eBay sat nav update

Hey folks anyone know how to update the satnavs from eBay? It’s a pro drive 3 in 1 unit and it has bargainsatnavs.co.uk on the box. Cheers folks.

Have you tried asking the people who sold it to you? Failing that, have you tried asking bargainsatnavs.co.uk for advice/assistance?

They are all the same mapping go on to pnavi site and try update from there. If it asks you to log in use ID : pnavi . password :12890780 give that a go

Be careful that in updating you don’t ‘break’ the license. A lot of these are cracked igo’s systems and if you update you might make it realise you’ve not got a proper license.

Make sure you back up the SD card first!

Ok Brill thanks chaps. Also I do highly recommended this satnav, for the money it’s a bargain. It’s just some new roads have opened around my area of operations which the satnav don’t recognise

Thats why i like paper maps .

I can draw ’ new roads’ on with a pencil

Clever huh

Thats why i like paper maps .

I can draw ’ new roads’ on with a pencil

Clever huh

I tried that once got me into a right sticky situation during one of my many random multi drop routes

Your login in details are.

Username = your Ebay username

Password =your postcode without a space and in capitals

Updates are released via the mapping manufactures betwwen 1.5 and 3 years .The last update was
released inJan 2013 not add a email to tell me new one released .

Thanks dude I’ll try it out

thats thr trouble the last update is in 2013

Ok Brill thanks chaps. Also I do highly recommended this satnav, for the money it’s a bargain. It’s just some new roads have opened around my area of operations which the satnav don’t recognise

it its your area surely you would know your way round without a sat nav even if there are new roads

Even if Isam on a known route I tend to bang it into my TomTom to get an idea of arrival times using live traffic feature, it’s been handy many times when my driving time had been tight.


Ok Brill thanks chaps. Also I do highly recommended this satnav, for the money it’s a bargain. It’s just some new roads have opened around my area of operations which the satnav don’t recognise

it its your area surely you would know your way round without a sat nav even if there are new roads

No not really I’ve only started to live here since leaving the army in dec

No not really I’ve only started to live here since leaving the army in dec

Fair point mate, for your needs a sat nav is a Godsend. I’m not going to knock sat navs as I use one every day, but I will say that you will never learn navigation while using one. Sure you’ll recognise places where you have been before but how you actually got there will be a mystery to you.

If you use your sat nav for reference but actually plan on a paper map you will find that everything clicks into place one day and you look at your map and realise the relationship between roads and I guarantee that a lot of times with experience you will be able to decide a far better route than your device will suggest.

As I said, my sat nav is used daily, but with the volume off and the route chosen is one my years of experience with a paper map tells me is the best one. The sat nav usually catches up in the end! :smiley:

Well said you have made some points that I can truly agree with I’ve been to places and not even know how I got there using my satnav, that said I’ve been on multi drop work for a few months with a few different firms and never been to these small hamlets, villages and towns before let alone heard of some and with so many drops to do in one day you simply haven’t got time to plan a route on a map, because a lot of my work has been on the edge of the seat driving

Why do people always knock Sat nav. You don’t have to live by it. For finding the last half mile they can be a big time saver. Having one doesn’t mean you have to follow it as gospel.

Why need update sat nav???How many new street you can in Uk you can see■■?

Why need update sat nav???How many new street you can in Uk you can see■■?

You need to get out more mate have you not seen how much construction that has been going on over the last couple of years in the UK . Just because the motorway system does not change much town centres are always changing with one way systems and one way streets width limits and weight limits timed zones and congestion charges . If you follow a satnav blindly being to tight to update it is partly why so many guys end up in daft situations


Why need update sat nav???How many new street you can in Uk you can see■■?

You need to get out more mate have you not seen how much construction that has been going on over the last couple of years in the UK . Just because the motorway system does not change much town centres are always changing with one way systems and one way streets width limits and weight limits timed zones and congestion charges . If you follow a satnav blindly being to tight to update it is partly why so many guys end up in daft situations

I dont believe who some sat nav for 50 quid or 400 q can all the time show you correct ,best road in some living area,or weigh limit .Daft situation can be to any drivers with any sat nav…For me sometime best it si Google map with sattelity.



Why need update sat nav???How many new street you can in Uk you can see■■?

You need to get out more mate have you not seen how much construction that has been going on over the last couple of years in the UK . Just because the motorway system does not change much town centres are always changing with one way systems and one way streets width limits and weight limits timed zones and congestion charges . If you follow a satnav blindly being to tight to update it is partly why so many guys end up in daft situations

I dont believe who some sat nav for 50 quid or 400 q can all the time show you correct ,best road in some living area,or weigh limit .Daft situation can be to any drivers with any sat nav…For me sometime best it si Google map with sattelity.

Really google maps are updated much less. both google maps and earth have a car I got rid of in 2007 sat on my drive. then what happens in an area with no 3G .your right about the £50 sat navs I had one for 18 months and never really trusted it ended up throwing It out of the window a cpl of weeks ago