Eu referendum whats your vote

Anyway…it has just been pointed out to me that there is something in France called Puma, which is not a big cat but a government contributory health scheme to help poor people like my wife. That is the good news. The even better news is that her income is below the level at which she would have to contribute. A national free health scheme Yeah!!

I know that you will all be so relieved to know that she won’t be coming back to beggar for medicines amongst you. :laughing:

Unless they change their minds, of course. :unamused:

Anyway…it has just been pointed out to me that there is something in France called Puma, which is not a big cat but a government contributory health scheme to help poor people like my wife. That is the good news. The even better news is that her income is below the level at which she would have to contribute. A national free health scheme Yeah!!

I know that you will all be so relieved to know that she won’t be coming back to beggar for medicines amongst you. :laughing:

Unless they change their minds, of course. :unamused:

Proper Britain hater or what ? .Moves over seas as obviously dislikes the UK ,then demands the UK should look after him forever ?
I am glad you left pal .I hope your wife is ok putting up with you etc .

On another note(Nowt to do with spado) have a look at this old lads channel
Some is a bit ott ,Some will interest a few on here :wink:


At last we are seeing a bit of realism from the other side of the channel about how EU countries will be affected by a no deal Brexit, rather than all this constant doom and gloom forecast for the UK only. To be honest I am surprised that the current cold snap isn’t being blamed on Brexit! :smiley:

I feel sorry for this lady but it is an encouraging sign that the EU self appointed demigods are going to be put under increasing pressure to adopt a more reasonable attitude than: “everyone must obey our rules… er that is until it suits us for them not to do so”. This is definitely over to them, because we can quite easily do without these imports of Dutch fruit, veg and flowers - and much more besides from other EU countries - especially if it take 50,000 lorries off our roads just from Holland .

All this nonsense about inspecting goods on borders to see if they comply with EU standards is just what one would expect from a bunch of schoolkids playing silly buggers. The time has come for these puffed-out, self-important EU fat bellies to star co-operating rather than dreaming up ways of being obstructive. Otherwise they will find out just how awkward and bloody-minded the British can be.

I’m trying to untangle your post.

For ages the EU has been saying both sides will suffer in a Hard Brexit. Delays at the borders due to extra checks and documents will cause headaches and costs. The UK food chain has insufficient storage to provide any buffer. Haven’t we on the remain side being saying that clearly enough?
The Dutch are looking at employing many more customs officials and see the good chain lenghthening. All of this will cost money and guess who’ll pay?
Supermarkets are well known to source food cheaply. There are no big supplier margins to cut. Extra supply chain costs will be passed to the end consumer.

The EU are “playing silly buggers” by ensuring goods sold in countries are up to their standards?
Do you think they should allow just anything in at all? How happy would you be if we did the same?
No checks on imports safety standards? Hardly “Nanny State” to ensure imports aren’t cheap n nasty rubbish undercutting home produced and safer goods.
Or a special case for the UK?
Wake Up!

Any way it’s a BBC report you’ve linked to, so obviously it’s UK Gov propaganda…

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk

Food & Drink

The point is that we do not need year-round supply of every conceivable item of fruit and veg, we can manage quite well without. As for Milk, eggs, potatoes and much of the fruit and veg, I am certain that given the market, our indigenous farmers will be only too pleased for the opportunity to start supplying the produce. I can name former suppliers which the supermarkets have put out of business or drastically affected by electing to source potatoes and mushrooms from Europe rather than the UK. The French, Germans, Spanish and Italians would do well to remember that they do not have the monoploly on growing grapes nor is their product cheaper than their competitors’.

Borders, Silly Buggers and Standards

IIRC Brexit is due at 23.00 March 29th. So exactly in what way does any product, service, standard, accreditation etc physically differ between 22.59 and 23.01? The answer is it ■■■■■■■ doesn’t. There is no reason at all why existing standards, security, intelligence, accreditation etc cannot continue to be recognised by the UK and by the EU. It is quite obviously in both their interests to do so, but the empire building political fat bellies are so full of their own importance that they continue to play silly buggers over issues children would laugh at. Oh we can’t do that can we? that would make them all look like the ■■■■■ they are. :imp: The only thing to change would be the UK’s right to import, for domestic consumption only, goods to different standards. Likewise the UK would export goods to non EU destinations which meet for example US regulations. If a UK company was to invent a perpetual motion machine or a means to turn water directly into fuel then one can be ■■■■ sure that the EU’s standards rule book would go out of the window faster than you can say Jack Robinson. As for smuggling contraband or non compliant goods across non existent borders - that doesn’t happen at the moment does it? :laughing:

The whole thing comes down to shekels, the EU wants us to finance their grandiose schemes, which is why they are determined to try to prevent us from leaving.

What annoys me is the money and time which has been wasted in arguing over this non existent ■■■■■■■■. We the EU are not going to share criminal and security intelligence with the UK after Brexit. Because it is in anyone’s interest? Jesus wept.

Proper Britain hater or what ? .Moves over seas as obviously dislikes the UK ,then demands the UK should look after him forever ?
I am glad you left pal .I hope your wife is ok putting up with you etc .

Now who is doing the belittling, Buzzer,… again?
Try to inject a bit of light humour but some people just haven’t got it in them. :unamused:

For the record, I came here to work, both my wife and I paid our NHS contributions for 40 years, what part of that is not being entitled?

And also for the record Mods, some parts of this thread are moving into the realms of personal attacks, donjathink?


Proper Britain hater or what ? .Moves over seas as obviously dislikes the UK ,then demands the UK should look after him forever ?
I am glad you left pal .I hope your wife is ok putting up with you etc .

Now who is doing the belittling, Buzzer,… again?
Try to inject a bit of light humour but some people just haven’t got it in them. :unamused:

For the record, I came here to work, both my wife and I paid our NHS contributions for 40 years, what part of that is not being entitled?

And also for the record Mods, some parts of this thread are moving into the realms of personal attacks, donjathink?

Spardo what the hell I have got to do with Beetlejuice’s input absolutely nought, which makes you an orchestrator of your own accusation in your last paragraph donjathink, Buzzer’



At last we are seeing a bit of realism from the other side of the channel about how EU countries will be affected by a no deal Brexit, rather than all this constant doom and gloom forecast for the UK only. To be honest I am surprised that the current cold snap isn’t being blamed on Brexit! :smiley:

I feel sorry for this lady but it is an encouraging sign that the EU self appointed demigods are going to be put under increasing pressure to adopt a more reasonable attitude than: “everyone must obey our rules… er that is until it suits us for them not to do so”. This is definitely over to them, because we can quite easily do without these imports of Dutch fruit, veg and flowers - and much more besides from other EU countries - especially if it take 50,000 lorries off our roads just from Holland .

All this nonsense about inspecting goods on borders to see if they comply with EU standards is just what one would expect from a bunch of schoolkids playing silly buggers. The time has come for these puffed-out, self-important EU fat bellies to star co-operating rather than dreaming up ways of being obstructive. Otherwise they will find out just how awkward and bloody-minded the British can be.

I’m trying to untangle your post.

For ages the EU has been saying both sides will suffer in a Hard Brexit. Delays at the borders due to extra checks and documents will cause headaches and costs. The UK food chain has insufficient storage to provide any buffer. Haven’t we on the remain side being saying that clearly enough?
The Dutch are looking at employing many more customs officials and see the good chain lenghthening. All of this will cost money and guess who’ll pay?
Supermarkets are well known to source food cheaply. There are no big supplier margins to cut. Extra supply chain costs will be passed to the end consumer.

The EU are “playing silly buggers” by ensuring goods sold in countries are up to their standards?
Do you think they should allow just anything in at all? How happy would you be if we did the same?
No checks on imports safety standards? Hardly “Nanny State” to ensure imports aren’t cheap n nasty rubbish undercutting home produced and safer goods.
Or a special case for the UK?
Wake Up!

Any way it’s a BBC report you’ve linked to, so obviously it’s UK Gov propaganda…

Sent from my SM-G361F using Tapatalk

Food & Drink

The point is that we do not need year-round supply of every conceivable item of fruit and veg, we can manage quite well without. As for Milk, eggs, potatoes and much of the fruit and veg, I am certain that given the market, our indigenous farmers will be only too pleased for the opportunity to start supplying the produce. I can name former suppliers which the supermarkets have put out of business or drastically affected by electing to source potatoes and mushrooms from Europe rather than the UK. The French, Germans, Spanish and Italians would do well to remember that they do not have the monoploly on growing grapes nor is their product cheaper than their competitors’.

Borders, Silly Buggers and Standards

IIRC Brexit is due at 23.00 March 29th. So exactly in what way does any product, service, standard, accreditation etc physically differ between 22.59 and 23.01? The answer is it [zb] doesn’t. There is no reason at all why existing standards, security, intelligence, accreditation etc cannot continue to be recognised by the UK and by the EU. It is quite obviously in both their interests to do so, but the empire building political fat bellies are so full of their own importance that they continue to play silly buggers over issues children would laugh at. Oh we can’t do that can we? that would make them all look like the [zb] they are. :imp: The only thing to change would be the UK’s right to import, for domestic consumption only, goods to different standards. Likewise the UK would export goods to non EU destinations which meet for example US regulations. If a UK company was to invent a perpetual motion machine or a means to turn water directly into fuel then one can be ■■■■ sure that the EU’s standards rule book would go out of the window faster than you can say Jack Robinson. As for smuggling contraband or non compliant goods across non existent borders - that doesn’t happen at the moment does it? :laughing:

The whole thing comes down to shekels, the EU wants us to finance their grandiose schemes, which is why they are determined to try to prevent us from leaving.

What annoys me is the money and time which has been wasted in arguing over this non existent ■■■■■■■■. We the EU are not going to share criminal and security intelligence with the UK after Brexit. Because it is in anyone’s interest? Jesus wept.

Well written “cav551” Merkel is now wavering a bit and is sugesting to other EU leaders maybe they ought to remove the backstop which before was absolutely a no go, they want us in and for good reason which is soly financial and nothing else matters, they want complete control and will have it if TM’s deal is not blown out of the water, it will be a disaster if that goes through especially for the young of this country, me although it will grate me wont matter that much as i am too old, Buzzer

Spardo what the hell I have got to do with Beetlejuice’s input absolutely nought, which makes you an orchestrator of your own accusation in your last paragraph donjathink, Buzzer’

Oh I, almost, give up. No-one has got a sense of humour any more. I was referring to you accusing me of belittling people. :unamused:


Proper Britain hater or what ? .Moves over seas as obviously dislikes the UK ,then demands the UK should look after him forever ?
I am glad you left pal .I hope your wife is ok putting up with you etc .

Now who is doing the belittling, Buzzer,… again?
Try to inject a bit of light humour but some people just haven’t got it in them. :unamused:

For the record, I came here to work, both my wife and I paid our NHS contributions for 40 years, what part of that is not being entitled?

And also for the record Mods, some parts of this thread are moving into the realms of personal attacks, donjathink?

Oh ,Your not even born here and spend all day telling real born and bred Brits how it should be ?

And also long gone is unlimited use once you stop paying in and move away and rightly so .Nhs benefits are for people living and paying in today ,It is not a health savings plan for the world to enjoy .

As for the last sentence ? :unamused: :laughing:

Oh ,Your not even born here and spend all day telling real born and bred Brits how it should be ?


What are you on? Please tell me so I can make sure to avoid it, would hate my English born and bred brain to turn to mush.


Oh ,Your not even born here and spend all day telling real born and bred Brits how it should be ?


What are you on? Please tell me so I can make sure to avoid it, would hate my English born and bred brain to turn to mush.

Read your own waffle ,Try wording it to mean what you say next time ? ? You came here ?Where France England ?
For the record, I came here to work, both my wife and I paid our NHS contributions for 40 years, what part of that is not being entitled?

Now you are saying i am on drugs .You are seriously affecting your own health ranting on about remaining old boy ,I suggest you contact a G.P asap.

Come on,chaps.I am a leaver but I am happy to read reasoned arguments from all parties.Petty personal disagreements serve no useful purpose and make the thread too boring to bother reading.Just saying!

Come on,chaps.I am a leaver but I am happy to read reasoned arguments from all parties.Petty personal disagreements serve no useful purpose and make the thread too boring to bother reading.Just saying!

You are right Gidders, I’ll ignore him, I can’t understand what he is on about anyway.

Come on,chaps.I am a leaver but I am happy to read reasoned arguments from all parties.Petty personal disagreements serve no useful purpose and make the thread too boring to bother reading.Just saying!

He is chatting tripe though fella .

Just to re-inject a little humour, Spardo, there would be no point bringing the missus back to Blighty for her medicines - haven’t you heard? there’s a dire shortage of everything medical here, according to some sources. Oh, and you’d probably starve to death along with the rest of us when the food runs out.

Just to re-inject a little humour, Spardo, there would be no point bringing the missus back to Blighty for her medicines - haven’t you heard? there’s a dire shortage of everything medical here, according to some sources. Oh, and you’d probably starve to death along with the rest of us when the food runs out.

:grimacing: :laughing:


Just to re-inject a little humour, Spardo, there would be no point bringing the missus back to Blighty for her medicines - haven’t you heard? there’s a dire shortage of everything medical here, according to some sources. Oh, and you’d probably starve to death along with the rest of us when the food runs out.

Yup, that’s true mate, s’pose we’ll just have to struggle along here then. :unamused: :laughing:

Perhaps best, I’ve just heard that our air quality won’t comply with EU regs after the end of March, so they will be cutting off the supply of Euro-air to the UK. They aren’t going to announce it officially though, to avoid stockpiling.

Perhaps best, I’ve just heard that our air quality won’t comply with EU regs after the end of March, so they will be cutting off the supply of Euro-air to the UK. They aren’t going to announce it officially though, to avoid stockpiling.

:laughing: :laughing:

Food & Drink

The point is that we do not need year-round supply of every conceivable item of fruit and veg, we can manage quite well without. As for Milk, eggs, potatoes and much of the fruit and veg, I am certain that given the market, our indigenous farmers will be only too pleased for the opportunity to start supplying the produce. I can name former suppliers which the supermarkets have put out of business or drastically affected by electing to source potatoes and mushrooms from Europe rather than the UK. The French, Germans, Spanish and Italians would do well to remember that they do not have the monoploly on growing grapes nor is their product cheaper than their competitors’.

Did those who voted out realize they were voting for the type of Brexit where their daily diet could be changed as you suggest?
There is an argument many of us eat too much sugary and fatty foods, but rationing by price and availability isnt what was promised. "our indigenous farmers will be only too pleased for the opportunity to start supplying the produce." Who is preventing them now? And Rees-Mogg has predicted that there will be cheaper imports, as you too suggest. Under WTO rules we must treat all importers equally. So very cheap produce from some countries will be undercutting our own farmers. Not such a good business opportunity for them really? I cant see what you`re predicting? Shortages or a flooding of the home market by cheap food? Both seem bad to me in the longer term.

Borders, Silly Buggers and Standards

IIRC Brexit is due at 23.00 March 29th. So exactly in what way does any product, service, standard, accreditation etc physically differ between 22.59 and 23.01? The answer is it [zb] doesn’t. There is no reason at all why existing standards, security, intelligence, accreditation etc cannot continue to be recognised by the UK and by the EU. It is quite obviously in both their interests to do so, but the empire building political fat bellies are so full of their own importance that they continue to play silly buggers over issues children would laugh at. Oh we can’t do that can we? that would make them all look like the [zb] they are. The only thing to change would be the UK’s right to import, for domestic consumption only, goods to different standards. Likewise the UK would export goods to non EU destinations which meet for example US regulations. If a UK company was to invent a perpetual motion machine or a means to turn water directly into fuel then one can be ■■■■ sure that the EU’s standards rule book would go out of the window faster than you can say Jack Robinson. As for smuggling contraband or non compliant goods across non existent borders - that doesn’t happen at the moment does it?

One of the reasons to leave the EU is to have control over standards isnt it? Its an illusion. If we have significantly different standards would we accept their goods? Of course not, so why would expect them to accept ours?
How efficient are widget factories making goods to two different standards instead of just one?
Smuggling happens? So does murder in spite of laws against it. No one says “Well, it happens anyway, so let`s ignore it”.

What annoys me is the money and time which has been wasted in arguing over this non existent ■■■■■■■■. We the EU are not going to share criminal and security intelligence with the UK after Brexit. Because it is in anyone’s interest? Jesus wept.

I agree. The non-existant £350m bonus has been spent already on this wild unicorn chase already.
Non Sharing of security info? If that comes about it will be inexcusable, agreed.

The whole thing comes down to shekels, the EU wants us to finance their grandiose schemes, which is why they are determined to try to prevent us from leaving.

Shekels? Gains by not contributing to the EU, whilst studiously ignoring losses from probable decreased trade, increased cost of trading, and similar blinkered viewing of the figures.
“Leave” were obsessed with that £350m lie weren`t they? Quiet about it after the vote though.