Drivers hours

Hi guys, so at the moment as an agency driver I’m working for a skip hire company. I start at 6 and take my break at half 10. I was just thinking I’m not actually driving for 4.5 hrs non stop before my break, so could I do 6hrs (working time rules) then have my break?

That’s true. And you only need 15 minutes. Plus another 15 before 9 hours.

Or another 30 if you hit 4.5 hours driving time.

Oh right ok that’s cool. So would it be worth getting some kind of timer so I can time my actual driving time?

Up to you mate. Or just keep a diary. I have a diary but don’t use it, we never go near 4.5 hours driving without having a break so don’t bother with it.

Ok thanks. So should I put tacho on POA when I’m stopped, ie dropping a skip?

I don’t like to rip into people. Those that do will be along shortly.

You’ll need a flak jacket :grimacing:

Ok thanks. So should I put tacho on POA when I’m stopped, ie dropping a skip?

No, that’s ‘other work’.

Terry T:
That’s true. And you only need 15 minutes. Plus another 15 before 9 hours.

No 9 hour 15 min break rule

To OP - after the 1030 break you then have a max of 6 hours before the next 15 min break is due

So do my 4.5hrs regardless of how much actual driving I do, then I can do 6 hours?

You may work for 6 hours at which point a break is required (min. 15 minutes)
If shift (working time) is between 6 & 9 hours a further 15 mins. minimum break reqd.
If working time of shift exceeds 9 hrs a further 15 mins break reqd. (total minimum 45 mins.)
HOWEVER…If you reach 4.5 hrs DRIVING time (behind the wheel) then a minimum 45 minute break is reqd. (this can also double up as working time break)
A skip CANNOT be unloaded whilst you are on POA…you must be on ‘other work’. That is if you are involved with the unloading of said skip in any way.
I think your next DCPC course should include Drivers’ Hours and WTD requirements.


Terry T:
That’s true. And you only need 15 minutes. Plus another 15 before 9 hours.

No 9 hour 15 min break rule

To OP - after the 1030 break you then have a max of 6 hours before the next 15 min break is due

I never said there was. If you work 9 hours and have a 15 at 6 hours then you have to have another 15 before the 9 hours is up, no ?

Terry T:


Terry T:
That’s true. And you only need 15 minutes. Plus another 15 before 9 hours.

No 9 hour 15 min break rule

To OP - after the 1030 break you then have a max of 6 hours before the next 15 min break is due

I never said there was. If you work 9 hours and have a 15 at 6 hours then you have to have another 15 before the 9 hours is up, no ?

You would need to have another 15 minute break completed before 8 hours 59 minutes if the total working time is not more than 9 hours, but if the total working time is more than 9 hours you wouldn’t need to have another WTD break before the 9 hour mark.

I thought the op did less than 9 hours for some reason.

Sorry if I mislead you OP.

theres an app called truckertimer its handy for keeping track of your hours.

I thought our trainer knew the tacho and working time inside out but he always tells us we must take a 30 minute break before 6 hours duty is worked. Is it only 15 that’s required then?
To the op, poa stands for period of availability which is used if you are not taking a break and not working but are available to work if your asked at a moments notice.

You may work for 6 hours at which point a break is required (min. 15 minutes)
If shift (working time) is between 6 & 9 hours a further 15 mins. minimum break reqd.
If working time of shift exceeds 9 hrs a further 15 mins break reqd. (total minimum 45 mins.)
HOWEVER…If you reach 4.5 hrs DRIVING time (behind the wheel) then a minimum 45 minute break is reqd. (this can also double up as working time break)
A skip CANNOT be unloaded whilst you are on POA…you must be on ‘other work’. That is if you are involved with the unloading of said skip in any way.
I think your next DCPC course should include Drivers’ Hours and WTD requirements.

You mean my first DCPC course lol so driving is driving, and unloading the skip is other work, but I leave the tacho setting on the cross symbol (work?)? As you can probably tell I’m very new to HGV’s, and I’m still getting used to all the rules, so your advise and patience is appreciated

I thought our trainer knew the tacho and working time inside out but he always tells us we must take a 30 minute break before 6 hours duty is worked. Is it only 15 that’s required then?

Legally, for the working time regulations you need to have a break of at-least 15 minutes before exceeding 6 hours working time.
It’s possible that your company has a rule that requires you to have a 30 minute break before exceeding 6 hours working time, but that would be a company rule not the law.

You mean my first DCPC course lol so driving is driving, and unloading the skip is other work, but I leave the tacho setting on the cross symbol (work?)? As you can probably tell I’m very new to HGV’s, and I’m still getting used to all the rules, so your advise and patience is appreciated

“Driving” for EU regulations is basically when the wheels are turning.

“Other Work” is when you are working but not driving.

“Break” is when the time can be used exclusively for recouperation.

“POA” is when you’re available for work but not actually working.

“Rest” is when your’e free to dispose of the time freely.

When you’re working leave the tachograph on other work, it will automatically change to driving mode when the vehicle moves, when the vehicle stops moving the tachograph will automatically change back to other work.

The Tachograph symbols.

Break or Rest.

Other Work.



Thank you so much, really appreciate it

Correct me if I am wrong but after 6 hours of work minimum 30 min of break must be taken or 45 minutes after 4.30 min of driving. Usually it would be common sense to take 45 min break after 6 hours of work so you can reset your driving time as well.
Anyway that’s what they told us on the tachograph & working regulations course.