EU Breaks

I got an EU break infringement from TM I had to sign for. As understand it, you must take 15 min within the first 6 hrs or 30 min if working up to 9 hrs. If working more than 9 hrs breaks should total 45 min.
Is this correct so if I have two 15 min or total 30 min break before working 6 hrs,I can work up to 9 hrs before I must have another 15 min total 45 min to work more than 9 hrs.
Don’t understand how I could get an infringement because I have taken my driving breaks correctly which then should cover me for the EU breaks.

Yes, what you’ve said is basically correct. But remember, the six hours rules applies throughout the the shift.

Did at any point you exceed six hours uninterrupted work?
For example between the first and second breaks, it between the second break and the end of the shift.
It’s the latter you need to be particularly aware of, since it’s easy to think once you’ve taken a total of 45 min of breaks that you’re covered for breaks for the day, but take more than six hours from the end of the second break to finish the shift.

Ask your manager to explain specifically what the working time regulations infringement was.

been getting my head around this as well. thanks to rog.

i don’t think you need 15 minutes within the first 6 hours but you do need 15 minutes once you have worked 6 hours. although your correct with 30 minutes break if working between 6 and 9 hours and 45 minutes if working over 9 hours you must not forget the overriding rule: you can’t work more than 6 hours in a stretch without at least 15 minute break.

don’t forget that driving breaks can double up as wtd breaks as well.

been getting my head around this as well. thanks to rog.

i don’t think you need 15 minutes within the first 6 hours but you do need 15 minutes once you have worked 6 hours. although your correct with 30 minutes break if working between 6 and 9 hours and 45 minutes if working over 9 hours you must not forget the overriding rule: you can’t work more than 6 hours in a stretch without at least 15 minute break.

don’t forget that driving breaks can double up as wtd breaks as well.

You must take a 15 minute break BEFORE you have worked 6 hours, not a second later!
Be that at the start of your shift or a 6 hour block later in the day…

I’m sure you are right evil. i may have confused something rog said.

if you work a 6 hour shift and finish no break required so I assumed only break needed if you were planning on working beyond 6 hours.

You can work exactly 6 hours before a break is due under WTD - If I remember correctly it says that a driver cannot work MORE THAN hours without a break

i was right then :smiley:

i won’t let it go to my head. :sunglasses:

Thanks for the replies. I see where I must have gone wrong. I thought if I drove for 4.5 hrs and have a 45 min break that should cover my EU breaks for the day as well. The digital tacho does a good job showing driving time and breaks but not very good to check EU breaks unless you do a print out to check each time.

strictly speaking rog was right. i won’t try and take credit for it. :wink:

Not to labour a point, I get the 15 min before working 6hrs but what I want to know is if I have a 30 min break within the first 6 hrs can I work up to 9 hrs or must the second 15 min be taken between the 6 and 9 hr period.

if more than 6 hours passes from the last break before you get to the 9 hours then you would need another 15 minutes.

if you took 30 minutes 3 hours into the shift thats okay.

if you took 30 minutes 2 hours into shift you would need another 15 minutes before end of shift because you’ll go beyond 6 hours.

someone will explain it better than me.

You can work up to a maximum of six hours between breaks or the start/end of the shift.

There is no requirement to have a break after nine hours of working.

6am start
11am. 45 minute break
5pm finish

although you’ve worked over 9 hours the 45 minutes taken within the first 6 hours covers you. subject to drivers hours of course.

Of course, in that example you would need to be finished by 1745 or start another break by then.

just to clear or something as im still new to this myself. can you have a wtd break and then end shift. or do you have to work a bit more then end shift even just 1 minute.

You can’t have a break at the end of a shift. There has to be some work in between, even if only a minute.

if you’ve driven for 4.5 hours you can end shift rather that take a break?

its just wtd where you can’t end shift on a break?

if you’ve driven for 4.5 hours you can end shift rather that take a break?

its just wtd where you can’t end shift on a break?

That’s correct.

if you work a 6 hour shift and finish no break required so I assumed only break needed if you were planning on working beyond 6 hours.

That is correct, but good luck with working exactly 6 hours in this game, and even better luck with finding a Tacho that records it as exactly 6 hours and doesn’t tag on an extra minute and give you an infringement! :imp: Probably the only way to ensure it doesn’t is via a manual entry…

As for finding a job that won’t want to automatically deduct you for a break, you’ll need a prayer! :laughing:

6 hour break rule = yes
9 hour break rule = no