Davies Int. Southampton. With photos (Part 1)

Hi ,ALL,if ever the transport industry needs ,recognition ,and a boost for young men and ladies to come into the industry I think that these post especially ANDREWS,AND WRIGHTY.S are just the image and type of work they can aspire to. maybe more use could be made of them??
In fact it is a good job the old ways have gone,microwavwe M…S. NO GAS BOTTLE and saucepans.I BET YOU HAVE A COFFE MACHINE ?

I know where you were Andrew BY THE ISLE MAN BOATS PIER HEAD ,L/POOL that is where i spent a lot of my youth,in that area, the shipping federation was right by the B/HEAD FERRY a 16 year old from the sticks,i soon grew up,lol.
and Wrighty you have two hats and you wear them both very well.dbp.

PDB those trucks do come with a coffe maker but my nipper said to take them out as they were high in the cab and he could just see an accident waiting to happen, Buzzer

Evening Buzzer

A busy few days up ere buying and selling tups, sold 12 on Wednesday with a top price of £600 a bit dissapointed but at least we managed to get them all cashed. We bought 3 tups on Thursday with the top price being £10,000, £2100 and £150 bought to chase up after the main tups have finished and if anything breaks.
Spent the weekend sorting sheep for the Leicester tups and letting them go, so hopefully we will have plenty of lambs come spring. Back to the day job tomorrow don’t know where I’m going yet, but no doubt it will be somewhere interesting…

Cheers Wrighty.

Out of intrest Wrighty do you take out some sort of insurance policy to cover the £10,000 grand one !

You certainly keep busy with the driving and farming. :wink:

Busy day for me on the farming front, fed the steers and haylage in then off to do some harrowing before it gets too wet, did 25 acres in all 6 near home and all the council ground which I don’t have to do but it is for my benefit, the old einbock spring tine harrow does a real good job and spreads all the cow pats and rips out the old grass, may even roll it if the weather holds out Buzzer.

Your tractor looks very tidy Buzzer for its age.

Saw this advert but dont remember the company in Wootton Bassett. I dont know know old the advert
is maybe late 60s early 1970s ■■ You may remember them.
Those combiners have certainly come along way when you see a new one compared to the one in the advert.


Evening Buzzer

A busy few days up ere buying and selling tups, sold 12 on Wednesday with a top price of £600 a bit dissapointed but at least we managed to get them all cashed. We bought 3 tups on Thursday with the top price being £10,000, £2100 and £150 bought to chase up after the main tups have finished and if anything breaks.
Spent the weekend sorting sheep for the Leicester tups and letting them go, so hopefully we will have plenty of lambs come spring. Back to the day job tomorrow don’t know where I’m going yet, but no doubt it will be somewhere interesting…

Cheers Wrighty.

Out of intrest Wrighty do you take out some sort of insurance policy to cover the £10,000 grand one !

You certainly keep busy with the driving and farming. :wink:

Yes DEANB the tups are insured as soon as they leave the auction just in case they curl there toes up the day after, which is just as likley as a £50er and also they are not guaranteed to get the yows in lamb…

Cheers Wrighty.

Hey Wrighty bit different to bulls then, when I went to market first I always wondered what WRS stood for in the catalogue and of course it was "warranted right for stock " in other words the seller was giving a guarantee that the animal was capable of reproduction, if it failed the buyer could get a full refund, Buzzer.

Hi Buzzer,
its like the brains trust on here, all questions answered ,who would believe it coffe makers in trucks, at least it will beat that French and and Belgium ,
muck. . unboiled water, most of the Dutch ,French,Belgium ,German, drivers i come across you to say are[ you English BURN THE COFFE BY USING BOILING WATER]NO!!your water is ■■■■■■ that is why you I boil it … you lot drink bottled water… we never used to have bottled water here…another money racket. another European export we did not need…
time and time again off the Zeebrugge boats some drivers could not wait to get to the Total sit around and drink the coffee and block the pumps up, i used to think Jesus you been in bed ,on the boat from a DOVER or Hull fill up,and zb off, and get going that is why I was a loner as much as possible .

As for the Insurance of the the tups i often wondered if there was any ,esp for performance producing young, now I know and are wiser…
combine harvester [Wikipedia ]1968/70 st Neots… company founded in HOLLAND 1948.wikipedi.now I know how a lot of men, get all their information and put it on here esp the political crap. i have just found about it, slow learner…dbp.

Hi Buzzer
Have you managed to get all your grassland harrowed an rolled before weather breaks ?. re-: all questions and answers, from pdb, its like been back at school, there’s always somebody on here knows the answer, and as they say, every day is a learning day. There’s a lot on here that seem’s to like the farming theme, well if you have got iplayer, try bbc scotland and tune into “THE MART”, don’t think you’ll be disappointed, give’s a good idea of what happen’s farming livestock and on sale day’s. Weather also turned colder up here, usually does when time change’s. Cheers Bobs

Down in the Dungeon

France’s finest brioche safely delivered to the West Midlands

Met a friend at Sainsbugs Basingstoke lol

Trl dropped being loaded overnight for me so off to the Hollies for my tea & very good it was too !!

Sunday started with misley rain here today it the sort where you don’t put a coat on but you end up getting soaked, anyways me mate came to assist littering and filling the feed trailer and cleaning up afterwards. It don’t take long for the barn to get mucky and this job is every other day but suppose when you got 35 stirks in and they all have 6 to 8 craps a day its not surprising really, the straw we got at the moment is not the best too hard for my liking prefer the weathered sort really as far more absorbent. Thought we had plenty of haylage but we are getting through it and may have to buy some in, we shall see.
The Boss cleaned up some leaves this afternoon and they all go under the cattle, we need a few real hard frosts to get the rest off the trees and then we can do the final clear up. Just got a bit of rolling left to do in the marsh ground and that’s all tidied up for the winter. Booked me Volvo truck in for MOT as nowadays you got to do that three months in advance so that’s on for Jan 2nd, cheers Buzzer.

Full and busy day we have had starting with littering up and filling the feeder trailer, then on to the chicken house and gave that a right good cleanout including all the ■■■ grids in the bottom, cleaned them of with a spade first then pressure wash now they are half the weight. Had lunch then into the park to remove some barbwire fences which were in a state put up to protect young oak tree’s in there infancy, they are 20 odd years old now so ok to stand on there own just need the lower branches removed and where done.
Got the go ahead to harrow and roll that now but the trouble is with a lot of folks who own ground they don’t know what’s best for it, this ground has been under natural England stewardship and to be honest I don’t think there is any one there that understands proper grass management, its out of that now so I am getting my will to manage how I see fit, another dry and sunny day here other than a light shower this morning, cheers Buzzer.

Buzzer, seem to have the place to yourself, everyone must be busy or not letting on, or on holiday maybe. Good on you Andrew, getting more photo’s on here, I don’t know were all the places are you go until I google 'em, you sure get a fair mixture of runs. Cheers Bobs

Different day as had to wait for the Sky engineer to turn up, usual scenario we will be there between 0900 & 1700 and that narrows it down a tad, ended up with a new dish and box but the old dish was 30 years old. As it was raining as well decided to make another batch of jam which I did as well as selling eggs at the door. The Boss came home and then I took the dog for a walk down the marsh and roast chicken for dinner, cheers all Buzzer.

Photo1194 (2).jpg

Not as big as the ones you used to load John, and this is before my time at Axminster, sorry for the damage to the photo but it is a year or two old.

A couple of us with Poppy’s now

Buzzer bet your pleased your stock’s inside today

Boy did it rain last night, got up this morning at the feed hall was flooded as all the leaves had blocked the valley gutter up so had to climb on the roof and clear them as more rain forecast in the next two days, after we littered up and replenished the haylage, got one son staying and his four kids so the Boss is busy too, first of the new fridges arrived on Friday as well so soon the name will be back on the trailers once more pictures to follow, cheers Buzzer

Buzzer bet your pleased your stock’s inside today

Hi Chris yes i am they are all snug and out the wet but me up on barn roof clearing gutters, not the right place for an OAP, cheers JD