Dock Scenes

There’s 4 Thompson jewitt boys there

Tyne Dock North Shields.

image.jpegport of Tyne today .

Does any one have any dock scene or truck park pics from the 70’s and 80’s please?
got photos of manchester docks on here

My old Scania 113 At Felixstowe around about 1989

Dunno if this counts Mr 141 as its just outside Felixstowe Docks…My old 111 taken around 1986…I think I was waiting to lift an empty box off somewhere…the days before sliders had even been thought of and if you took those roundabouts a little to quick with a loaded 20 foot it was heart in mouth time :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Happy Days :slight_smile:

Dunno if this counts Mr 141 as its just outside Felixstowe Docks…My old 111 taken around 1986…I think I was waiting to lift an empty box off somewhere…the days before sliders had even been thought of and if you took those roundabouts a little to quick with a loaded 20 foot it was heart in mouth time :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Happy Days :slight_smile:

That was cetainly heart in mouth time Blissy. I started driving demountable tanks using a short 20’ skelly like those. Certainly had a few trouser hiccups on the old A14 with a slack tank :smiley:

Dover. Czech 'n a Turk.

Norfolk Line ;Homeward bound on a Saturday afternoon : Schevininger to Gt .Yarmouth. Did that for about three years ;needed me bloody 'ead testing ! :laughing:

Here ya go Mr 141, a couple of pics taken about 1985 from the cliff tops at Dover Eastern Docks.

Please Harry, can you clean these photos up a bit. Please pretty please.

I am spotting the Thompson Jewitt truck next to Ganders, a couple of Bellgate maybe, another TJ and a Bullens truck and that is with my eyesight :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok. a new pair of glasses and a fresh look.
I have now got 2 Thompson Jewitt, Ganders, 3 Dow Freight, several Wim Vos lift tanks on the mafis

hows this malc ive had a go

About the best I can do with the material available. ( Thats what the barber said to me when I was young ) :laughing:

excellent, thats what i was after. I can also spot what looks like an ERF tipper in bright red!!

Wheel Nut:
I am spotting the Thompson Jewitt truck next to Ganders, a couple of Bellgate maybe, another TJ and a Bullens truck and that is with my eyesight :stuck_out_tongue:

Ok. a new pair of glasses and a fresh look.
I have now got 2 Thompson Jewitt, Ganders, 3 Dow Freight, several Wim Vos lift tanks on the mafis

And the tail end of one of Bowker’s F7 drawbars on the Croydon-Eindhoven shuttle, on the left hand edge of the pic

One of Walkers AEC’s in the top pic.

are they three dow mans in the last pic■■?