Had Enough

Unfortunately the Ministryman won’t be that impressed. He will be happy that you’ve made his job easier but will still do you for

The Big One.
This, this and this.

It comes down to, a driver taking out an unsafe vehicle, is responsible. :unamused:
So you are responsible for your own actions. :smiley:
However, if you refuse to take out a wagon on safety grounds, which then creates a major problem for the customer. Then the wagon is inspected and its found that the defect wasn’t unsafe, you could expect be in deep trouble. :frowning:
Again, you are responsible for your own actions :confused:
Confused? Yes, we all are. So, just do your best, ask advice, preferably from a work-mate, about the condition of a particular wagon. (We are a bit too far removed here) and hope for the best :laughing: ?.

Thanks Simon, that advice did actually come from a workmate. So it seems it is not allways the best to follow. We live and learn :unamused: :wink: .