Drug driving

I share a cab with a driver that I’ve proved on numerous occasions smokes cannabis & have had no response from my tm . What’s your opinions & what would you do in this situation ? I’m ready to knock him out but I really can’t afford to lose my job :frowning:

Why are you wanting to knock him out?
Does he smoke cannabis whilst you’re in the cab or on a different shift?
If it is in a different shift it shouldn’t affect you in any way.
If your TM is ignoring it, then you should.
Eventually he will be caught by the proper authorities and he will pay the consequences.

I am here: tapatalk.com/map.php?ysegfr
It’s not theirs anymore,
This is our England now.

It depends I suppose on whether you mean you double-man with him, or alternate as drivers of the same vehicle.

In the first instance, I suppose you should present the proof to your TM and say that you aren’t prepared to be a passenger in a vehicle which is being driven by somebody under the influence of drugs, and if you don’t get anywhere then resign and claim for constructive dismissal.

In the second instance then I would say that it doesn’t really impact on you, and leave him to take his chances on getting caught, which will become far more likely when the Police get powers to do roadside drug tests later in the year.

I am more concerned about his having to share a cab with somebody with a predisposition towards violence.

Invest in some air fresheners and get over it. If your TM isn’t interested in doing anything then it is probably best to keep your mouth shut rather than get labelled as a trouble maker. And start looking for another job.

You could always ‘grass’ him up!! Boom-tish.

if this guy is smoking it while working, or even coming to work while he is stoned, he is a danger to other road users. Cant believe the ‘not my problem’ attitude most drivers have back home…

if this guy is smoking it while working, or even coming to work while he is stoned, he is a danger to other road users. Cant believe the ‘not my problem’ attitude most drivers have back home…

How do you know he is stoned? Did you get a PM, because I didn’t read that in the post, only that a driver had “evidence” he smoked cannabis.

I’m nights & he’s on days . The cab constantly stinks of smoke & I’ve found bits of tobacco & cannabis on numerous occasions . I hate people who drive under the influence of drugs / drink . As for him being stoned ? His eyes are constantly hanging out of his head . My tm buries his head in the sand , he won’t pull anyone up for anything !

I suppose you could report him to the Police if you are that way inclined, or to your local Council for breach of the smoke-free workplace act, or maybe you could ask him to refrain from smoking in the cab in future but otherwise I don’t know what you could do. I wouldn’t recommend hitting him as that is certainly gross misconduct and would probably lead to dismissal.

Sharp lad:
I’m nights & he’s on days . The cab constantly stinks of smoke & I’ve found bits of tobacco & cannabis on numerous occasions . I hate people who drive under the influence of drugs / drink . As for him being stoned ? His eyes are constantly hanging out of his head . My tm buries his head in the sand , he won’t pull anyone up for anything !

Put the bits you find in a poly bag and give them to your boss or show him the cab just stating you’re not happy with the condition it’s being handed over to you. Then leave it with them don’t discuss who you think it is or what you think it is or pass judgement. Up to them to deal with it but if there’s an accident under the influence they will have been very foolish not to have done anything about a situation they were aware of.

You could roll all the bits up, and leave it on the dash for him… :laughing:

That’s a very big accusation to be throwing about with no real proof!

You could roll all the bits up, and leave it on the dash for him… :laughing:

Or he could roll all the bits up and smoke them, then perhaps he might be slightly less inclined towards violence. :wink:

I agreeCannabis and driving defo do not mix, I symphasize for you as I had to give up a ell paid job because of being drug inflicted by second hand smoke, it aint nice it stinks of ■■■■ and makes you really slow and paranoid. Try explaining your situation you really don’t like it go above your Manager if you have to, if not then it might be best to look elsewhere night shifts aint that much fun neway.

Tell him so start snorting Coke instead that way you wont be affected or better still buy him a G

I agreeCannabis and driving defo do not mix, I symphasize for you as I had to give up a ell paid job because of being drug inflicted by second hand smoke, it aint nice it stinks of [zb] and makes you really slow and paranoid.

I can understand a person being unhappy about breathing in second hand Cannabis smoke, but in the above case this doesn’t seem to be the problem. “Breathing in smoke” means exactly what it says, a person cannot be psychologically affected by the fact that there was once smoke in a place which has since dissipated.

The smell may linger but mere aroma not have any psychotropic effect.

Might cause you some difficulties with the Feds when their noses start twitching…

Just as the electric chair only came into existence because of a commercial battle between Edison and Westinghouse over AC and DC current, so cannabis is only illegal because of commercial battles between William Randolph Hearst, a newspaper magnate and forest owner with a strong commercial interest in wood and paper, and producers of hemp, a far superior crop for virtually every purpose.

The first cannabis law in the USA stated that it was compulsory to grow hemp. I won’t provide a link because this is acknowledged history and all over the net for anyone to find.

Harry Monk:

You could roll all the bits up, and leave it on the dash for him… :laughing:

Or he could roll all the bits up and smoke them, then perhaps he might be slightly less inclined towards violence. :wink:

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :wink:

Wether or no canabis should or shouldnt be legal has little to do with the fact that dirving while under the infuence of it is putting people in serious danger, alcohol is legal doesnt mean its ok to drive after drinking.
I have sympath for you i hate the smell of even ■■■ smoke but weed is horrible and makes me feel ill, also the smell in the cab could attract attention should you get stopped.
Not really sure what you can do though if your TM isnt intrested