Dead cow on A9 around 01:30 this mornjng

Had a bit if a shock last night. Driving from Glasgow to Dundee, happily cruising along the A9 at 50mph approaching Loaninghead services when I could see a truck about a mile ahead with its hazards on.

No biggie I thought, it’s probably just broken down. Checked my mirror & nothing behind d me so carried on in lane 1 and got ready to move over when suddenly a HUGE (I assume) dead cow appeared in front if me in lane 1. Somehow I lurched around it and missed it.

Went past the artic and assumed poor driver had hit it. Phoned 999 because although a truck might manage to go over it, it’d probably write off a car.

If the artic driver is on here, I would’ve stopped to see if you were OK but there wasn’t anywhere safe to pull up, and I was still trying to convince myself that id missed it!

Hope driver was OK and hope it didn’t end up causing another accident. I caught it on camera so if I get a chance I’ll upload it later on.

YouTube link!

Moo-ve along, nothing to see here.

I reckon someone might be trying to milk the situation on the udder hand perhaps not.

Glad the drivers are well though

One of our lads hit 2 deer a few years ago they shot out in front of him no way to avoid them,made a right mess of the unit.

One of our lads hit 2 deer a few years ago they shot out in front of him no way to avoid them,made a right mess of the unit.

Hit a Muntjac doing 50 on the A15 on the way to work at 4am. Least I think it was a Muntjac.

Cows are a hell of a weight, i remember seeing an F10 hit one on the A19 years ago , the truck looked like it had a head on with another truck and the cow just looked dead

Cows are a hell of a weight, i remember seeing an F10 hit one on the A19 years ago , the truck looked like it had a head on with another truck and the cow just looked dead

An average bullcan weigh in over a ton!


Cows are a hell of a weight, i remember seeing an F10 hit one on the A19 years ago , the truck looked like it had a head on with another truck and the cow just looked dead

An average bullcan weigh in over a ton!

That’s why I rang the police. 7 years of working in a butchers shop so I knew how heavy it’d be. If a wagon had go e over it after I missed it then it might have caused some damage but I’d be fairly certain that the driver would be OK, had a car hit it at 70mph I think it may have been a nasty outcome.

I’m now uploading the video, will post a link in my original post once it’s done :smiley:

…had a car hit it at 70mph I think it may have been a nasty outcome.

I reckon they’d be mince meat.

Saw a sheep get hit by an artic on the Woodhead Pass earlier this year.

Flipped through 180 degrees and over a wall.

I didn’t know sheep could look surprised but this one did…

YouTube link added to original post. Poor moo cow :frowning:

YouTube link added to original post, poor old moo cow :frowning:

The country music isn’t helping :wink:

If its dead then its really a mooooo-t point

(Sorry,contraflow took the best ones :blush: )

The country music isn’t helping :wink:

Surely Johnny Cash gets a pass though?

I would have been more shocked if that classic song came on the radio just when you saw it …I herd it on the grapevine :smiley: :smiley:

Next time you stumble across a dead cow can you make sure Johnny Cash is singing Ghost riders in the sky, it would have been much more appropriate :smiley:

Poor drills there,
Up our way thats a decent bit of roadkill, back up and get it on the tailift and hung from the centre beam :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
think of it as a public service clearing the road

Poor drills there,
Up our way thats a decent bit of roadkill, back up and get it on the tailift and hung from the centre beam :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
think of it as a public service clearing the road

Isn’t there some ancient law that says you can’t take roadkill if you hit it but the next person to find it can?

Missed my chance for a few free steaks!

Should have loaded on to the roof like in topgear