Denby and his extra big trucks saga

Just been on Sky News that old ■■■■ Denby has been trying to hawk out his road train style double trailer trucks again…yawn yawn :unamused: , this time using the driver shortage thing as an excuse and jumping on that particular bandwagon…(He avoided putting his foot in his gob this time though by using his ‘N word’ in the wood pile’’ crack on a national he did on R2 :laughing: )

I personally would have zero interest in driving one of those things, not because I don’t have the ability, more of a ‘‘No interest in the job/couldn’t be arsed’’ stance. (Although it would be good fun trying to negotiate one of those things around single track roads in Cornwall :laughing: …don’t anybody come on saying that ain’t what they’re designed for…I know that. :unamused: )

So would anybody willing to drive one ? the slim chance they will be allowed on our roads?
If so for what reason?
‘Look at me in my big truck’ :unamused: maybe with some of you?
Or do you think you will get extra money for it, if so how much would it take for you to agree to it.

Wonder if the ‘‘I don’t NEED’ flashed in me, I know exactly where the back of my trailer is’’ crew will change their minds :smiley: …they’re bad enough for cutting in on you now, pulling just one trailer ffs. : :unamused: :smiley:

They would never be used as a normal 45 the only way would be having hubs stagred at the end of motorways, like the way the drag system works drop one come back drop and pick up

If and it is IF I was was being paid appropriatetly for pulling one , I liked the shift patterns , routes and trucks and a civilised office staff then yes I would . All parts of the puzzle would have to be right for me otherwise I’d smile and wish them the best of luck with it .

Presumably the front trailer can only be unloaded from the side, no way could you get it onto a bay. In which case you might as well have a Swedish type Wagon and Drag, possibly with a demount body on the prime mover.

Probably shouldn’t have posted this! Countdown clock running before a certain person replies. Sorry :slight_smile:

Presumably the front trailer can only be unloaded from the side, no way could you get it onto a bay. In which case you might as well have a Swedish type Wagon and Drag, possibly with a demount body on the prime mover.

Probably shouldn’t have posted this! Countdown clock running before a certain person replies. Sorry :slight_smile:

That was my thought when I read this :open_mouth:

I think Dave has binned him off.

I would drive one. I like a driving challenge and would enjoy it. Would want extra shekels, not particularly for the driving part, but the extra [zb]ing about to be done at each other. Got to make the extra hassle worthwhile over pulling a normal 40 or 45.

this time using the driver shortage thing as an excuse and jumping on that particular bandwagon…

A ■■■■ Denby Bandwagon would have 4 and a half wheels and be 40 meters long

I think Dave has binned him off.

I would drive one. I like a driving challenge and would enjoy it. Would want extra shekels, not particularly for the driving part, but the extra [zb]ing about to be done at each other. Got to make the extra hassle worthwhile over pulling a normal 40 or 45.

Heres your man RR right here surprise surprise

If and it is IF I was was being paid appropriatetly for pulling one , I liked the shift patterns , routes and trucks and a civilised office staff then yes I would . All parts of the puzzle would have to be right for me otherwise I’d smile and wish them the best of luck with it .

Two trailers twice as much revenue for employer double bubble for driver, take it or leave it. I think ill be leaving it.


I think Dave has binned him off.

I would drive one. I like a driving challenge and would enjoy it. Would want extra shekels, not particularly for the driving part, but the extra [zb]ing about to be done at each other. Got to make the extra hassle worthwhile over pulling a normal 40 or 45.

Heres your man RR right here surprise surprise

Two trailers twice as much revenue for employer double bubble for driver, take it or leave it. I think ill be leaving it.

Well that doesn’t surprise me, you’re the same sort of thick [zb] that he is. Probably also refuse to drive double-deckers because “I ain’t doing the work of 2 drivers for my tenner an hour!”. Surprised you’re not both driving vans, to make a stand against all those idiot artic drivers putting about 10 van drivers out of work and not getting £89.10 per hour for doing 10x the work !!! :smiley: :unamused: :laughing:

It’s times like this, truck configurations, that our great loss is most keenly felt. Rest in Power dear Carryfast, we’ll keep your memory alive.


I think Dave has binned him off.

I would drive one. I like a driving challenge and would enjoy it. Would want extra shekels, not particularly for the driving part, but the extra [zb]ing about to be done at each other. Got to make the extra hassle worthwhile over pulling a normal 40 or 45.

Heres your man RR right here surprise surprise

Dunno what/who you’re on about mate…never read his posts, gob ■■■■■ s just bore me… :laughing:
And he can’t read mine as he’s blocked me…or so he says. :smiley:
Quite fancy driving a van though…even if I am a ‘‘thick ■■■■’’ :laughing:

They would never be used as a normal 45 the only way would be having hubs staggered at the end of motorways, like the way the drag system works drop one come back drop and pick up

All well and good until you get diverted off the motorway for some unforeseen event!

I see these guys regularly at one DC, and after watching them make about six to ten shunts on average to get onto one of the two bays that can accommodate that lenth, I always think ‘sod that for a game of soldiers’.

If I was to work for DPD, this would be the maximum size I would prefer on night trunks.


I didn’t know DPD had started selling ice cream?


All depends on terms and conditions and what the job entails, doubt if a double trailer would be any more difficult than a car transporter artic with full peak over the cab around that London or other cities and lots of us managed them back when they were a thing.

Slap a £55k+ salary for a maximum 43 hours (time and half over 43 if needed) max 5 day week on the table with a properly specced tractor complete with manual gearbox and i’d be up for it.

id Drive round bob tail if I could , my favourite jobs were trailer movements ( never understood why they called it that as you had no trailer )
No worry about cut curtains , park anywhere , bliss
Actually not a bad idea , find a job just delivering units , thanks for the thread rob ,you may of inadvertently found me my perfect job

I think that most of you misunderstand what is involved in driving one of these. These will only be driving between depots, on motorways and major roads. Not going for deliveries (other than possibly a very few selected RDC’s) or collections, simply because most locations s dont have the infrastructure (room) to accommodate them. Apart from being a bit more aware at junctions and roundabouts, the driver wont be doing any more work.

Looks interesting. It always has.
Depot to depot looks like an efficient use of a driver and unit.
44 ton drivers don’t earn 6 times the pay of a 7.5 ton driver. A depot to depot driver is just following set routes on main roads, excepting roadworks and diversions. I don’t see it being so hard to do.
Reversing onto a bay? It’ll be split for tipping I’d imagine, so not such a problem. Can’t see there will be much of a pay hike if it ever becomes commonolace.
Nowt to get worked up about.
I’d enjoy playing with one, but don’t fancy inter depot work.

I’am sure ■■■■ would make it work ,they always do a good job when ever I use them .