From Italy to UK!

I’m Max, i’m 33 years old, and i’d like to move to england for work coz i really love england.
Does anybody help me?
I’m studying english…then my english isn’t so good T_T i have to practise a little bit…
anyway…i’ll go on with “driver questions” …

1)I have C license driver (i can’t remeber how you can call it in english but it’s for drive a eurocargo 7.5 tons for example). I’ have a CQC license too and the digital card. Can i use them for drive in uk or i have to convert them? (i have an italian forklift license too, is it valid in england?)
2) can you link me a site where i could find any info about it? (cqc)
3)is it a good idea try a lorry driving simulator (anyway i don’t it’s a problem drive to the “other side”)
4) any site for looking job and rent house?
Please help me!

Not being horrible, but i really wouldn’t bother bud.

Uk is in a bad way, jobs are few and far between - housing / life style costs overwhelm your pay packet, property is expensive for mortgage/rent

If your gona come over,i’d suggest getting some money behind you, as it’s gona be very hard to find a job, as already people with years of experience are struggling, and could be months before you get one, and don’t be surprised if its just above minimum wage when you do.

It’s also frustrating when you do a 12 / 14 hour shift when you get a bunch of yobo’s intent on saying how hard life is, because they can’t be bothered to apply for a job, and love to think the society owe them tomorrow’s white lightning after 6 hours of them playing xbox.

I’d really look into it, because it’s a huge difference towards italy in terms of culture i’d presume, as well as leaving ur family / native linguistics (language)

And that’s before the bulgos, Romanians and probably the Turks come over and we start getting paid in happy meals.

Just to answer the question: Your ‘C’ licence is good for the same here as it is in Italy thanks to the EU. I am not sure about the FLT licence as that may be down to an individual employer.

There are jobs here, but mostly at the lower end of the pay scale and accommodation would take a chunk from that. My suggestion would be to upgrade your licence to C+E so that you can apply for a wider range of jobs.

Thank you everybody for your replies ! very kind of you!
I’m aware about the “international situation”, and i’m pretty sure that you know what the situation in Italy is… drammatic !
It’s in part, because of the imigration, the same of what happened in UK i presume (in fact it’s a romanian who toke my job !! coz he “could” do 2 driver season instead one, about 13-14 hours !!! :open_mouth: ). I’m not racist of course, i know the problem that they have in their country…but before that here the job was very good (but it’s a long and complex “topic”). anyway if i had been moved there of course, i NEVER try to “cheat” english with something out-law, because i really love english and never want to do something of “bad”.

What’s the FLT ■■ :open_mouth: for the forklift?

Anyway, other suggest? i’m a warehouseman too and photographer :slight_smile: (don’t say me that the only thing that i could do is move there to make pizza :smiley: )

Thank you !!!

At least you have a good command of the English language, that will help your quest.

Max, your english is good enough to live and work here with not too many problems.

Rather be unemployed and homeless in the sun frankly. If I was your age I’d be looking to get out of here not trying to get in!

I’d try across the Atlantic (Canada) or Australia personally but definitely not this ■■■■ hole!


Maybe…i might look at USA or CANADA…i don’t know…i’m very sad because i really love England !!! i was there just for a week, and it was the best week ever ! i love everything about it. :cry:

Try ringing Arcese or Trans Mec
they both have both have depots in the UK
do you have relatives here

come sta, max c,e poco lavoro i camonisti nel regno unito, sarebbe meglio per trovare un lavoro d,italia che avrebbe permesso di guidare nel regno unito. :bulb:

Thank you for your suggestion ! :smiley: i’ll try…
And not i don’t have any relatives abroad. My mother has someone in Canada but we never meet them :frowning:

come sta, max c,e poco lavoro i camonisti nel regno unito, sarebbe meglio per trovare un lavoro d,italia che avrebbe permesso di guidare nel regno unito. :bulb:

Ciao ! ti rispondo in italiano: Grazie per il consiglio, sei molto gentile. Sfortunatamente quì la situazione non è delle migliori. Diciamo che voi state vivendo quello abbiamo vissuto noi pochi anni fà . Ora la situazione è anche peggiorata. Spero che i nostri paesi si riprendano e che presto ci sia lavoro per tutti !! :smiley:

vivi lontano da milano, ho fornire parti de computer de IBM de Basiano, e tutto bene :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

vivi lontano da milano, ho fornire parti de computer de IBM de Basiano, e tutto bene :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Vivo a 20+ km (poco più di 15 miglia) a nord di Milano. Scusa ma non capisco il resto della frase: " ho fornito parti di computer per la IBM ■■"
sei venuto di recente in Italia?hai dei parenti qui? [ did you came here recently? do you have any relatives here? ]

okay max, in english i used to go to italy on 1 round trip a week to IBM but that job is now only 2/3 times a year. however i have deliveries in all areas of italy as far down as calabria, but i only go to italy now maybe every 2/3 months if the money is okay for the job. i dont have relatives in italy but many good friends and business contacts and hence this is the main reason i learned how to speak italian. your english is also good.

if you live north of milan you must be near monza and vimercate where the other IBM factory is, capito ? :smiley:


vivi lontano da milano, ho fornire parti de computer de IBM de Basiano, e tutto bene :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Vivo a 20+ km (poco più di 15 miglia) a nord di Milano. Scusa ma non capisco il resto della frase: " ho fornito parti di computer per la IBM ■■"
sei venuto di recente in Italia?hai dei parenti qui? [ did you came here recently? do you have any relatives here? ]

Hi Max,

Maybe ‘parti’ = ricambi ■■ :wink:

Stay in Italy, It’s a lovely country. I could never get sick of it.
Get your C+E. That way you have the choice of working for an English, Irish, or Italian company doing round trip work.
It could work out well for you. The English lads would help you out with the drops over here, and your knowledge of Italy would help them out too.
With a C+E and Your language skills, You’ll be at the top of the list for a job.

Good luck, and keep posting. It’ll help with your written English skills, ask Orys.

if you live north of milan you must be near monza and vimercate where the other IBM factory is, capito ? :smiley:

not really near…i live in Cerro Maggiore (MI) you could find it on google (20km going up to the A8 como /varese , varese direction). :wink: i’m sorry that now you work less…T_T. anyway next time you come here we could take a coffe … a real italian coffe XD