Hazard Lights

Wheel Nut:
Well, I’ll go t’foot of our stairs. I never knew that.

Thanks Rog :laughing:

Well at least you did not get put on the ‘naughty step’ like I di when I get EU driver regs wrong :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

‘…Keith, isn’t it illegal to sound your horn (means of warning of your approach) between 11.30pm and 7.00am in a built up area?..’

Yeak, you’re right, D1UK, I was garbling: The company wants bleepers off 24/7 yet I’ve only tipped outside ‘quiet’ hours when I’ll always use them. The toss-up between the company losing a bit of PR or me risking a silent/bleep-free reverse over granny with grandchild in a buggy is a no-brainer…

Happy Keith:

‘…Keith, isn’t it illegal to sound your horn (means of warning of your approach) between 11.30pm and 7.00am in a built up area?..’

Yeak, you’re right, D1UK, I was garbling: The company wants bleepers off 24/7 yet I’ve only tipped outside ‘quiet’ hours when I’ll always use them. The toss-up between the company losing a bit of PR or me risking a silent/bleep-free reverse over granny with grandchild in a buggy is a no-brainer…

I agree, as if you turn it off and something happens it will go against you :exclamation: :exclamation:

Don’t get me started though on pedestrians and reversing lorry’s, the reversing bleeper is like a magnet to them sometimes :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

“Hello :question: :question: :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation: , i’m reversing, cant you hear the ‘BLEEP BLEEP THIS VEHICLE IS REVESSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNG’” that not your que to do a commando roll behind the truck so you can save a few seconds instead of waiting :unamused: :unamused: :imp: :imp: :imp:


Yes they do i have a citroen RHD and once you drive over 30 mph and hit the breaks hard hazard lights will auto come on and they stay on for 3 seconds after you release break peddle.

The ‘STIG’ on Top Gear drove one around the track recently

It was the Fiat 500 Abrath

orys where in edinburgh was this vehicle reversing from?

i used my hazards quite alot if as a thanks to other trucks for flashing me in, or when im stopped by the side of the road (folk in edinburgh are clueless tbh) or when reversing from a main road onto a side street

and ive been driving in edinburgh all week in my wee green grahams merc atego lol.

orys where in edinburgh was this vehicle reversing from?

i used my hazards quite alot if as a thanks to other trucks for flashing me in, or when im stopped by the side of the road (folk in edinburgh are clueless tbh) or when reversing from a main road onto a side street

and ive been driving in edinburgh all week in my wee green grahams merc atego lol.

I don’t remember, but it was a removal lorry.

I often feel you can’t win with trying to alert other traffic of your intentions. If you wish to back into a side road or yard if you indicate left people will assume you are pulling in at the side of the road and drive round on your right. If you indicate right before you swing right people will wonder what you are doing and drive behind you as you start to reverse. If you go for hazards people will have no clue what you are doing and do all of the above. I generally go for the hazard lights as there are some drivers intelligent enough to realise that a lorry with it’s hazards on is about to perform some sort of daft maneouvre and keep out of the way. I know the solution to the problem is more intelligent drivers but I’m not holding my breath.

Agreed, most car drivers don’t use their brains. Best thing to do is wait until another truck comes along, he/she, hopefully, wil realise what you’re trying to achieve & hold the other traffic off for you.

Agreed, most car drivers don’t use their brains. Best thing to do is wait until another truck comes along, he/she, hopefully, wil realise what you’re trying to achieve & hold the other traffic off for you.

Are you sure :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

‘…there are some drivers intelligent enough to realise that a lorry with it’s hazards on is about to perform some sort of daft maneouvre and keep out of the way…’

I do a couple of obnoxious r/handers off one-way streets in town requiring a ‘well to the left’ approach: I’ve got it licked by r/handed steering with r/h indicator on whilst ‘rocking’ the hazard switch on/off in time with the indicator flashing with my left paw - though I doubt that I’d pass a test doing it, eh Rog? Perhaps it’s a switching option for manufacturers to consider installing - specifically restricted to LGV’s? …do any Cranfield boffins look-in here?

Apart from feeling like an aged DJ putting on a light show, it generally causes sufficient attraction to briefly mesmerise following goldfishes in-lieu of them hurtling/edging past - to their next red light, obviously.

PS. Having the window open to gently whisper ‘knobber’ doesn’t work to stop them …but helps to keep me smiley.

I often feel you can’t win with trying to alert other traffic of your intentions. If you wish to back into a side road or yard if you indicate left people will assume you are pulling in at the side of the road and drive round on your right. If you indicate right before you swing right people will wonder what you are doing and drive behind you as you start to reverse. If you go for hazards people will have no clue what you are doing and do all of the above. I generally go for the hazard lights as there are some drivers intelligent enough to realise that a lorry with it’s hazards on is about to perform some sort of daft maneouvre and keep out of the way. I know the solution to the problem is more intelligent drivers but I’m not holding my breath.

How would people approach/go about revesing into this delivery point then, it’s one i do now and again, it’s a fairly busy main road…

You come through the traffic lights (so shop on your left)…

then have to swing out and reverse into this drive way, where i’m standng taking this next photo showing the road, the traffic lights you come through in the first pic are out of shot to your left.

Just wondered what way other people would approach this/go about it so other drivers know what your TRYING to do, vast majority of the time they realise but you get the odd clown who try to pass your near side as you start reversing in :exclamation: :open_mouth: :imp: my method works so will be interesting to see what other people would do. :neutral_face: :neutral_face: :smiley:

I do a couple of obnoxious r/handers off one-way streets in town requiring a ‘well to the left’ approach: I’ve got it licked by r/handed steering with r/h indicator on whilst ‘rocking’ the hazard switch on/off in time with the indicator flashing with my left paw - though I doubt that I’d pass a test doing it, eh Rog? Perhaps it’s a switching option for manufacturers to consider installing - specifically restricted to LGV’s? …do any Cranfield boffins look-in here?

Apart from feeling like an aged DJ putting on a light show, it generally causes sufficient attraction to briefly mesmerise following goldfishes in-lieu of them hurtling/edging past - to their next red light, obviously.

PS. Having the window open to gently whisper ‘knobber’ doesn’t work to stop them …but helps to keep me smiley.

Wouldn’t it be easier & less confusing just give a right turn arm signal?

Happy Keith:
I do a couple of obnoxious r/handers off one-way streets in town requiring a ‘well to the left’ approach: I’ve got it licked by r/handed steering with r/h indicator on whilst ‘rocking’ the hazard switch on/off in time with the indicator flashing with my left paw

Could i have that in laymans terms please mate :wink: :exclamation: :confused: :confused:

I think he means he is driving a right hand drive truck with a need to turn into a narrow entrance on the right side of a one way street, hence needing to keep well to the left. His concern is people ignoring the indicator and coming past his offside as he is about to turn.

Pecjam, is this with a rigid or an artic?

Wouldn’t it be easier & less confusing just give a right turn arm signal?

Or right arm out and pointing a finger at where you intend to go.

Trouble with both of the above is - will the numpties actually see either :exclamation: :exclamation: :exclamation:

If you have found a way that works, SAFELY, then stick to it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
(that’s me in advanced driving/sensible mode, not DSA mode)

I think he means he is driving a right hand drive truck with a need to turn into a narrow entrance on the right side of a one way street, hence needing to keep well to the left. His concern is people ignoring the indicator and coming past his offside as he is about to turn.

Pecjam, is this with a rigid or an artic?

rigid :exclamation: hate to think what it would be like in a artic :open_mouth: :smiley:

I think he means he is driving a right hand drive truck with a need to turn into a narrow entrance on the right side of a one way street, hence needing to keep well to the left. His concern is people ignoring the indicator and coming past his offside as he is about to turn.

Yeah, thassit. I have mixed-in hand signaling into the pantomime too - usually at the beginning before running out of hands: Your point of hand-signals is very valid and legal …& too often overlooked by many of us?


Pecjam, is this with a rigid or an artic?

rigid :exclamation: hate to think what it would be like in a artic :open_mouth: :smiley:

Possibly easier as you would have more vehicle to block the road off with, though rigids are very easy to reverse with excellent visibility at all times.

Without actually being there and doing it difficult to say, but probably indicate right, swoop accross the road (switching hazards on as i go) to get the back end near to the alley way. Then pull back accross the road on an angle, watching carefully for anything coming up the nearside, until i have the whole road blocked off. Thereby commanding the space i require to complete the manoeuvre.

Somethinhg which often happens is that whilst you are waiting to do the initial move to the right, oncoming cars will stop & flash you to go, thinking you are going to turn in forwards, but they are sitting on the piece of road you want. You have no option but to piont to the piece of road you require & wave them on, hopefully a van driver comes along who realises & stops short.

If its very busy, i’d probably put head lights on aswell.

well,orys,i have to park my truck as near as i can get to a car dealership to keep within the law of driving an untaxed,unregistered vehicle the shortest distance from my truck to showroom as in the remit of the law.(which covers such movements from truck for insurance purposes.this sometimes necitates me to park in some very dodgy places.my truck also has no reverse lights or horn fitted to the trailer,and the unit reverse lamps are obscured by the trailer and sometimes the load anyway.
so with all that said,and im sure im not alone,i do use my hazards when parking or reversing,purely to warn other road users im there,or my intentions of doing something are about to happen,ie driving on the wrong side of an empty road to avoid trees,or even pulling up on a main road outside a dealership.the amount of times ive signalled,then used hazards to pull up to stop to unload,and some poor wife is sitting right up my arris,when i walk round to pull my skids out is unreal.
all in all,and i doubt im alone,sometimes it just depends on what sort of situation you are working in orys,its not the same for everyone!.

But when that happens Buck how long does the hapless car driver sit behind you like a twit before they realise what is going on and take the hint.