......Engines running

As the title suggests ,
Do you ? Or , Don’t you ?
For what reasons ?
Discuss :

I have to otherwise my taillift refuses to work.

Find that I get to where I’m going if the engine is running. So if I have somewhere to go, I turn the key to make it happen, cap’n.

Off as soon as possible ,never ever leave the keys in and running without me in the drivers seat,if im sat in traffic for a long time the idle light comes on the dash so i switch off ,thats what i was told to do on my S.A.F.E.D. :neutral_face: :neutral_face:

Had to leave mine running last week for some time, when I arrived at work I had a dead battery, so I tested the ‘abs lead’ jump start system, and IT WORKS for those that doubted it.
So, after my truck was jump started, I left it running, but our trucks will only idle so long and then turn off.
Everytime I started it for the next 5 or 6 times, I’d always let it run until it turned itself off.

Normally, I like to turn it off just for the quiet.

Have to turn ours of asap.Microlise software allows 2mins of idle.

I have to otherwise my taillift refuses to work.

needs sorting out then

Have to turn ours of asap.Microlise software allows 2mins of idle.

Thank god i now work for an old skool small family haulier who don’t bother with the latest technology to assess your driving skills.

Had to leave mine running last week for some time, when I arrived at work I had a dead battery, so I tested the ‘abs lead’ jump start system, and IT WORKS for those that doubted it.
So, after my truck was jump started, I left it running, but our trucks will only idle so long and then turn off.
Everytime I started it for the next 5 or 6 times, I’d always let it run until it turned itself off.

Normally, I like to turn it off just for the quiet.

What abs jump start

would you leave your car running before or after you drive it, no.

Why would you leave a vehicle that drinks fuel running! a little fast idle to build the air if needed and that’s it.

An example, if you run a fleet of 100 vehicles 24/7 and every drivers wastes a liter a shift through unnecessary idling that’s a lot of waste, hence the reason for technology to monitor driver behavior.

Do i run the engine to warm it before working it, and allow the turbo to cool down by idling for a while after working it, yes.

Do i think a cup of fuel is cheaper than a worn engine and blown turbo, yes.

Do i think it might be in makers interests that their vehicles (cars as well) last the average lease period, but become increasingly expensive to keep longer, yes.

Do i have a history of knackered vehicles in my wake, no.

Do i give a rats arse what the hymnsheet (different page tomorrow) of the days says, no.


Had to leave mine running last week for some time, when I arrived at work I had a dead battery, so I tested the ‘abs lead’ jump start system, and IT WORKS for those that doubted it.
So, after my truck was jump started, I left it running, but our trucks will only idle so long and then turn off.
Everytime I started it for the next 5 or 6 times, I’d always let it run until it turned itself off.

Normally, I like to turn it off just for the quiet.

What abs jump start

You can charge the battery by connecting the ABS lead to another unit instead of a trailer. Ok if the battery still relatively alive if it’s pancaked you need jump leads or you can connect a tail-lift lead between units if both have the socket.

Do i run the engine to warm it before working it, and allow the turbo to cool down by idling for a while after working it, yes.

Do i think a cup of fuel is cheaper than a worn engine and blown turbo, yes.

Do i think it might be in makers interests that their vehicles (cars as well) last the average lease period, but become increasingly expensive to keep longer, yes.

Do i have a history of knackered vehicles in my wake, no.

Do i give a rats arse what the hymnsheet (different page tomorrow) of the days says, no.


would you leave your car running before or after you drive it, no.

Yes and always do.


would you leave your car running before or after you drive it, no.

Yes and always do.

Me too.



would you leave your car running before or after you drive it, no.

Yes and always do.

Me too.

Is this your gaff?

Have to turn ours of asap.Microlise software allows 2mins of idle.


Fleetboard picks it up and too many ‘low’ scores affects a wage bonus. So it’s switched off whenever I’m sat too long in traffic, coupling up, etc …



would you leave your car running before or after you drive it, no.

Yes and always do.

Me too.

And me, let it warm up especially in winter temps, but no turbo on either car so only a few seconds needed before switching off.

I run mine for a minute or two, also try to do the same with the car when I can. Going over to microlise soon from dynafleet though so that could change.

Own Account Driver:



would you leave your car running before or after you drive it, no.

Yes and always do.

Me too.

Is this your gaff?

■■■■■ please. As if that’d be my gaff. :unamused:

…I’ve got a double garage.