are reversing lights fitted in the lorry and also the beep beep sound - isn’t it enaugh to show the others that you are reversing? To have chance to show others WHERE you want to reverse can be quite useful

  • also: hazards as a thank you. I had a chance to be a passanger of my French friend. He was drivng quite slowly, so other car took it as he leaving him space to change a lane, so he did it and than thanked with hazards. It was a toll 7 seater, so we had no chance to see what is in front of it and my French friend braked sharply, as for him is obvious: “Hazards” means “hazard” on the motorway…

It would be so good, if drivers here would use less hazards but more headlights instead…

hi mate

is that in British Highway Code, that you have to use your hazards when you are on tow? If yes, I wonder how it can improve safety if you can’t indicate your direction - you can’t show the others where you are going, but also you can’t stop if they don’t give you way, as you are on tow…

in this case it could be the alarm as gone off and the hazard lights flash when some car are been towed

I noticed, that drivers are using this lights very often.

  • is that in British Highway Code, that you have to use your hazards when you are on tow? If yes, I wonder how it can improve safety if you can’t indicate your direction - you can’t show the others where you are going, but also you can’t stop if they don’t give you way, as you are on tow…

Legal (though certainly not necessary) on a motorway, but not off it.

Get this: In Thailand, when going straight ahead at a busy junction, put hazard lights on !!! :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Hazard lights used for parking, hazard lights as a thankyou, hazard lights to slow down, as well as revolving beacons on a 7.5 tonner because he has a broken down car on board.

Where does that come from? and WTF is that rapid flashing indicator thing when someone passes another truck?

I think it’s a British thing. another switch to play with and any excuse to use it is good enough. Fog lights for example. In the UK they come on regardless of the fact visibility is several hundred metres.
■■■■■■ me off no end, especially at night.

In Malaysia having your hazzard lights on is used quite a lot

Drive the wrong way on the hard shoulder of a motorway, use hazzards

One way street wrong way, use hazzards

Driving in heavy rain or fog, use hazzards

Crossing six lanes of traffic in Kuala Lumpar, use hazzards

And the best I am about to do a piece of driving that will leave you slack jawed at
my stupidty, use hazzards

Its a fantastic place to drive.

I had a long drawn out argument with two coppers because they said it was the law I use my hazards. I looked it up, and made a formal complaint. I was right, they were wrong. How are people supposed to know what way I’m going if I have hazards on? I had an On Tow sign on the back of the car (how many people do you actually see with that on the back when they’re being towed?) The coppers didn’t seem to get that. I’m sure they eventually did twig when they got pulled in and disciplined for being complete toss pots.

Also, just to highlight just how stupid the police were… They attempted to pull ME over. ME, as in the vehicle being towed. Are they so thick they don’t realise as soon as the light goes to green the puller vehicle is going to pull away when they’re shouting at me though windows?

had an On Tow sign on the back of the car (how many people do you actually see with that on the back when they’re being towed?)

It’s a good idea. In Poland and AFAIK in some other countries where warning triangle is mandatory you have to place it on the back of your car when on tow.

Hi orys.
In France it’s normally,right indicator,left indicator,right indicator as a “thank you”.
IMHO a much better way of saying “Thanks”,than the English way of blinding the
driver who has just let you in with foglights. :smiley:

A lot of modern vehicles now have the hazards lights come on automatically when heavy braking - that’s most car drivers then - rush up to hazard and brake late & hard - hoping that they stop in time :exclamation: :exclamation:

A lot of modern vehicles now have the hazards lights come on automatically when heavy braking - that’s most car drivers then - rush up to hazard and brake late & hard - hoping that they stop in time :exclamation: :exclamation:

Well, I have driven a lot of modern cars ROG and never seen them do that. maybe I have just missed it

Hi orys.
In France it’s normally,right indicator,left indicator,right indicator as a “thank you”.
IMHO a much better way of saying “Thanks”,than the English way of blinding the
driver who has just let you in with foglights. :smiley:

In olden days we used to flick the side lights on and off a couple of times; I suspect that since light switches became more complex and difficult to find on modern dashboards, the “left-right-left” of the indicators is a lot easier.

The only time I’d flash my rear fogs at anyone is to try to tell them that they’ve left 'em on; a pet hate of mine!

‘…There are reversing lights fitted in the lorry and also the beep beep sound - isn’t it enough to show the others that you are reversing?..’

(Slightly off thread, but I’ll get round to the point) I sometimes do drops close to residential housing so the company tells me to turn off my reverse/hazard beeper: However, the area is prone to pedestrians - so my beeper stays on 24/7 since no competent banksman is ever around to see me back.

In response to your observation, I associate all this suspect non-conformist & associated poor communication nonsense down to the hopelessly half-assed & disenfranchised UK amalgamation with European ‘laws’. Most of them only get flannelled through half-■■■■ - unless it’s to cane our industry in which case they thump us hard as our garlic & pickle munching Euro-brethren look-on laughing at us - but otherwise bewildered…

UKIP is our only salvation.

Wheel Nut:

A lot of modern vehicles now have the hazards lights come on automatically when heavy braking - that’s most car drivers then - rush up to hazard and brake late & hard - hoping that they stop in time :exclamation: :exclamation:

Well, I have driven a lot of modern cars ROG and never seen them do that. maybe I have just missed it

I don’t know if RHD versions are fitted with that but I am sure most of new french cars have this.

Happy Keith.
Your second paragraph got me wondering if you were on drink or drugs.
The last line convinced me,do not drive for at least 24hours! :smiley:


Wheel Nut:

A lot of modern vehicles now have the hazards lights come on automatically when heavy braking - that’s most car drivers then - rush up to hazard and brake late & hard - hoping that they stop in time :exclamation: :exclamation:

Well, I have driven a lot of modern cars ROG and never seen them do that. maybe I have just missed it

I don’t know if RHD versions are fitted with that but I am sure most of new french cars have this.

Yes they do i have a citroen RHD and once you drive over 30 mph and hit the breaks hard hazard lights will auto come on and they stay on for 3 seconds after you release break peddle.

Yes they do i have a citroen RHD and once you drive over 30 mph and hit the breaks hard hazard lights will auto come on and they stay on for 3 seconds after you release break peddle.

The ‘STIG’ on Top Gear drove one around the track recently

Wheelnut, Rog is correct, many newer cars (usually of the more expensive varieties) put on the hazards if the brake pedal is pressed hard enough for the EBA (Emergency Brake Assist)to cut in.

Keith, isn’t it illegal to sound your horn (means of warning of your approach) between 11.30pm and 7.00am in a built up area?

I’ve been drawn into to using the modern way of flashing alternate indicators to thank someone who has flashed me in, but i’m not over happy doing it. I imagine it causes many brown trouser moments for car drivers who having seen you returning to lane 1, begin to accelerate past, just then the right trailer indicator comes on again! WTF?!*

I usually look accross when i pass another a truck, if the driver is older (very often!) i resort to a good old fashioned couple of flashes of the tail lights.

For you younger ones this is how it went:

Originally, before either rear fogs or hazards were fitted: flash tail lights once or twice. (on in the daytime, off at night).
Hazards started to be fitted: flash hazards a few times.
When rear fogs arrived: leave their switch in the “on” position in the daytime so that when the lights were flicked on & off they came on also.
Some even fitted an independant sprung switch. [ooh lookee, i got a ZB & i only said f l i c k e d :unamused: ]
More recent years: waggly indicators.

the new ugly vauxhall saloon thing flashes it’s brake lights alternately when you brake hard.

Looks like a christmas tree!

Well, I’ll go t’foot of our stairs. I never knew that.

Thanks Rog :laughing: