Ford Truck Fleet

‘Do I drive for Ford?’ No, I edit T&D (used to drive for Abbey Hill car transporters though…)

Ummm, errrr… the Mr Dave Y??

bowing down at feet… I am honoured sir…

hee hee, wow, I guess you should know everything there is to know about the truck market and who owns who and make what…

Being a newbie, I aint that clued up, but T&D has been an insperation to me, and no doubt thousands of other wannabe truckers, all I can say is thanx…


who was driveing y 39 last seams he couldnt wait at he roadworks on the m1 and FORCED a car on to the hard shoulder by cutting in at the last minute how do i know this i was 4 cars behind him only cost me five minutes queing yet another muppet renforces a public stereotype
i realise that not all ford driver are like that hopefully someone could have quiet word and let know theres no blue lights on his truck :unamused: :unamused:

Hi everyone, I use to be on the Ford truck fleet in the 70,s thru to the 90,s. Are you on the fleet now Andy. I left Fords in 91 or 92. My old unit numbers were Y24 & y157.Andy if you are on the fleet shoot me a pm as there maybe some of the lads there that I know…hopefully

I used to work in one of the engine plants up until last year and have a couple of mates on truck fleet, Ford run MANS units for all haulage except for the transporters, but i think they were doing trials on news about three different models when i got laid off(Ford’s EDAP scheme paid £1200 towards my licenses).

Jamiep1988, do fords do their own car transportin now?

Jamiep1988, do fords do their own car transporting now?

they’ve done it all for quite a while now i believe

the best of the cargos was the one with the ■■■■■■■ engine imho, that is if there was a best one

amazing, just before I left we was losing work to all sorts of contractors hand over fist

jamiep1988, fords edap paid for my hgv training back in 1970

jamiep1988, fords edap paid for my hgv training back in 1970

Haha it’s a handy scheme! I only started doing mine in the hope of getting onto truck fleet but it turned out quite handy when I they terminated 150 temporary contracts last year mine bejng one of them

so how big is the fleet now? I was trying to look up some info on the truck fleet online but nothing, but I did see an article in the ford news with a pic of one of my old shift buddies, Dennis Fitzgerald

If I remember correctly there is 180 odd units at dagenham with 2 drivers to each unit

we was working the buddy system when I was there, it looks like they have increased the size of the fleet since I left, if I remember correctly we had about 120 units

That 180 isn’t including the car transports though and I don’t know how many of then they’ve got

Pat Hasler:
Any brave soul who would admit to driving a Ford Cargo in the past has guts.

WOHWOHWOH there Pat!

I loved the old girls! They were dead modern (and still do it for me!). The L10-powered version was the best, quick and light.

Pat, I drove for the Ford On Show team out of M’c’r (Concorde) for a while, so maybe I’m brainwashed. (I still know all the lyrics to “Everything We Do”!)

BTW, search “Ford Cargo” on YouTube and you’ll see that S America (esp Brasil) is riddled with them, including the new one (but what is that customising all about…?)

Own car transporters still the highest paid lorry job in the country? Rest of fleet only a fraction behind? Dead mens shoes, and bloody good luck to 'em.

Just shows what being well unionised and sticking together can result in.

I like the new 63 TGXs, doors have gone back to what they were in TGA without the thing that covers the steps & it’s grey @ the bottom…:slight_smile:

Erm, I thought Fords fleet was MAN TGX for parts and Volvo FM +11s for car transporters. Could be wrong but the only Ivecos you see in Daventry are for a foriegn haulier whos name escapes me and you only see a daf in there if it has ND on the side.

are these units 2 or 3 axle units, as when I was there we had 3 axle iveco,s