Get the sleds out,it's almost here

Got caught in a blizzard on Pikes Peak last week which isn’t that unusual for this time of year,but we have our first snowfall in SK forecast for this coming Thursday.According to the Farmers Almanac it’s going to be a mild one again,whatever :unamused: So the summer toys bar one are put away until next year and have spent a fortune recently on new tires for our vehicles in readiness.
To Taffy and any other new arrivals,take your time and keep it shiny side up,oh and don’t pay attention to the horror stories you’ve no doubt heard ,it ain’t that bad .Six months down the road you’ll be laughing.Best of etc :wink:

Farmers almanac is a pile of crap. It’s still in the 80’s here and we are only 150 miles south of Montreal :sunglasses:

Hi all.Just to cheer NMM up so he can laugh at me [again] we just had the first moderate snowfall yesterday :open_mouth: .As we had such a crap summer up here the good thing about the winter is that at least it’s constant,cold and white. :wink: Just had 30cubmtr of wood delivered from my neighbour so when i’ve finished filling the woodshed that should be enough for 3yrs.I’mquite happy,30cubmtr for about €1200,thats cut and delivered so saves me doing it all myself[i’m to old to be a lumberjack].I don’t know what you guys pay these days. :question:
Next week i will be fitting my studded tyres.1st Nov is official but we have dispensation to fit earlier up here.
Gonna dust off the snow plough for the quad and fit the caterpillar tracks as well and service the snowscooter :smiley: So whatever happens i ain’t gonna get stuck and can have some fun.Take care all.Mike

We got a good deal on firewood this year too … We had our old woodstove for sale on the front lawn and only wanted $75.00 for it as the firebox was cracked, after a month some bloke stopped in a small dump truck full of cut and split logs and asked if we wanted to exchange the stove for his entire load as he had driven 60 miles and the customer cancelled the load, we accepted and got 4 cord of ready firewood, at the normal price of $250.00 a cord thats a damm good deal, good job we have a teenager who stacked it all in our back yard, even if it did take him all week to do it. It should last most of the winter and I figure out we saved about $925.00 so am very happy :smiley:

Hi Pat .How much is a cord app,we work in cu mtrs here,either a pallet of wood in a net or a truck full and calculate the container\skip size.How much does it cost for a '‘normal’'winter to heat the house.Is it a main heating system such as a boiler room for heating water\air\radiators,or is it a supplementary heating such as a log fire\stove.Input re costs would be interesting from anyone else.
My house is quite small by North American standards[it would probably fit in your garage :blush: ]Its about 120sqmtrs and is made from square logs app 25cm x 20cm.My stove is the main source of heating putting out app 15kw and is designed for area 15-600sqmtrs[i know it’s bloody good] even at min 45c its up to plus 30c inside. :open_mouth: We use pine here for the best heating.I remember we used that also in Quebec.Take care.Mike

I saw my first ever Canadian snow in the first week of October, so it’s that time of year I suppose :cry:

It’s a beautiful day here today, it’s 28c already, but once the winds start coming from the north, that’ll be the end of day’s like this :cry:

It was said we had a mild winter last year, which we did in the Prairies, not even a White Xmas, but I spent more time driving in snow last winter than ever, went around the lake to Ontario a few times, major snow storms everytime, running through MT/ID/UT on the way to and from CA there was a storm almost every trip and whilst I was out on the tour around BC it snowed like a [zb]stard every night :cry:

The mild winter in the Prairies was also a PITA as the real cold temperatures never came so the roads were very slippery and with those big north winds coming down, running east-west was a nightmare, especially as we had a lot of ice rain, the Trans Canada Highway was like a junk yard, with turnpike doubles in the ditch every few hundred yards :open_mouth:

Just came up through MT today and rain poss snow on the forecast on Tues so you could be right there lol

Mike, Lived here 12 years and have no idea what exactly a cord is :laughing:
My missus and the family know … I know that stacking the wood on the ground it is about 10 feet long and 5-6 feet high from what I see.

Hi Pat.Ok,what you really mean is it’s a bloody big pile to shift for old people and is better to rent teenagers to shift it.Mike

Was still 31`c yesterday afternoon when I loaded in Taber :smiley: so its going to be a big shock to the system in the next month :frowning: :laughing: :laughing:

Nianiamh.I could gloat but i’m to busy throwing logs in the stove :blush: Mike

Its definetely getting colder now but we dont usually see much in the way of snow in NB until early December. Maybe the odd sprinking before then but nothing much. I have only been in Manitoba once during Winter and it was bloody awful. I dont know how you guys can stand to live in such a climate!

Hi All.Robinhood.You must have fairly hard winters as your next door to Quebec.
When i lived in Quebec it seemed to be accepted that compared to Montreal and Ontario Quebec city and the eastern part of the province was in a sort of ‘‘micro-climate’’.My wife always used to say that it was usually up to10 degrees colder in the eastern part.
I know there was never a shortage of snow.Take care.Mike

Hi All.Robinhood.You must have fairly hard winters as your next door to Quebec.
When i lived in Quebec it seemed to be accepted that compared to Montreal and Ontario Quebec city and the eastern part of the province was in a sort of ‘‘micro-climate’’.My wife always used to say that it was usually up to10 degrees colder in the eastern part.
I know there was never a shortage of snow.Take care.Mike

The eastern part of Quebec always has bad weather. Riviere-du-Loup is always the first place to be hit with winter weather on the road from NB to Montreal and its the last place to enter summer. NB itself isn’t all that bad. Its still cold, its Canada after all, but its nothing like the Prairies. We normally get some snow in late October, November and early December but it doesn’t stay around for more than a day or two. Its only in mid December where it tends to hit hard, over and over and that generally lasts until early March, by which time its all thawing out, only to be interrupted by the occasional storm until April.

If you stay on the road in Canada then you pass through the town i lived in, Rimouski.We also lived in St Foy,Ville de Quebec.Mike

A cord is about 3.6 cubic metres, so im told.

If you stay on the road in Canada then you pass through the town i lived in, Rimouski.We also lived in St Foy,Ville de Quebec.Mike

I’ve never carried on as far as Rimouski. I did once come up from NB to Matane and catch the ferry over the St. Lawrence to one of those back end of beyond places over on the north shore.

I’ve been to Rimouski, it wasn’t snowing though, which was a good thing as I was on flatbeds then :laughing:

We’ve got 5cms of snow predicted for tomorrow, there’s a strong north wind blowing now and I just checked the weather app on my phone and there’s a 100% chance of precipitation, it’s only going to be hovering around freezing too, so the roads will be a lot of fun :cry:

■■■■ winter storm warning for tomorrow,its going to be a weird long :unamused: wkend camping/drinking round the fire…

FFS…still wearing shorts and t-shirt here in NB!