Dirty lorries

What is it with lorries being kept in a rank state inside?
Every lorry I’ve driven that hasn’t been my fulltime vehicle is putrid, dead flies on the centre console and Wing mirrors so dirty I thought I had cataracts :slight_smile:

Theres nothing worse! I mean im probably over the top with cleaning mine but even shunting the other lads wagons around the yard I feel like putting gloves on!
I don’t know how these guys drive them let alone night out in them

Yeah it drives me mad when I get back into my lorry after a couple of days off and find it left like a tractor inside

Yeah it drives me mad when I get back into my lorry after a couple of days off and find it left like a tractor inside

I clean mine before anytime off and show the boss and say this is how im leaving it this is how I want it back, and so far he’s done ok. I know he made one agency guy clean it before telling him he wouldn’t be used again

Dirty or clean?

What is it with lorries being kept in a rank state inside?
Every lorry I’ve driven that hasn’t been my fulltime vehicle is putrid, dead flies on the centre console and Wing mirrors so dirty I thought I had cataracts :slight_smile:

Alot of drivers have no respect or care for the motors drive,from vandalism to the kit or just lazy scruffy gets who get a kick out of making a mess,thats the type of blokes we have to work with :smiling_imp: scruffs really make my knob ache :smiling_imp:

I am on for a recycling co. ATM. Just because I am driving crap around the country, doesn’t mean I have to drive crap

seth 70:
scruffs really make my knob ache :smiling_imp:

That’s good to know :smiley:

Who really wants to drive around in a unit that’s dirty and the in side looks and is like a pig sty, certainly not the type of working conditions I’m use to, I personally believe that first impressions count… a dirty vehicle reflex’s not just on the company image whilst out on the road, but also it reflex’s on the driver.

I find the issue is when your not allocated your own permanent vehicle HAPPY DAYS… when the only mess is yours, you take pride in having a clean unit both inside and out…its when you go on holiday or been sick and you return to is a state
If I’m using a different vehicles during a week then I remove all my own rubbish, ensure its fuelled at the end of the day and the outside is clean or in a reasonable standard…

Dirty or clean?

Looks clean, never knew you done Middle East.

bald bloke:

Dirty or clean?

Looks clean, never knew you done Middle East.

Middle East in a day cab too. Proper driver!

bald bloke:

Dirty or clean?

Looks clean, never knew you done Middle East.

Burford quarry could be classed as Middle-Eastern Cotswolds I suppose. :laughing:
I asked because it’s actually quite dusty but the interior colour hides it. I think it’s clean enough for a 6 year old day cabbed tipper but no doubt there are plenty of divas who’d defect it for being dirty. I even leave a Sainsbury’s carrier bag for litter. Which then gets ■■■■■■■ and thrown in the back when muckshifting.

Dirty or clean?

clean apart from the crab trying to escape from the bunk :open_mouth:


Dirty or clean?

clean apart from the crab trying to escape from the bunk :open_mouth:

HAHAHA amazing spot!

I currently work weekends and if I get a trampers unit they are usually clean and tidy and I always ensure that I leave it pristine because I know that it is somebodies “home” during the week, plus being new to the job, I don’t want people going to the office and saying who the hell had my truck at the weekend, they left it minging as that would be a bad reflection on myself!

Last weekend, I was given an older truck, 2010 plate and it clearly hadn’t had a wash in about 6 months!! First thing I did whilst waiting at my first job was cleaned the mirrors, lights, windscreen and windows. Did little bits as the weekend went on, cab interior etc. On the sunday, got back to the yard and must have spent about 90 minutes minimum giving it ultra thorough wash down, cleaned inside, air freshener everywhere in the cab and it looked pretty tidy despite clearly being abused by many drivers by the time I parked it up and went home!!

Hate the fact that guys can’t give a bit of a wipe down, spray of air freshener and a wash before they bugger off!! Makes you think what there own personal hygiene is like and what state there houses are in in!!!

Look after the truck and the truck will hopefully look after you!!!

What is it with lorries being kept in a rank state inside?
Every lorry I’ve driven that hasn’t been my fulltime vehicle is putrid, dead flies on the centre console and Wing mirrors so dirty I thought I had cataracts :slight_smile:

The vehicles where I drive have a regular driver on days and random one on nights, mostly agency as almost all the night shift are agency. Every wagon is double shifted and gets washed twice a day. Whilst all day drivers keep their cabs clean inside, some are more than others - easy to spot with the sheer amount of cleaning products in the door pockets. Night drivers will take out the mats from the drivers footwell and clean them, where there’s no mats they’ll brush out the floor. It is extremely rare for a day man to complain about the state of their wagon in a morning and when they do its usually being someone new on nights and/or the wash has been frozen solid overnight in winter. Even then we do our damndest to ensure all windows and mirrors get cleaned to the point there’s a bucket and brush available when the wash is frozen.

Conversely I worked at a place where the agency demanded their own unit because the regular drivers didn’t give a toss. The guys on it gave it a good clean down at the pallet hub over several nights. Even that has gone downhill because the regular driver allowed to drive it on days stopped cleaning it and so the downward spiral began. Its now as bad as the rest.

In the end it seems to be down to everyone at a company keeping the wagon clean, not just one driver or another, day or night if double shifted. As soon as one driver stops cleaning it regularly, the other that ends up doing it all the time will just stop bothering because they feel the other driver is taking advantage.

just look at the state of some drivers on the road to see why trucks get abused. I have refused to drive a good few over the years either from being chain smoked in, or even worse smelling like the driver had ■■■■■■ all over the bunk.

How dare you to clean somebody elses wagon. You should be left in the woods with nothing on :slight_smile: no night driver will speak to me because i always report them to the manager for leaving my cab in ■■■ state after theyve finished their shift :slight_smile:

Dirty or clean?

DAF doe,s it really matter​:smiling_face::smiling_face:

What is it with lorries being kept in a rank state inside?
Every lorry I’ve driven that hasn’t been my fulltime vehicle is putrid, dead flies on the centre console and Wing mirrors so dirty I thought I had cataracts :slight_smile:

but some like their lorries like their women :grimacing: