Gaydon truck show

Here at gaydon sun is shining and some fantastic vehicles on show lots still arriving going to be a brilliant day will post pics when i get home

Here at gaydon sun is shining and some fantastic vehicles on show lots still arriving going to be a brilliant day will post pics when i get home

Hope its still shining tomorrow whe we get there.
Cheers Dave.

It should just about stay fine(ish) according to the BBC weather site,We’re going for the first time and my brothers doing all the driving so that will do nicely and using the toll road will be a first as well,an 0800 start, not good when you’re on regular nights but it has to be done.

It should just about stay fine(ish) according to the BBC weather site,We’re going for the first time and my brothers doing all the driving so that will do nicely and using the toll road will be a first as well,an 0800 start, not good when you’re on regular nights but it has to be done.

If the BBC reckon the weather will be fine I’ll definitely be taking my waterproofs. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Wish I’d gone yesterday, lashed it down all day today :frowning:

Here at gaydon sun is shining and some fantastic vehicles on show lots still arriving going to be a brilliant day will post pics when i get home

I’ve no qualms about using the BBC weather site though it must have blown in a bit earlier as it started at Staffordshire from a sunny start here, still the decision was to go again but only if its dry weather,but we saw what we went for and I got some rare brochures so that’ll do for me.

A pity the weather was so bad – there was far fewer incidences of the overcrowding normally found at Gaydon and there was some impressive and unusual vehicles present.

I went out at 8.00am on the bike :open_mouth: , it rained all the way there, all day and all the way back but it didn’t dampen my spirits, I had a real enjoyable day !

We had a good day in Gaydon yesterday and went to a grass track race meeting today Sunday, it ■■■■■■ it down all day

here we are guys my gaydon pics

some more

im on my night trunk and i saw loads of the show motors heading north on the M6 , some beauties , i even saw jarmans 141 astran replica . for some strange reason i pointed at it :open_mouth: dont know why i did no one is with me :blush:

Didn’t make it today as I’ve been full of cold most the weekend.

Can anyone tell me if the khaki Tarmac Albion was there? The one owned by Steve Fletcher?

Didn’t make it today as I’ve been full of cold most the weekend.

Can anyone tell me if the khaki Tarmac Albion was there? The one owned by Steve Fletcher?

Never saw either of the reivers there.


Didn’t make it today as I’ve been full of cold most the weekend.

Can anyone tell me if the khaki Tarmac Albion was there? The one owned by Steve Fletcher?

Never saw either of the reivers there.

Thanks mate. Was going to be the only reason for me to go this year so pretty glad I didn’t take the risk.
Also first time I’ve missed since I started going in '02 so due a break! :wink:

Sounds like I didn’t miss a great deal today by all accounts anyways…(due to the weather).

have put some more photos on the photo forum!

I went out at 8.00am on the bike :open_mouth: , it rained all the way there, all day and all the way back but it didn’t dampen my spirits, I had a real enjoyable day !

Yeah I saw you there Trev on my way out this morning, you were just down from where the steel boys were parked, I reconised you from the pic Dave put on of you two. I wanted to stop a say hello but there was to many people and traffic.

I went out at 8.00am on the bike :open_mouth: , it rained all the way there, all day and all the way back but it didn’t dampen my spirits, I had a real enjoyable day !

I’d be on intensive care suffering from hyperthermia now Trev!!!Cheers Dennis.

Flippers and a snorkel were the order of the day today Sunday but still a good crowd more folks inside than out good for the model guys ,I enjoyed it .


Flippers and a snorkel were the order of the day today Sunday but still a good crowd more folks inside than out good for the model guys ,I enjoyed it .


What like this Roger !!