Fuel protesters

Fuel blockades will and roling road blacks will play into the goverments hands. They are ready and will take tough action. Which may include removing operators licences. They want it to get violent this time so they can use force and then brand the those who take part a thugs.
As for charging Foreign trucks they seem to be going for the expensive option that failed in Germany. Surely a system of pay at the border would be easy to set-up and cheap to administer.
However this anoucement could be timed to be used against the haulage industry

If drivers want to protest to improve thier lot I’ll be there, but as I’m finding out now they won’t even stick together with an overtime ban in the same company to get things sorted, so we stand “bleep” chance of getting enough drivers to down tools or only work 40hours to make the country stand up listen to our problems. :frowning:

Well you and me both agree :open_mouth:

I will only protest for the rights and needs of us the drivers!
I dont give a hoots about the Fuel going up!
I dont give a hoots about who controls the transport costs!
I dont even give a hoots what the gaffer drives or how big a house he lives in!

I care about us, the drivers who are more often than not regarded as a necessary evil! sorry but that is a fact!

When I read about thing like this I am reminded of why I left the UK, … TAX. Take the tax off a gallon of petrol and it would cost about 50 p.

When I came back in March I did about 1,000 miles in my pokey little Pugeot 209 (or something like that), it cost about $300 in fuel. 1.000 miles iin our family 2.3 Focus would cost about $40 :laughing:

:smiley: i agree with senior member leave it a day or 2 see what the robbin gits do then :open_mouth:

could they not charge the europeon driver on the crossing,ie when they book there truck on to the ferry or the tunnel,then they pay x amount to enter the country.that way if they don’t pay then they don’t get in.and i’m talking about every port of exit.no matter where they cross they will pay.

:laughing: sounds like a mighty fine idea to me then they cant keep coming over and robbing our work :sunglasses:

it wouldnt cost a great deal to install a machine at the ports of entry,swipe there cards and give them a simple receit,job done…there must be thousands of old vignette machines in germany ■■

Not unlike the swiss system of swipe cards really.

could some one tell me what the farmers have to moan about ??they buy red diesel which costs a fraction of clean diesel. they are always claiming there skint, yet look at the new tractors . rangerovers etc etc…
wouldnt it be better to try and get the same subsidies for haulage i.e red diesel… end of problem… no its to easy that innit…
STRIKE/ PROTEST… dont make me laugh,not enuff balls bottle in the game to get anything out of it…
we will still be saying this in the future when petrol rises to £2.00 a litre.


No need to protest - Tony Blair is obviously a man of the people - he understands the problems and is willing ot do something about it -he will consider the tax increase!!!

What date did you say those elections were - get ready for a change of heart the day after!!!

we will still be saying this in the future when petrol rises to £2.00 a litre.


Cant argue with that Terry, history proves it.

so if blair decides not to put this 2p tax on the fuel this year,will this mean that it will stay where it is at the moment.so in true terms we have not gained anything and because blair says oh yes we will have a look at the said increase,did not hear him say that they would not put it on,only that they would review the situation.and because blair has said that they will review the situation the protesters decide not to hold there planned protest in newcastle,i think they are making the wrong decision as blair won’t want another blockade on his term in charge,especially when the europeon elections are due next thursday.hense this statement today. :wink:

The price of gas is expensive over here too, but its NOTHING compared to what you guys pay in the UK. It’s almost as much per liter there than it is per gallon here. It’s ridiculous when we go over on vacation and spend more on the petrol than we do on the car rental for a week. The governments getting rich off you guys… ■■■■■ doesn’t it! They should protest anyway :exclamation:

:laughing: its the peoples choice they have to find a way to hit them hard wake them up then see what they do or like you say they will just keep putting up the prices in japan at the moment its 98 yen per litre which is about 68 pence and they are happy over here i would love to get face to face with blair and ask him why other countries are a lot cheaper and everybody is happy while rip of britain just keeps getting higher and upsetting everybody time for a fresh face in parliment with a brain between there ears if thats possible :cry:

you have to look at other factors too. we have a 2 liter ford focus. in england this car will get approximately 36-40 mile per gallon. in the US the same car is geared differently, and ours only gets 25 mpg max. so the UK spends more per gallon/liter in petrol, but the in US we have to buy more petrol to get as far.

What you all moaning about it for :question: . Can I refer you all to the “truckers strike” thread which went… far…? … no… it went absolutely nowhere and as predicted by Pat, died a death within two weeks. This thread will do exactly the same.

Blunt ? Maybe. True? Yes. :unamused:

what makes you so sure are you happy being ripped off while other countries undercut us all the time …?

cardiff is still going ahead with there fuel protest today, acording to sky news this morning 300 trucks will be taking part,300 trucks!!!..wheres the cars and vans :question:
does joe public not care that there paying 90p to £1 for fuel or have we got used to being kicked in the teeth by the goverment at every given oppartunity :question:


Rob K:
What you all moaning about it for :question: . Can I refer you all to the “truckers strike” thread which went… far…? … no… it went absolutely nowhere and as predicted by Pat, died a death within two weeks. This thread will do exactly the same.

Blunt ? Maybe. True? Yes. :unamused:

Rob, the thing is, things aint quite hard enough on enough folk yet to do anything, so youre right, nothing big will happen. It is a scandalous price we pay in comparison with the rest of the world and thats the truth. But the bottom line is, we CAN still afford it, and another truth is that they’ll rob us blind every second they can get away with it.


Rob K:
What you all moaning about it for :question: . Can I refer you all to the “truckers strike” thread which went… far…? … no… it went absolutely nowhere and as predicted by Pat, died a death within two weeks. This thread will do exactly the same.

Blunt ? Maybe. True? Yes. :unamused:

Rob, the thing is, things aint quite hard enough on enough folk yet to do anything, so youre right, nothing big will happen. It is a scandalous price we pay in comparison with the rest of the world and thats the truth. But the bottom line is, we CAN still afford it, and another truth is that they’ll rob us blind every second they can get away with it.

Yeah but what’s the limit :question: . Some other guy commented that we’d be still moaning about it when it gets to £2/ltr and he’s right. After all, when I first started driving all of 10 years ago it was 50p/ltr then for unleaded.