On the off chance the weather predictors get it right things could get a bit tricky over the next few days and was just wondering if anyone has any top tips.
Was up ■■■■■■■ way yesterday traveling back with an empty curtainsider and things got a bit windy, so thought of:
Both hands on steering wheel
Extra concentration to keep a good lane position
Be Prepared to ease off if things got to tricky
Plan use of the hard shoulder if a freak gust blows me sideways
Hold it as best as possible but if a really heavy gust blows you side ways try not to fight it too hard and slow down and go with it a bit (if theres room and its safe to do so)
Most of these are obvious but any other top tips for younger drivers out there.
I still remember driving back from London in a high roof transit in the storm in 1987, carnage all around but made it back through sheer luck.
don’t steer into a gust because when the gust dies youll have to over steer in the opposite direction then over steer again in the opposite direction then the next thing you know your going down the road like a snake until you end up on your side ■■? be careful out there its only a job and not worth killing yourself for.
Johnny aka Little John:
if you can with your curtainsider open the curtains and strap them up tight to the back doors.
Saw one like that and because the driver had kept the back doors shut the wind pressure lifted the rear of the roof so best to open the back doors and then tie back the curtains
simple answer, if it gets so bad that your in danger of getting blown over then pull in and park up till the conditions get better, better getting there late than not at all.
simple answer, if it gets so bad that your in danger of getting blown over then pull in and park up till the conditions get better, better getting there late than not at all.
Finally, Never been able to understand must get the load therementallity. If its that bad pull over in at the next services/safe place.Will bet a pound to a penny that when/if it does blow over the first words out of the gaffers mouth will be why didnt you pull over.
Is your life more important than a load, think so,so play safe.
The ‘Mistral’ this is an extremely powerful wind that blows in the South of France almost every day and can make travelling between Narbonne and Perpignan interesting. Not too much
of a problem with a load on but running through empty, can be fun that is when you are sat on the AutoRoute, exposed. Fortunately alongside the AutoRoute is the Route National
which is lower down and protected from the strongest gusts so on a bad day we can make the choice and save a few cents travelling the National. Might just be in these expected
windy conditions you try to find an alternative route off our ‘exposed’ motorways where you might just be protected by the trees and surrounding buildings and are able to fulfil your
daily tasks safely.Handy Windy Hint 237,809.
A 69 year old trucker told me to not open the curtains as it can blow the roof off ? he said just tighten the curtains really tight.he was a continent driver who passed at 22 i no everybody is different but i would try that.
Think dipper dave has pointed out the best tips eg.
both hands on wheel, planned use of hard shoulder and if the wind wants to blow you a few feet either way go with it. I think alot of guys who end up on their side try to fight the gusts, that can only end bad.
personally, i would ignore both of the first two replies
i have seen it where the wind has got underneath the roof, and picked up the trailer and swung it over the road
personally, with a curtainsider, i would get the curtains as tight as possible using the poles and the clips
do not let them sag in the middle, as can often be seen from lazy drivers, all this will do is act as a sail in the wind
failing that, pull a flat for a few days
If its windy enough to blow a truck round with the curtains open then its sure as hell windy enough to blow a truck over no matter how tight the curtains are.
I can see a lot of our drops not getting done at our place they run us tight on times now, any hold ups with the weather etc and they wont be getting done!
I’m pretty green to this driving lark, so if it’s that bad that your bei g blown all over and you need to change your pants, do you just pull in and ring up, telling them Im not driving in this? I guess you have to be quite forcefull and stick to your guns because the traffic office are just going to want you to carry on regardless.
personally, i would ignore both of the first two replies
i have seen it where the wind has got underneath the roof, and picked up the trailer and swung it over the road
personally, with a curtainsider, i would get the curtains as tight as possible using the poles and the clips
do not let them sag in the middle, as can often be seen from lazy drivers, all this will do is act as a sail in the wind
failing that, pull a flat for a few days
If its windy enough to blow a truck round with the curtains open then its sure as hell windy enough to blow a truck over no matter how tight the curtains are.
you assume incorrectly
there are far more curtainsiders blown over than box trailers, you need to get the curtains as tight as possible
personally, i would ignore both of the first two replies
i have seen it where the wind has got underneath the roof, and picked up the trailer and swung it over the road
personally, with a curtainsider, i would get the curtains as tight as possible using the poles and the clips
do not let them sag in the middle, as can often be seen from lazy drivers, all this will do is act as a sail in the wind
failing that, pull a flat for a few days
If its windy enough to blow a truck round with the curtains open then its sure as hell windy enough to blow a truck over no matter how tight the curtains are.
you assume incorrectly
there are far more curtainsiders blown over than box trailers, you need to get the curtains as tight as possible
got to agree here. Tight curtains. When I pull a chipliner in the wind in tighten the curtains as much as possible, and ratchet the roof as much as I can.
Some drivers open the roof (tippers, chipliners, walking floors etc). This is definitely not the best thing to do.
Been told if we open curtains & back doors & strap them up it’s against insurance policy and they will not pay out, also some curtainsiders roofs are not designed to take the updraft, if part of roof becomes detached you could be responsible for the damage!