Davies Int. Southampton. With photos (Part 1)

Tell Andrew Aosta prison is short walk away by the river , the Trip Advisor review is not the best .

Punchy Dan:


This is how close we came to catastrophe on Friday evening in the storm----- a 100ft 20 ton conifer just “shaved” the side of the bungalow and landed on the back lawn---- if it had been a couple of foot nearer it would have took out that side of the bungalow but Anne was sat watching tele in the lounge about 7 or 8 feet away so I can’t think of the consequences that could have befallen her ! :open_mouth: Cheers Dennis.

Denzil I could call in and take those trunks away free of charge :open_mouth: ( and leave you all the brash to clean up ) :laughing:
Cheers Dan .

Aye one bloke’s disaster is another “Looter’s” “earner” :frowning: !! But I reckon the job will be outside the scope of the Foden’s capabilities Dan’l :blush:
Cheers Denzil


Punchy Dan:
0 :open_mouth:

Those “butts” look like they are made of plastic for a “jack in the beanstalk” pantomime :unamused: Cheers Denzil

Hi all, wrighty i saw 3 of your’s today 1 on the M1 around leicester north bound about 10 o’clock ish 2 tractors on, another 1 around Huntingdon/St Ives about 11-30 with i think 1 tractor then a 3rd north bound can’t remember where Oxford ish with a 40 ft container on so which one was you. :sunglasses:

gerbil sb152:
Hi all, wrighty i saw 3 of your’s today 1 on the M1 around leicester north bound about 10 o’clock ish 2 tractors on, another 1 around Huntingdon/St Ives about 11-30 with i think 1 tractor then a 3rd north bound can’t remember where Oxford ish with a 40 ft container on so which one was you. :sunglasses:

Morning gerbil sb152

That was me on the A34 with the container on, tipped near Nether Wallop then down to Southampton, back to the yard changed trailers now on my way to Preston with two drops of concrete panels…

Cheers Wrighty.


i know buzzer and some others ,myself included are bah :exclamation: humbug so enjoy the above… :laughing:

Posted on the Southampton thread by RTD it really belongs on here, in the back ground behind the shop is an F88 I bought from Colin Glasspool back in 1979 when it was 5yo for five grand, it was my second 240 engine Volvo XBF500M, back in the day they were the dogs dooda’s to drive with 16spd box, Buzzer

Posted on the Southampton thread by RTD it really belongs on here, in the back ground behind the shop is an F88 I bought from Colin Glasspool back in 1979 when it was 5yo for five grand, it was my second 240 engine Volvo XBF500M, back in the day they were the dogs dooda’s to drive with 16spd box, Buzzer

It’s got a bit wider and the air raid shelters gone

Here it is XBF500M filling up at Penn Farm, Bramshaw, Buzzer


Another old DIT soldier HWL972S ex Cave Wood F12 outside LS Commercial’s, later converted to 6x2 with a Granning rear lift when the weights went up in 1983, Buzzer


Morning John
Just to let you know I had a phone call from Bernie Thompson over the week end, I told him you were asking about him . He is now living in the South of France most of the time, but does come back to Ouisterham for a couple of months each year.

Cliff luxton:
Morning John
Just to let you know I had a phone call from Bernie Thompson over the week end, I told him you were asking about him . He is now living in the South of France most of the time, but does come back to Ouisterham for a couple of months each year.

Does he remember me Cliff ? its a long time ago now and is he still with Maria, JD

Yes he did remember you John. Him and Marie seperated a few years back now . And he told me Marie passed away in June unfortunately. She was a very nice lady, at one time she was the manager of Truckline.

Before she got a lick of blue paint, the last motor I drove before retiring permanently to the office, Buzzer

Good evening Cliff , did Bernie Thompson used to drive for British International ?

Sky Captain:
Good evening Cliff , did Bernie Thompson used to drive for British International ?

Sorry for butting in but when I knew him in the early 70’s we both drove for PBC European Transport aka Public Benefit Coal co of Southampton and Cherbourg, me an AEC Mandator Bernie had a LHD Berliet French registered of which they had four, PBC had an office on the quay back then, Buzzer

No need to apologise, and you haven’t butted in , the Perpignan photo reminds me of a high profile case when an English driver was incarcerated for drug smuggling and the UK media ran the story as he was not present at loading and nobody is going to split open every pallet if loaded at a regular collection point with a reputable freight forwarding company to check the whole load such as ceramic tiles ,perishable and non perishable, textiles, shoes, textiles or machinery or whatever.
But the Douanes will not worry about that as we all know , it’s always the driver that gets the blame or the cartel do a test run or if caught, a far bigger load of contraband gets through while they are distracted by a smaller haul .

I remember Maria at Truckline and also Sophie. Who is emptying the bins around the dock now Bernie has retired and got rid of his Sed Ack bin lorries.

I remember Maria at Truckline and also Sophie. Who is emptying the bins around the dock now Bernie has retired and got rid of his Sed Ack bin lorries.

Did he not run a truck wash as well ? Buzzer