Don't talk to me about sidelights!

Some more bs … o-6-trucks
I hate people who drive around with their lights on(both side & dipped) anytime between sunrise & sunset (except in thick fog or heavy rain) :imp: . If you can’t see any vehicle in broad daylight with its lights off then you shouldn’t really be driving or you need your eyes checking. DRLs are another stupid idea, how have we coped without them from the beginning of time…!? :smiling_imp:

New cars after 7 feb 2011 have to have daytime running lamps

my car was registered 25 Sept 2011 and doesn’t have them.

Dave the Renegade:
The police never seem to enforce the law concerning the misuse of lights on a vehicle. Drivers using fog lights as well as dipped lights never seem to be pulled over and warned or receive a ticket.There’s nothing worse than some idiot following you with a load of lights in your mirrors.

Thats because a incorrectly spaced number plate is far more important to them than lights :confused:

Madguy :smiling_imp:

Anyone that needs a car to have headlights on in the middle of the day to be able to see it shouldn’t be allowed to drive in my opinion.

If I start work at 4am and its dark I turn on my headlights.

If I’m still driving by 6am and its twilight I switch to side lights, I can see the road clearly and people can see me. Headlights are no use what so ever at this time.

It’s now 8am and its daylight so I turn the sidelights off.

How is this wrong?? (and the times are just an example before you get Greenwich meantime on the phone!!)

It is never pitch black or fully daylight that’s why we just don’t have lights on or off.

It’s dead simple - if you need lights on, then you need dipped headlights on.

There’s no such thing as a “sidelight”, they’re parking lights, the clues in the name, they’re for parking! Headlights are for driving. If you think the visibility is bad enough to need lights, then you need headlights.Only this morning I was driving in a cloudburst, it was noticeable that when somebody approached using parking lights, you could see the vehicle long before you could see the lights, no better than the ones with no lights at all, but the vehicles with headlights on stood out. It’s no harder to switch on the headlights than it is the parking lights, and doesn’t cost anything, so what’s the problem? Surely we all want to be seen? I’m not suggesting everybody drives in broad daylight with headlights on, if we all did that there’d be no advantage. But if you need lights, you need 'em. Re: wartime blackout lights. It’s a fact that there was a big increase in road deaths at the time. And my old man used to drive lorries as recently as the 1960’s in complete darkness using parking lights and the light of the moon, as did a lot of the old-time lorry drivers, but there was a lot less traffic then, and it was all doing about 25-30mph!

I never use sidelights, as far as Im concerned, if there is a question about visibility, on with dipped headlights.
Twilight is the most dangerous time to be driving . When its daylight you can see, when its dark you get earlier warning from their headlights even around bends.
Dont forget that in low light conditions, your pupils in your eyes dilate but this reduces your depth of perception. There is less distance that is in focus, ask a professional photographer.

Sam Millar:
I was talking to a driving instructor from the AA the other day. He didn’t seem to know why all these cars all of a sudden were driving round with their lights on. I asked him if he noticed anything about them all which was similar? He said no… (i was expecting a reply, ‘they’re all 11 or 61 regs’) I progressed to tell him now that it is law that from Jan 2011, all new cars, trucks and buses on the roads will have DRLs fitted (Daytime running lights).

Surprised me that as a driving instructor he didn’t know this.

AA suggests rookie franchise fodder. :wink:

So why ban the use of sidelights, as said, headlights annoy when your trying to reverse in a dark place, and a knobhead while watching, keeps his headlights on, then theres the tunnel syndrome during the day, when i use sidelights, but not headlights, and then theres the headlight happy dudes, who put them on when the sun goes down, lighting up time is normally when the street lights come on, thats when i use my headlights, i use fogs when its foggy, but no spots, cos i aint got any, i didnt know about the sidelight rule on new vehicles, but think its a stupid law ( mainly to protect motorbikers ) if we all had headlights on, they wouldnt be noticed so much.
And whilst on the subject, whats gonna happen to the volvo ( car ) brigade ?
everyone will be the same, sidelights on during the day in brilliant sunshine, whoever dreamt that one up must be a volvo driver…GGRRRrrrr

They are not sidelights on Volvo (200 series anyway). You put the Volvo sidelights on they are dimmer than the daylight running lights (5 watts against 21 watts)

headlights annoy when your trying to reverse in a dark place

so you dont want a bit of extra light when you are reversing?

What tunnel syndrome in the daytime?
You only get that in reduced visibility as well as the lower depth of perception hence what I said about twilight

Can I add automatic lights - had an Audi A3 in my sights on the M25 today and everytime it went under a bridge the lights came on, 50 yards later, out they go. Next bridge… On they come again!

Daft thing is, at motorway speed and given the width of the average bridge, by the time the sensor has told the lights to come on, the car has passed the bridge.

I thought dimdip was a very useful in town, especially when the roads were wet.
I believe yet another British invention outlawed by the EU.

There’s no such thing as a “sidelight”, they’re parking lights, the clues in the name, they’re for parking! Headlights are for driving. If you think the visibility is bad enough to need lights, then you need headlights.Only this morning I was driving in a cloudburst, it was noticeable that when somebody approached using parking lights, you could see the vehicle long before you could see the lights, no better than the ones with no lights at all, but the vehicles with headlights on stood out. It’s no harder to switch on the headlights than it is the parking lights, and doesn’t cost anything, so what’s the problem? Surely we all want to be seen? I’m not suggesting everybody drives in broad daylight with headlights on, if we all did that there’d be no advantage. But if you need lights, you need 'em. Re: wartime blackout lights. It’s a fact that there was a big increase in road deaths at the time. And my old man used to drive lorries as recently as the 1960’s in complete darkness using parking lights and the light of the moon, as did a lot of the old-time lorry drivers, but there was a lot less traffic then, and it was all doing about 25-30mph!

After just reading the ■■■■■■■ thread about the ■■■■■■■ word censor, I have to say that Albions ■■■■■■■ thread was the ■■■■■■■ most sensible ■■■■■■■ one so ■■■■■■■ far in what I ■■■■■■■ reckon has some real ■■■■■■■ ■■■■ in it. I don’t ■■■■■■■ think I need to add anymore ■■■■ to this.

I thought dimdip was a very useful in town, especially when the roads were wet.
I believe yet another British invention outlawed by the EU.


Prats driving with just sidelights should have their vehicles taken off them and sold with the proceeds given to me!

Why to you?

About 5 years ago I pulled off the lay be just before Stirling in my 7.5tonner. It was heavy rain, and I saw the truck behind me changing lanes to the right one and flashing me in. So I pulled out, I could barely see anything in shaky, wet mirror and then some guy in grey land rover nearly hit my back. He overtook me, blocked me on the roundabout and told me that he will call the police. I answered “ok, here is my mobile, please call them and tell them that the truck driver was unable to see you because you were driving in heavy rain without your lights on”. He murmured something then shouted “You Polish guy, one day I will show you all” and drove off (withoug lights, but I saw him from the distance that he turned them on when he thought that I can’t see him any more…

As for the show for Poles, I am still waiting. But it seems I am a hipster, I was annoyed by that before it got trendy on Trucknet :slight_smile:

as for fog lights: some cars have day lights fitted where the foglights are, I think fiat 500 or some Skodas for example… So it might look as they run on foglights but it’s actually OK. And what happened to dim-dip lights? I had them in my 1995 UK build primera and I really liked it…

Sam Millar:
Surprised me that as a driving instructor he didn’t know this.

I am not surprised. I don’t have much belief in driving instructors :wink:


Sam Millar:
Surprised me that as a driving instructor he didn’t know this.

I am not surprised. I don’t have much belief in driving instructors :wink:

Neither do I. You don’t have to be a driver (I don’t mean a steering wheel holder) to be a driving instructor, and from what I’ve seen of them most aren’t!

Just as there are Drivers and Screw Drivers amongst truck drivers, there are Driving Instructors & there are Driving Instructors.
Some are very clued and very actively pursue personal development (further training) whereas with some others one would wonder how they ever passed the 3 exams required to become an ADI.

Just as there are Drivers and Screw Drivers amongst truck drivers, there are Driving Instructors & there are Driving Instructors.
Some are very clued and very actively pursue personal development (further training) whereas with some others one would wonder how they ever passed the 3 exams required to become an ADI.

Yeah, but the whole point is that even if they pursue their career and further train in Driving Instructoring, the driving instructoring itself is often a ■■■■■■■■ and has nothing to do with reality of everyday driving. Just as CPC and other crap. Just one example just off the top of my head: this thing of “never cross your hands on the steering wheel” and about feeding the wheel instead of just being able to grab the steering wheel with sure grab and being able to move it swiftly… I never met a driving instructor who was able to tell me why their way is supposed to be better, but I met many who were like “don’t question my wisdom, I am a driving instructor”.

Or the other example: about two years ago when the bus went of the road in the snow and a schoolgirl died in Scotland, I saw the interview with the parent of one of other kids, who did not let him on the trip “because she is a driving instructor for advanced driving certificate and in her proffessional knowledge she knows that it is impossible to drive safely on the snow”. And then we wonder why this country is brought to standstill every time we have 2 cm of snow… :unamused: