Have you ever heard the like

They pay us 10 hrs ,50 hrs a week ,in the beginning if you got back early they’d sign you up for your 10 hrs and home you went ,then it changed too you being made too sit in the canteen until you’d done your 10 hrs too get paid ( but fair bit they just signed you up and let you go home.
Latest pear shaped scheme is if your a good boy :unamused: and go and empty all the bins in the yard you can get signed for 10 hrs and go home a bit early,FFS if I wanted too be a waste disposal operative I get a bloody job working for the council,the best bit is some of the idiots are doing it :exclamation: :exclamation: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: ,Jesus have they no dignity,emptying bins f.f.s ,how much lower will these drivers go ,bog brushes next week to go home a hour/two early,I’ll sit there rather than lower myself too that level,emptying bins,Jesus wept :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Sit in the canteen then, no one is forcing you to empty bins. Personally if emptying bins meant I got home a couple of hours earlier I’d be out there doing just that.

" have they no dignity,emptying bins "
So that is beneath you then ? I get paid , I do my job what ever it is may be as long as its legal, empty bins, sweep the bothy, make tea ,run errands in the buggy , heck I’ve even pumped effluent so you dont have to :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: did I mention I get paid ? BTW it can work both ways If I want to slope off early , never a problem.

if you check your contract the I think you will find that if they have no other work then they can tell you to stick a brush up your ■■■ and swing on it and you wont have a leg to stand on that’s why we all need to be in and support our union’s

I’d rather be busy doing something that sitting on my arse waiting for Christmas - on a like for like money basis.

Sure, emptying the bins ■■■■■ when you’d rather go home early, and that’s what you’re used to - but for all those out there that think Full Time is the dogs, and irregular agency work is the pits - you might want to take a step back, and see that Full time jobs are racing to the bottom, and are rather ahead at this late stage in the business cycle.

Full timers have been contracted for “hours at work” rather than “what you do in those hours” for some time - as are retail workers, who now have to work sundays without even being paid overtime - because that’s what the employer has managed to get away with pushing upon the staff… If everyone left, and there was no bank of immigrants to fill the gap, then of course unions would have a lot more power, collective bargaining etc, and staff would be treated like human beings, instead of “life is cheap scum” which is the reality for anyone who isn’t already rich in today’s world. :frowning:

It seems obvious that they’ve spotted weakness amongst the workforce and then no surprise a ‘job’ and finish agreement suddenly gets torn up and goes out the window.IE the ‘job’ not hours being the relevant reference point in the case of such an agreement with the hourly rate set and agreed to reflect the privilege. :unamused:

Whereas in better days everyone would have stood together by working to rule in the form of ignoring the order and called in the union to sort it out.Being that what’s being imposed is a lowering of terms and conditions.

Probably best not to get back early then I would imagine

Whose rubbish is in the bins? Drivers possibly? Who cleans the trucks?

JLS Driver SOS:
Probably best not to get back early then I would imagine

they’ll be expecting you to drive Lorry’s & deliver pallets next. :frowning:
What is this world coming too ?

I can understand to a certain point,if you are wearing a company uniform you represent the company so you try to keep it clean,if you are asked to empty bins to make the time to 10 hrs all manner of cxxp could come from said bins and could filth up your uniform,if you are only 2 days into the week you then have to wear that uniform until you can wash it,not good for customer relationships

Have they just lost a yard cleaner by per chance?

I can imagine a scenario where the company would be looking at employing a new one & then thought “wait a sec, we’ve got x number of drivers tossing it off in the canteen for hours everyday, lets see if we can get them to do it in return for a favour”. I don’t think it’s that outrageous to be honest, they aren’t forcing you to.

Doesn’t sound too bad to me… I could empty a couple bins to go home early and get paid for it.

I’d irrigate a colon to go home a couple of hours early on a Friday…

Sit in the canteen then, no one is forcing you to empty bins. Personally if emptying bins meant I got home a couple of hours earlier I’d be out there doing just that.



JLS Driver SOS:
Probably best not to get back early then I would imagine

they’ll be expecting you to drive Lorry’s & deliver pallets next. :frowning:
What is this world coming too ?

drive…deliver things

Perhaps you’d like them to cut you all down to 8hrs pay per day in order to pay for an extra employee to empty the bins?

There will always be unpopular jobs that need doing in any company, as long as the tasks are shared out and the skivers don’t get away with not doing them for some reason then that’s OK in my book.

The time to moan about the job is when you are NOT getting paid for doing it.

Wonder how many of the drivers have been rushing round, speeding unloading on break to go home but now moan when the company have found out so are making them work there paid hours.


Sit in the canteen then, no one is forcing you to empty bins. Personally if emptying bins meant I got home a couple of hours earlier I’d be out there doing just that.


And these are the drivers that will go 1st when the work drys up…

Well, it’s an erosion of conditions or working for the hours you are getting paid for depending whether you are a driver or a manager.
How are “managers” making up their hours, are they sitting watching you empty bins?

I’m seriously considering taking up smoking weed so i can get on the same level as some of the posters here.

Well, it’s an erosion of conditions or working for the hours you are getting paid for depending whether you are a driver or a manager.
How are “managers” making up their hours, are they sitting watching you empty bins?

Thats exactly the question the OP could ponder, whilst he is sitting in the canteen. It won’t be a question pondered by anyone who has emptied a bin and gone home early and they’re all getting the same money.
Thats also an interesting concept, questioning what the management do. :laughing:

I’m seriously considering taking up smoking weed so i can get on the same level as some of the posters here.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

not sure weeds strong enough. :sunglasses: