Did you pass first time?

Passed car test 1st time :stuck_out_tongue:
Passed class 1 1st time :stuck_out_tongue:
Fail m/c test (when it was a ride round the block) :frowning:

had five lessons on my class 1 as it was then, and passed on the monday morning the next week :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Car - yes
Artic - 2nd go


Driving test first time 33 years ago Class 1 4 years later first time :grimacing: :grimacing:

Is that when you had to start the engine by winding a thing up on the front?? :wink:

Certainly was, got the bad back to prove it :smiley:

failed car 1st time but passed with no minors the second. passed m/c 1st time no minors.

failed class2 twice but passed 3rd time with 9 minors. average i was told, thats me in a nutshell lol) havent taken class1 yet.

Passed car first time in 1969 and class two first time in 1976. No it didnā€™t have a handle that you swung to start it either, I had to stoke the boiler instead! :wink: Back then they were very keen on you making progress, I was turning right at a junction and spotted a motorcycle coming from the left so waited for him to pass, immediately the examiner commented that I could have got across easily and my caution may have caused traffic to build up behind us but I was more concerned about the bike rider! Still passed me though.


passed class 1 first time no problem

spent that much time around lorrys as a kid with my old fella and could back a low loader into the yard by the time i was 15

Passed car,bike,C an C+E first time :wink:

Yep,i passed first time.
Started to learn on monday,all day, then all day tuesday and wednesday morning,had my test wednesday afternoon at 2.00pm.
I also passed my car and motorcycle test first time. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Never mind, TL, youā€™l be OK the second time Im sure.
I passed my C+E the first time but that was due in part that my ole man was paying and so it made me more determined not to mess upā€¦
Car test though, (the easy bit!) I didnā€™t get right until the 3rd time! :blush:
If there was one bit of advise I would give, it would be to take your time. I know people always say that same old chesnut but it really is ā€˜keyā€™ when driving a truck and no more so than when your going backwards.

Never mind, TL, youā€™l be OK the second time Im sure.
I passed my C+E the first time but that was due in part that my ole man was paying and so it made me more determined not to mess upā€¦
Car test though, (the easy bit!) I didnā€™t get right until the 3rd time! :blush:
If there was one bit of advise I would give, it would be to take your time. I know people always say that same old chesnut but it really is ā€˜keyā€™ when driving a truck and no more so than when your going backwards.

Cheers :slight_smile: yea bit annoyed at myself just get confused at the opposite lock, monday was the first day ive really driven anything that bends lol! But going to practice now until my test and fingers crossed get it next time! Crazy test route took me right through Tuckingmill, right opposite the police station that tight left down by Tyackā€™s in Camborne, A30 off at Tolvaddon, through Illogan, Portreath, North Country and Avers Roundabout and handled all those manouvers fine!

Passed Car, class 2 & class 1 all first time around.

Car test was probably OK but a long time ago so Iā€™ve forgotten. Class 2 test was very shaky, loads of minors and tbh I scraped through. Class 1 was a much better test, completely relaxed and it showed.

Bike test ā€¦First time
Car testā€¦First time
Class 3ā€¦First time
DOTADI Testā€¦First time
FLt C/balā€¦First time
Class2 ā€¦First time
Class 1 ā€¦First time

Sorry not trying to be bigheaded

Bike test ā€¦First time
Car testā€¦First time
Class 3ā€¦First time
DOTADI Testā€¦First time
FLt C/balā€¦First time
Class2 ā€¦First time
Class 1 ā€¦First time

Sorry not trying to be bigheaded

Youā€™d have to have something wrong with you not to be able to pass a forklift testā€¦

Passed all mine 1st time. My dad took me out before i did my c+e and i practised reversing his caravan. It did help, and the only thing the examiner got me for was too hesitant, and mirrors cos i didnā€™t visibly move my head enough when checking the mirrors. As for the hesitancy he said it takes a while to know what gaps you can and canā€™t get through, so he gave me a minor for it. Just take it slowly on the reverse and if you need the shunt, take it

Car testā€¦1st time.
Bike test part 1ā€¦1st time.
Bike test part 2ā€¦1st time.
Class 2ā€¦1st time.
Class 1ā€¦1st time.

ā€¦but we all know the best drivers pass second time or so the saying goes :smiley:



Bike test ā€¦First time
Car testā€¦First time
Class 3ā€¦First time
DOTADI Testā€¦First time
FLt C/balā€¦First time
Class2 ā€¦First time
Class 1 ā€¦First time

Sorry not trying to be bigheaded

Youā€™d have to have something wrong with you not to be able to pass a forklift testā€¦

Yeah, like no arms and legs.

tractor -first time 16yrs
carā€”first time 18yrs
class2 --2nd time ( 1st time was a doh moment) 21yrs
class 1 1st time 21yrs
class 1A --2nd time 100yrds from passing auto fail no other points,trailer wheel rubbed kerb.( next day same tester same routeā€¦ :smiley: ) 48yrs(canada).

Passed car test 2nd time
class 2 & class 1 both on the first go.

Cycling proficiency test ā€¦ 1st time
Car test ā€¦ 3rd time :blush:
Class 2 ā€¦ 1st time