Have a quick look at these pictures and tell me if you’d be happy spending 5 to 6 days a week (including weekends) in this truck on distance work/ tramping. The company don’t pay top wages and you will work max hours with minimum rests, etc …
I’ve done a lot of distance/ euro work over the years but am I over reacting here?
I’m just on my 24 hours off and quite tempted to ring up in the morning and say thank-you but I won’t be back. The truck drives well enough but has obviously had some front end damage judging by the way both of the doors don’t close properly. I’d spent some time washing the outside and inside in the hope of getting it tidier while I was out in it last week, cleared out a big bin bag of crap but I don’t think I want another week living in a heavily nicotine stained, filthy, tatty truck that smells of rotten socks and stale ■■■■
Blimey you’ve obviously never driven a council wagon on landfill site and plant work where the thing needs hosing out at the end of the day,‘if’ it’s not freezing cold and there’s time to do it before you want to go home.In which case you could have grown potatoes on the floor.
Blimey you’ve obviously never driven a council wagon on landfill site and plant work where the thing needs hosing out at the end of the day,‘if’ it’s not freezing cold and there’s time to do it before you want to go home.In which case you could have grown potatoes on the floor.
What the hell has that got to do with this thread?
With a unit in that condition i’d be questioning how legal they run… If you have other options i’d walk
Blimey you’ve obviously never driven a council wagon on landfill site and plant work where the thing needs hosing out at the end of the day,‘if’ it’s not freezing cold and there’s time to do it before you want to go home.In which case you could have grown potatoes on the floor.
Blimey, you’ve obviously never done any distance work away from home. Bet you racked up the miles on that council work
Blimey you’ve obviously never driven a council wagon on landfill site and plant work where the thing needs hosing out at the end of the day,‘if’ it’s not freezing cold and there’s time to do it before you want to go home.In which case you could have grown potatoes on the floor.
Did you do many nights out in the council wagon? Must have been a long way to the tip if so
Looked at pictures now, nope, I wouldn’t drive that on tramping. It’s revolting. Jack it in. Life it too short to spend any part of it in such a revolting environment. And in fact for the best part of a year I did landfill work for London Waste and most of the trucks on that were cleaner than that thing you’re driving. I dare say Carryfast will argue I was wrong now
Sod that it hardly looks like a well cared for truck. When it looks like that you can imagine how the rest off its mechanics etc are if you look a bit harder. That is the reason why I park my truck in the corner off the yard out off everyone’s way and take my keys home when I’m not there .
If you put a dog in that expect a visit from the Rspca and a fine.God knows what bacteria and diseases are lurking in the pit.The smell in there must be terrible.
Or let the handbrake off at Beachy Head.
That is disgusting, it is above and beyond the call, you wouldn’t even do locals in that let alone a night out, again I would wonder about the fitness of such a truck and the company if it lets drivers treat the kit like this - walk mate.
Several things can be sorted by a bucket of soapy hot water and a sponge. A worn floor mat isn’t the end of the world, neither is a split gearstick gaitor. Air leak can be sorted. Where is the half dashboard thats supposedly missing?
Its done 878,000km and about what I’d expect an 878,000km truck to look like.
depends how much you need/want the job,if a clean wagon is important to you clean it yourself ,if the truck needs parts ask the gaffer or fitter to get fitted. basically its your choice, if the job and money is ok spending a couple of hours sprucing it up on your first day in the yard isn’t a big deal
ive said it before ,i’d drive a nail for the right money and conditions
My personal view is that is too far gone to get anywhere near standard for tramping well my standards anyway.
What year is the motor? I can’t believe firms lay out money for truck for them to end up in that state
Several things can be sorted by a bucket of soapy hot water and a sponge. A worn floor mat isn’t the end of the world, neither is a split gearstick gaitor. Air leak can be sorted. Where is the half dashboard thats supposedly missing?
Its done 878,000km and about what I’d expect an 878,000km truck to look like.
Really? So your expectations would be met and you would be satisfied living in the truck for a week or two?
Soap and water won’t fix the busted drawer on the tacho unit, the air leak, doors which fail to close properly, the broken fridge, cd player, missing trim, the nicotine stains and stink from the fabric trim within the truck.
I’ve been driving trucks a long time,I do actually like my job. I take pride in my work, I’m a clean, tidy person and a clean, well maintained truck makes me feel good in my job and reflects well on me as a professional driver and also the company. I’ve always kept any truck allocated to me in a very clean and tidy condition, after all it’s my home for a week or several weeks. Just because I drive a truck doesn’t mean I have to live in filth.
No offence but to summarise that ever truck with this amount of kms would meet your expectations seems to me quite a ludicrous answer. Your standards are obviously lower or perhaps you don’t take as much pride in the job as I do?
yorkshire terrier:
My personal view is that is too far gone to get anywhere near standard for tramping well my standards anyway.
What year is the motor? I can’t believe firms lay out money for truck for them to end up in that state
It’s a 2006 model ( Scania …as you probably guessed)
Well, it is minging but if its yours now full time & you need the job, you could clean it yourself or tell them to clean it by a pro or you leave. Depends how much you want the job.
When clicking on the photos one says the air is lost when turn the engine off.
I am not an expert but is that a GV9.Compressor not working or an air leak.If got a tug what would Vosa think of it.
I would put a high presssure hose INSIDE the cab on a high temperature steam wash.
It is a bio hazard and to drive it you will need to wear full PPE and a gas mask.