Gordon Brown

Who voted him as PM,no one has ever asked us.■■? :question:

The Scottish one eyed barstool barged his way in, and has managed to keep his ugly face in power despite calls for an election (its coming tho Gordon prepare to way goodbye).

He has managed to stay in power long enough to stuff our economy, stuff our roads (29 Billion £ cut on transport over 10 years), stuff the lockerbie thing up.

Just stuff off already Gordon.

Gordon the one eyed bandit,
he doesn’t live in a hamlet,
he steals your money,
i don’t think thats funny,
nowt you can do cos he banned it.

The Scottish one eyed barstool barged his way in, and has managed to keep his ugly face in power despite calls for an election (its coming tho Gordon prepare to way goodbye).

Right then, first things first, I don’t like Gordon brown, I think he is a leatherman ( a complete tool) and should be publicly flogged but

He has managed to stay in power long enough to stuff our economy


How did he manage this? Did he get everyone to borrow way beyond their means and then fold on the banks leaving them in the lurch but still paying massive bonuses to bosses?

stuff our roads (29 Billion £ cut on transport over 10 years),

Granted he cut money off all the budgets but if labour hadn’t let so many scroungers in we wouldn’t have to cut the budgets

stuff the lockerbie thing up.

How? He was nothing to do with this. He hasn’t mentioned anything about it but to be honest he didn’t have a say in it did he?

Gordon the one eyed bandit,
he doesn’t live in a hamlet,
he steals your money,
i don’t think thats funny,
nowt you can do cos he banned it.

Now, this I do like and agree with!

He was promised PMship if he sold all the gold by the city boys . He did & now he is & the gold -400tons - is gone ; a true scotsman putting the boot into Britain & turning our towns into suburbs of glasgee .

Perhaps its unfair to blame Gordon for those things, he may not have instigated them, but what has he done about it?

Oh and the transport cuts are coming over the next 10 years, £29 billion being cut despite an increase in the amount of revenue generated by road tax and fuel tax? something wrong there, although we all know raod tax doesn’t go on the raods these days.

My reference to the Lockerbie thing was that

A. He has not voiced an opinion at all, which I think is wrong.
B. By doing the above he is basically backing his scots mates.
C. why do we want a PM who is all for Scotland?

There again, if Scotland has independance why don’t we? or Wales? Bugger off back to Scotland yeee Scootish eeedjit.

45 billion of road tax is gained a year from us all.About 4 billion is spent on road improvements a year,which is not a lot really.What happened to pay as you go,abolish road tax,how is that fair to an oap granny,in a small village that does 20 miles a year,compared to a salesmen that does hundreds of thousands of miles.Was a satelite box in the vehicle that charged at peak times and what type of route you chose to use.If someone went on a holiday or left the UK for a month or more,they have your cash in a high interest account in a banana republic state.Road tax was not being used. :question:

And who’se in line to do anything different? Compare Labour/Consertive and there’s not much policy difference where it matters

Who voted him as PM,no one has ever asked us.■■? :question:

No one ever asks the public to vote for the PM, the public didn’t vote for Blair, Major, Thatcher, Callaghan, Wilson or any of the others. We vote for the party, the party chooses the leader. Obviously after Blair the Labour party wanted another Scottish leader, they must like Scottish leaders as they’ve had one for the last 15 years or so, and voted for Brown and it meant no change to who was running the country, which is the party the people voted for at the last election.

Tony Blair has 2 x ENGLISH parents, BUT was born in Scotland and lived here for 19 months prior to ■■■■■■■ off, so dont pawn him off as SCOTTISH. Prior to him was that PRAT J. Major, who was Born/raised in London by English parents. James Callaghan, the last LABOUR PM 74-79, was Welsh. So you cant blame the Scots thats for sure. Infact it was only the other day that theres supposedly going to be a vote on wether SCOTTISH peple would like to break AWAY from the rest f the UK and for on its own, but it would take years to get the official rubber stamp from the UK government.

Tony Blair has 2 x ENGLISH parents, BUT was born in Scotland and lived here for 19 months prior to ■■■■■■■ off, so dont pawn him off as SCOTTISH.

No. do so at every opportunity because it really ■■■■■■ off English people when you point that out and they were under the impression he was English. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

■■■■■■ us off when yu try and claim hes Scottish… :confused:

■■■■■■ us off when yu try and claim hes Scottish… :confused:

And who would the you be? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

He was born in Edinburgh, that makes him a Scot.

The greatest Scot we never had as PM was John Smith.

When he died in 1994 it was the greatest loss to modern British Politics. I don’t normally comment on politicians, and am certainly not a labour supporter, past present or future.

I just think we wuz robbed.

Infact it was only the other day that theres supposedly going to be a vote on wether SCOTTISH peple would like to break AWAY from the rest f the UK and for on its own, but it would take years to get the official rubber stamp from the UK government.

Does that mean you will be taking Corby as well ?

Forget that we’re all British… infighting definatly helps!

Forget that we’re all British… infighting definatly helps!

we are indeed but that is something that seems to have been forgotten of late by the Scots and Welsh who seeem lately to be more intent on breaking the union up rather than reinforcing it

we are indeed but that is something that seems to have been forgotten of late by the Scots and Welsh who seeem lately to be more intent on breaking the union up rather than reinforcing it
Well said that man :slight_smile:


Forget that we’re all British… infighting definatly helps!

we are indeed but that is something that seems to have been forgotten of late by the Scots and Welsh who seeem lately to be more intent on breaking the union up rather than reinforcing it

Ok, the Union is relatively recent event in history as it has only been in place for 302 years. In 1707 the Act of Union to combine the then Scottish and English Parliaments was signed. :angry: Prior to that Scotland did quite well as a nation with it’s own Parliament for 1707 years. Lets not forget the unsucessfull attempts in the late 1300s and early 1400s to take over Scotland, by the English Military. :laughing: :laughing: So it seems to me that England needs (or wants) Scotland more than Scotland needs (or wants) England. :laughing:

As an aside when Winnie Ewing, Presiding Officer reopened the new Parliament building her speech ended “the Scottish Parliament, adjourned on the 25th of March in the year 1707 is hereby reconvened.” :laughing:

So it seems to me that England needs (or wants) Scotland more than Scotland needs (or wants) England. :laughing:

That may have been the case a couple of hundred years ago but I think we would be a lot better of financially without it these days

As an aside when Winnie Ewing, Presiding Officer reopened the new Parliament building her speech ended “the Scottish Parliament, adjourned on the 25th of March in the year 1707 is hereby reconvened.” :laughing:

Quite right as well, which means as an Englishman cannot sit in the Scottish parliament why the hell should we still have Scottish MP´s in the English parliament ■■? they want to play at politics and governments then they should go and do so in their own parliament and please take the one eyed goon with you

When we get an English PM, we will ban Scottish week in Blackpool, nuke Corby & reverse the toll booths over the river Severn, then put peages at Carlisle and Berwick. :laughing: