Harry Monk's Long Distance Diary (with pics)

Monday morning, and old Harry is off to ply his miserable trade around the roads of Europe.

It’s an early start for me, 0615 but to make matters worse, the clocks went forward at the weekend so in my bonce it is 0515… 45 minutes after leaving Bapchild International Freight Terminal I arrive at one of my regular haunts, Dover Eastern Dock.

These are the documents you receive when you ship- a weighbridge ticket, a windscreen ticket and two small tickets, one for boarding, and one for the restaurant

On we go…

Norfolk Line is the best short sea shipper in my opinion. Here we have the restaurant, where they make it clear that the riff-raff should stay out. Or maybe in.

Road King, that’s me.

I’m not a big one for breakfast- half a dozen ■■■■ and a bottle of Gaviscon does it for me but today, as I’ve got a pleasant view I decide to partake. If I was an eastern European, you would not be able to see this tray under all the food.

And so we leave the UK behind, arriving at Dunkerque 100 minutes later.

There are two things that are compulsary when you go to Belgium. One is the Vignette, or road tax which looks like this.

Secondly, you have to stop at this shop. It says so on the sign.

So with the cab full of Superkings and Special Brew and sticking two fingers up to Alistair Darling, it’s time to crack on.

This is Flanders, where WW1 was fought. I find this a very haunting place. God, how awful it must have been.

Now for a couple of Belgian road phenomena. Firstly the amazing robotic road worker. He stands there day and night doing this. Often they are decorated with Scouse-type wigs and moustaches.

Along the roadside, there are a series of hoardings used by the government to promote road safety in a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou Dutch Uncle kind of way. The campaign changes every month or so.

This one reads “Me, give way? I have the biggest car”.

Which, as the owner of a Rover 825 Sterling I think is a wonderful philosophy.

Holland now, and I’m always amazed by the lack of headroom on the motorway bridges. In 1998, an 18-year-old Army cadet was decapitated when he put his head out of the skylight of a coach as he travelled through Holland.

Now I’ve arrived at Schipol and within an hour I’ve collected my load. I’m afraid I can’t tell you what it is.

I can however tell you that they won’t be best pleased if I roll the truck over, something I have been known to do before.

Just like Jeremy Beadle, I have a very little hand.

And now I’m chasing the boat. I arrive at Hook of Holland at 1959- the cut off time is 2000. Here’s my boat, which will be taking me to Hull.

There’s a band playing in the bar- “Mama, at Waterloo, Napoleon did surrender”, that sort of thing. They are all good musicians though and I imagine they probably had another, better, band going on shore. I liked the singer, and I imagine she likes Harry Monk.

Here’s my cabin look- I’ve got a good night’s sleep, we won’t disembark until 0900.

In the morning it’s a pretty if rainy drive up into Scotland…

“Then, you have reached your destination”

A point of trivia for the Wine and Wisdom evening- Prestwick Airport is the only place in the UK where Elvis Presley ever set foot. Thankyewverymuch.

And so to bed- you’ll rarely find me in a truckstop or MSA, this is the night out that floats my boat. Doesn’t smell of wee-wee. Well, not when I arrive, anyway.

And so that’s another one over, I’ve got little Harry with me next week so I’ll try to take some photos of our trip.

great diary as usual harry cheers!!

when i looked at your outbound weight ticket i thought that seemed light!


You um work for Fleetwood??

Would guess so if from Bapchild. Good Company?.

Great diary ,H ’ ; its the only fresh air I get these days :laughing:

Yes & yes.

great diary as usual harry cheers!!

when i looked at your outbound weight ticket i thought that seemed light!

Yes, I shipped out empty. The customer knows he could get some numpty from Azerbaijan to do the job for a quarter of the price, but also knows it would probably arrive with 20 tonnes of groupage sitting on the top of it.

wonderful read and excellent photos
and yes, quality service does count
more …

looks like a jet engine rb 2 11 or somthing, did you leave the egg and bacon and just eat the museli .good post

thanks for that - good read

To me, that looks like a radar unit? for the price of $5.7 millon dollars or about £2.8millon in ours?

Great stuff Harry. I like your night out speck too, but they are as rare as rocking horse ■■■■ !!!

looks like a jet engine

Is the correct answer!

Great stuff Harrymonk looking forward to hear how young harry is progressing…quality again M8 :laughing:

Excellent post Harry, rather an expensive load though!

Pure dead brillant diary Harry. :wink: :laughing:

Great diary and pics Harry,those bridges are scary low in Holland !

Looks like Thornwood in the Scotland picture. The A702 just down the road on the right is an amazing road to drive along to get to the M74, if you’re low enough to get under the bridge that is :sunglasses:

Always a pleasure to read. Thank you.

Looks like Thornwood in the Scotland picture.

Is the correct answer! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

great diary as usual

now we all know easyjet do cheap flights didnt realize you had to catch the ferry though :smiley:

If you could have started that CFM up you would have got home a lot quicker.