Driving a 'death' wagon

Just wondered on peoples thoughts on driving a wagon that someone has died in?

Would you be bothered if you were out tramping in a wagon that a driver has passed away in?!

on a foggy night. no probs meal for two. lol

Claim a night out for two people. :open_mouth: If you have driven second hand or old trucks you may have, who would know.

Why have I thought of that Blakemore Volvo Fm ((shudder))

The wagon is too new! Unless a fitter perished in it! :laughing:

i know some bosses want to keep the wheels moving no matter what. but i hope he will allow you enough time to get rid of the body.
that’ll be other work, you could use his digi card for that, but vosa might want to exhume the body for evidence, so it’s not really right, it might upset his family.

Cant see a problem really, most of us probably live quite happily in homes where people have previously passed away. :confused:


in a dark dark truck in a dark dark lane. pmsl :smiley:

I’ve driven a couple of trucks at our place recently, including last night, that smelled as if something or someone had died in them… and were still there.

Are you getting a reduction in your wages for driving the ‘death wagon’? No, well crack on then.

The previous driver had committed suicide in the 2nd truck (7.5t) I ever drove 2 weeks before !

Nobody told me & no one seemed upset that I’d been calling him a dirty bleeder due to the state of the cab.

Hiya…try this one…a chap had a bad crash nr Toddington (many years ago) and lost his life…
the company he worked for repaired the truck(new cab )and many new parts. The dead mans brother
worked at the same firm and was off work a while getting used to the loss of his older brother.
The younger brother returned to work only to find he was to drive the lorry his older brother had been killed in…
yes he did leave and got a job working at another firm… luckley in those days you could walk into jobs quite easly
This is true I’ve not used any people’s or company names

I’ve done it, years and years ago on the agency for Robert McBride Powders in North Manchester (or was it Oldham?). It was a black Foden that had been rebuilt after a bad accident. It felt a bit odd when I was told, but that’s all. It was the same motor that I had my only red-airline-on-a-slope-with-no-handbrake incident with (so far!). Nothing bad happened then, I had the wit to pull it off again straight away and fortunately there was nothing in my path.

Seems like a good plan for double manning. I hate having to make conversation for 20 odd hours, then pretend to like them while you are eating a meal :stuck_out_tongue:

The stink cannot be much worse than 2 pairs of trainers.

people go into hospital and sleep in dead peoples beds, they stay in hotels where people have died or swapped bodily fluids

Is that the same story as the continual thump, thump, thump as you drive along.

You stop to investigate. Only to find the previous drivers decapitated head under the air deflector…?

(With apologies to a popular urban myth or two…)


I remember years ago on agency having a job where the previous driver of the truck I was using had died. Apparently he had a puncture on the motorway, pulled onto the hard shoulder, got out to investigate and was run down by a passing truck :confused:

Never bothered me driving it but makes you wary of what can happen.

Why have I thought of that Blakemore Volvo Fm ((shudder))

exactly what sprang to my mind, eeek :neutral_face:

A good friend passed away in his sleep in his cab at Pontefract
the company didnt even try to get anyone to drive it, it was valeted, a new mattress fitted and sold.

Not because ghosts an ghouls, just because it was a decent company, the managers asked what we all thought and none felt comfortable driving it.

An identical unit was bought to replace it and at the time was the only motor to be sign written with a name on the back, “In memory Of Joe Doc”

whats the story with that volvo?

whats the story with that volvo?

dailymail.co.uk/news/article … y-cab.html

Can’t see anyone wanting to do a night out in that.