Good rate???

Is £9.50 ph considered a good rate for class 2 6on 2 off on a rolling rota, max 7 drops a day?

If you can live on it and it pays the bills, then yes. All wages are personal to the individual, if you cannot live on it, then it is not enough :slight_smile:

Most people in this country work a five day, 40 hour week with sat, sun and bank holidays off (or are paid an overtime rate to work those days).
HGV driving is a heavily regulated skill and should pay an appropriate rate. £9.50 ph for the first 8 then time and a half. Time and a half on saturdays, double time sundays and bank holidays. Factor in strange personal requirements like a marriage, parenthood, family life, social life, career development, sports and hobbies. The labour market is a market. If there are few jobs you have to take what you can get but if there are few drivers, employers will have to pay a premium to get skilled professionals. All the above is easier said than done.

It’s £3 an hour more than some class 1 drivers get.

Around this way, that’d be considered good for class 2 work.

Yes, of course Euro is correct.
But the reality is, if you take the moral highground, you just won’t have a job.
Someone else WILL take that job if you don’t.

it’s an hourly rate. so it’s demeaning.
any company that offers hourly pay don’t respect their staff.

So how should it be Phil, from a good company? Paid by the shift? Salaried?

So how should it be Phil, from a good company? Paid by the shift? Salaried?


What happens then when you have a breakdown, get stuck in a jam or held up on a job/site, and you don’t get finished when you expect to?

Say, you’re contracted to a 12 hour day, on salary, but due to circumstances out of your control, you do a 15 hour day.
How do you get paid the extra? Hourly rate? Or not at all?

What happens then when you have a breakdown, get stuck in a jam or held up on a job/site, and you don’t get finished when you expect to?

Say, you’re contracted to a 12 hour day, on salary, but due to circumstances out of your control, you do a 15 hour day.
How do you get paid the extra? Hourly rate? Or not at all?

take home £120 per day. if it takes 15 hours or 6 hours, i get the £120.
i work per trip at the moment. trips are usually between £500 and £800 in the bank. if i breakdown, then i fix it. if i’m stuck in a jam, then i sit there. if i’m held up on a job, then i drop the trailer and go home.

It’s £3 an hour more than some class 1 drivers get.

Around this way, that’d be considered good for class 2 work.

Yes, of course Euro is correct.

But the reality is, if you take the moral highground, you just won’t have a job.

Rubbish. I often turn down poorly paid work, but still make a decent living. You just need the guts and determination to find the better paying work.

Someone else WILL take that job if you don’t.

Which is why employers/agencies get away with paying poor wages…

I’m not going to comment on whether it’s a good or a bad rate, it all depends on your personal circumstances; however, if you have been out of work a while it may be worth taking the job, because it is always believed that it is easier to find a job if you are working than it is on the dole. Through the contacts you make by being in the job you may just hear of the perfect job for you.

Is £9.50 ph considered a good rate for class 2 6on 2 off on a rolling rota, max 7 drops a day?

Any premiums at all ? Or flat rate , If flat rate its a bit weak when on rolling rota .

Well considering this is my first hgv job I dont think its a bad place to start. Have already made some good contacts at work and I guess its all about getting the experince! Most of the class 1 jobs I have seen round this way offer the same sort of money aswell.


Is £9.50 ph considered a good rate for class 2 6on 2 off on a rolling rota, max 7 drops a day?

Any premiums at all ? Or flat rate , If flat rate its a bit weak when on rolling rota .

Its a flat rate but as above sometimes im done after 5 hours and somedays after 10 hours so its not too bad.

You didn’t tell us it was your first hgv job !
The jobs freekin golden , stick to it like glue and ask for a Rise after 6 months
Good luck , Jim

Well done in getting work Sounds like a goodun to me…When did you pass your test ?

Haha thank you! I passed 3 months ago. Very lucky my neighbour is a group tm!

Haha thank you! I passed 3 months ago. Very lucky my neighbour is a group tm!

In that case, £9.50 IS a good rate!

Well done!

Is £9.50 ph considered a good rate for class 2 6on 2 off on a rolling rota, max 7 drops a day?

It’s a very good rate, most Agencies around here pay between £7.50 and £9.50, average is £8.50. One of the ‘big’ firms around here pay £7.29 for Class 2 Pallet local multi-drop.
I’d be more than happy to do Class 2 for £9.50, even happier if it included nights out.