Great Bear?

hello newbie here, just wanted to know what great bear was to work for as i’ve just applied for a job with them…

Welcome to TruckNet UK AL :smiley:

It’s a great job if you bear with it.



I can’t bear any more bad jokes… :unamused: :unamused:

if they arent that good you will just have to grin and bear it :laughing: :open_mouth:

This was a great thread, but now it’s turning bear shaped.

Thats it - I’m going!
If anyone wants me, I’ll be in the woods having a crap! :laughing:

Ian stop telling bear faced lies :open_mouth: :smiley: .

He’s Bearly started.


And if your going to the woods,your sure of a big surprise…


Isn’t today the day they have their picnic…


I’ll get my coat.


Scuse my manners.

Welcome to TN,Al.


Four posts in row Quinny, that’s a ‘stellar’ performance.

I thank you…


i think they were spun out of the williams group a couple of years after the takeover by TDG

cant find url :astonished:

I think you can take it that no-one has a clue, AL, with the possible exception of Hitch. :frowning:

Nevertheless welcome to TN, we don’t always take the mick, and you can be sure if anyone has got info, they will post it. :slight_smile:

Salut, David.

thank’s everyone,that kept me amused, i suppose i left myself wide open for this post…

i think they were spun out of the williams group a couple of years after the takeover by TDG

cant find url :astonished:

try here!!!

honestly some folk couldn’t hit a bears arse with a banjo from 2 yards :wink:

welcome to trucknet uk


I think we should all PAWS for reflection now…

Hi Al, Worked for great Bear on agency, at lichfield (the old airport-cannott remember name of place :blush: ) good kit. Had first drive of merc EPS system :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: only drawback distribution to sainsbury RDC’s ENOUGH SAID