Fuel protest,how incredibly boring and working class

Anyone joining in the fuel protest I wish you luck but an easier way has existed one used by others,Bernie Eccleston,HindajuBrothers and Mittal.
We had what was called the Burns inquiry,an investigation into our industrys ills,this result was forwarded to Government and no doubt after giving them a good laugh was no doubt dragged across many a political ■■■■.
I however e mailed the Burns inquiry and if they had heeded my advice fuel today would be 15ppl or less,free parking across the UK while our TC’s would have been operating from tea vans,whatever we wished would have been delivered.
The solution was simple.
At the time of the Burns inquiry the Labour party were £20million in debt while the Conservatives were £6 million in debt.
The solution,we as an industry should have bought both parties,Labour under Blair had made it perfectly clear they were for sale.
A small donation from each derv user,quickly reclaimed once fuel had been reduced,all problems solved.
Burns did not heed or reply while the RHA with £3million sat in a bank account said their members would not want the money wasted,well I bet they would now.

Armagedon …methinks you use a couple of other names on this forum ! Your style of writing is very similar to two others I have seen.

Willie Mac,sorry your wrong,spend most of the week trundling to the Sth of france and back,usually Sunday is only the time I have spare to visit this site,I would be on more if I could find someone to drive my rig for a week,money no object,but seems to me a great many drivers today would be better seeking an alternative occupation.

Rob K you and your silly poster are getting very boring if you dont like the threads dont open them, you can tell what they are about by the header.

Go talk to your know it all friend Spardo or “Dave”.

We know you know everything, unfortunately some of us dont and like to read other peoples take on thing’s.


Edward Teller:
Rob K you and your silly poster are getting very boring if you dont like the threads dont open them, you can tell what they are about by the header.

Go talk to your know it all friend Spardo or “Dave”.

We know you know everything, unfortunately some of us dont and like to read other peoples take on thing’s.


…as well. :frowning:


So fuel is reduced to 15p pl, we have free parking across the country and anything else we want, and the funding for this comes from where ?

I have seen that comment several times now,‘where would the money come from to pay for a fuel price reduction’.
Let us think,how about reducing those working for Government,now 1 in 5 to 1 in 20,that would be a saving to start with.
Then we could consider that the D.A.F.T about 10,000 strong also spend a further £300,million per annum on consultants as do other HMG departments.
And MP,s expenses,what about a 50% reduction in those.
The list is endless,we have had Big Government from Labour,vast amount of monies wasted,do you really want to pay through higher taxes for whatever crap they can come up with.
A reduction in Government allows a reduction in taxes,starting with fuel taxes,I know where the money will come from,so don’t be so negative.


Here is the latest news on the protest.

Rob K you and your silly poster are getting very boring if you dont like the threads dont open them, you can tell what they are about by the header.

Go talk to your know it all friend Spardo or “Dave”.

We know you know everything, unfortunately some of us dont and like to read other peoples take on thing’s.

Well said that man, tired of all the know it alls on this website !!!

Does anyone think that this protest will actually achieve it’s aims within a reasonable time frame, if at all :question: :question:

steve the argonaut:

Rob K you and your silly poster are getting very boring if you dont like the threads dont open them, you can tell what they are about by the header.

Go talk to your know it all friend Spardo or “Dave”.

We know you know everything, unfortunately some of us dont and like to read other peoples take on thing’s.

Well said that man, tired of all the know it alls on this website !!!

if it wasn’t for the know it allsyou wouldn’t learn anything :laughing:

Probably not,but I am sure you can all live in hope as I do as I only purchase derv in France who have the same problems as everyone is aware.
Can’t understand why the operators have not already gone ballistic.
Since scunner Brown had to BORROW £2.7million to pay for the 10p debacle it really shows the ■■■■ state this country is in but I do remember the last time Labour were in office and Dennis Healey begging the IMF to bail us out.
So any fuel protest of worth you are going to have to up the stakes.

bigusdickus you clearly live in a small world, i learn by listeng and looking, that means I read the input contruibuted to this website instead of just deriding it the first chance I get like some of you do.

I dont know it all like some of you do so I want to read other peoples input and opinions, instead we get idiots sticking up silly posters about subjects that are important to people.

I’m an owner driver and the fuel situation is of great importance to me…


So fuel is reduced to 15p pl, we have free parking across the country and anything else we want, and the funding for this comes from where ?

A reduction in Government allows a reduction in taxes,starting with fuel taxes,I know where the money will come from,so don’t be so negative.

I’ve no problem with discussions about the fuel protests but this has to be one of the most inept replies of all time :unamused:

Did it occur to you that maybe the Burns inquiry didn’t reply because of the stupidity of your ill thought out suggestion.

If you are happy to pay for Big Government,good on you,Bernie Eccleston donated £!million to Labour to keep tobacco advertising his return was massive until it was eventually banned.
Buying Government,well the trade unions have done it for years and today Labour party is facing bankruptcy for a £4million debt they have.maybe we should offer to pay it,at a cost.

Aint politics fun :exclamation: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:
Religion next… :question: :question:

Off to France for the week now,so unable to reply,sorry.
95% of Quangos exist in London while depending on what you read,over 100 members of TFL receive over £100k per annum or is it over 250 aren’t they doing a great job!!!

So fuel is reduced to 15p pl, we have free parking across the country and anything else we want, and the funding for this comes from where ?

The very same place that they get the funding from in the EU i would think.
And all of western europe has better public services than we do :exclamation:

I thought the AA and the RHA’s comments were a bit of a joke, asking for the 2p fuel duty rise in October to be abolished, what difference will that make when fuel goes up by 1p a week :question:

Aint politics fun :exclamation: :wink: :laughing: :laughing:
Religion next… :question: :question:

forget religion go straight to ■■■ :smiley:

more wars started by politics religion

so next topic please