First day on the job tomorrow[well technically first night]

Tomorrow is my first night on the new job, yes I know I’ve been there for two weeks but been doing h&s and induction things as well as training and visiting our drops.

Slightly nervous but very excited to be getting on with it, don’t worry guys I know if I’m not sure of something to ask, it’s been drummed into us at work. Once I’ve done a week or so and got my head around it all I’ll do a diary of a night in the life of me, will be very repetitive if done over a week as I’m on same run each day, so will do just one night :laughing:

Will be battling against my body to stay up as late as I can tonight again and then sleep tomorrow morning to try get my body into a sort of being awake at night routine, I’ve already bought my ear plugs and eye mask for daytime sleeping.

Let the learning begin :smiley:

good luck mate
hope u enjoy it

Let us know the route you are taking so that the day drivers can avoid the carnage that you leave behind :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

time for bed me thinks…

Start 9pm over to Ford at Daventry drop and swap, back to base fuel up on hot chocolate from the machine as I bloody love it, then down to Daf and Quicko in Luton from there down to Jag and some little garage place in Luton then back home. Time for bed?? No I intend to stay awake as long as I can tonight then sleep in the morning as that’s what I will be doing, maybe get a power nap in the afternoon too before heading to work

Best of luck dude, keep me informed. :smiley:

Night work is easy enough when you get used to it, I’ve done nights for years on and off and actually prefer it now.

So you are on Monday to Friday nights then? The lady told me I will be doing Sunday to Thursday nights on the trunking.

Enjoying my catch up day today after working Saturday.

Good luck mate…I much prefer nights and drove nights for many years…you will soon get the hang of sleeping days, and if it nice weather do what I used to do and get a hammock and sleep in the garden. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Have fun dude, i might spot you on the M1 at some point :slight_smile:

Was that you on the M25 this morning looking at me as i drove past in the opposite direction?

Was that you on the M25 this morning looking at me as i drove past in the opposite direction?

If it had have been I was very lost :exclamation: No it wasn’t me mate, the furthest I go is Luton. What a ■■■■ working nights is, can’t wait till i’m in the swing of it so I don’t feel like ■■■■ like I feel right now :exclamation:


Was that you on the M25 this morning looking at me as i drove past in the opposite direction?

If it had have been I was very lost :exclamation: No it wasn’t me mate, the furthest I go is Luton. What a [zb] working nights is, can’t wait till i’m in the swing of it so I don’t feel like [zb] like I feel right now :exclamation:

Hi Jon, I’m glad to tell you that you’re now a fully qualified LGV driver.

You don’t get that lofty status until you start ■■■■■■■’ and moanin’ about the job, which you’ve achieved very quickly. :open_mouth:

Only pullin’ yer leg mate!! :laughing: :laughing:
Doing night shifts does take a while until you’re into the swing of it, so please don’t worry, cos you’re doing just fine. :wink:


Was that you on the M25 this morning looking at me as i drove past in the opposite direction?

If it had have been I was very lost :exclamation: No it wasn’t me mate, the furthest I go is Luton. What a [zb] working nights is, can’t wait till i’m in the swing of it so I don’t feel like [zb] like I feel right now :exclamation:

Haha, that’s what i thought, but this guy was looking at me and leaning more and more over as i went passed him it did cross my mind that it might be you :slight_smile:

How did it go? I might see you tomorrow, i’ll be on the M1 in the early-ish hours of the morning.

feel like [zb]

You do a safety check on your vehicle before driving it - don’t forget to do one on yourself :exclamation:


feel like [zb]

You do a safety check on your vehicle before driving it - don’t forget to do one on yourself :exclamation:

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


Was that you on the M25 this morning looking at me as i drove past in the opposite direction?

If it had have been I was very lost :exclamation: No it wasn’t me mate, the furthest I go is Luton. What a [zb] working nights is, can’t wait till i’m in the swing of it so I don’t feel like [zb] like I feel right now :exclamation:

This was posted before my mid afternoon nap, so no wonder I felt delicate, you know how it is when you need your afternoon nap ROG :wink:

This was posted before my mid afternoon nap, so no wonder I felt delicate, you know how it is when you need your afternoon nap ROG :wink:

cheeky monkey :laughing: :laughing:

Good to know that you are doing the ‘driver-check’ :smiley: :smiley:

G L when the body clock gets regulated nights are great, i did night trunk for a time some straight through some changeover, at one time had a nippy motor and was given the nickname "sidelights"just drove on sidelights till alongside then gave them the shed light which i’d brightened up to give a bright light before banging the clog down and leaving them standing, new speed limits have ruled out having fun on the road today. enjoy G L .
thanks harry long retired.

Was that you on the M25 this morning looking at me as i drove past in the opposite direction?

Do you drive an 09 plate? and did I flash you in at some ridiculously early time this morning on M1 S/B?


Was that you on the M25 this morning looking at me as i drove past in the opposite direction?

Do you drive an 09 plate? and did I flash you in at some ridiculously early time this morning on M1 S/B?

No mate, wasn’t me, i left late and didn’t get on the M1 til around 7ish. I had this yesterday

Edit - just read your post properly :laughing: , i had a rest day today, so no it definitly wasn’t me. I will be on M1 tomorrow morning, look out for a 55 plate ERF ending in VNR :slight_smile:

Just one point, some people can do night shifts, others just plain can’t hack it for a long period. It’s down to your basic nature, not any failing on your part. And some shifts are worse than others. I’ve done several night shift jobs, some were great, others were killers.
Night shift one: royal mail, start 9pm, home by 7am at the latest, wonderful. If you get home around or before dawn, you can get to sleep very easily, and wake up refreshed.
Night shift two: Bibbys, start midnight, finish between 8 and 11am. The early finishes were fine, the late ones a killer. On the late finishes, your body watched a couple of hours of sunlight, and was nicely awake again by the time you were home, making sleep nearly impossible. 5 months later, I was consuming increasingly unhealthy amounts of caffine to get through the night. When a liter bottle of red-bull clone every night isn’t enough to keep you going safely, you know it’s doing you harm, and it’s time to quit.
Night shift 3: Newspapers, start 8pm, finished by 6am, brilliant.

I’m an avowed night owl, and love night shifts, but if you’re seeing dawn come up every morning, and you’re still 2 or 3 hours from base, let alone home and bed, you’re in a job that takes a special kind of person to do.

Remember, on weekends, you should listen to your body, don’t let your schedule shift too much from your week one. Sleep when you feel you want to, and be awake when you feel happy to do so.

If you get tired pop in for a coffee while you are in Luton. I’m usually awake and the coffee is strong so you won’t sleep for a couple of days after drinking it.