Davies Int. Southampton. With photos (Part 1)

Hi all yes indeed we did make a visit to buzzer’s homestead yesterday and we were made very welcome and yes indeed did leave not empty handed. cheers to you and the boss for making us welcome. :sunglasses:

Have been building this model for a while and really like the colour scheme of Colin Parkers wagons , so have done this as a little thank you for keeping us all entertained with the mix of wagons and farming. I know its a Volvo and you seem to be a Scania man but had already started building it before getting the idea. Buzzer do aim on building a Davies wagon sometime probably an old F12 or Scania. Hope you like!

When Wrighty see’s that he will want it, amazing how life like those models can get when executed properly well done on your efforts mate, Buzzer.

Buzzer the cattle are looking good in that photo. I have lost track ,how many do you have now ■■
Dean we are at 49 head at the moment, but 14 will probably go in the next two months when the summer grazing ends, Buzzer.
I lost track chap i never realised you had that many ! :laughing:

Nice model “jshepguis”

Evening Buzzer

Another busy weekend up ere making some second cut silage, did about 15 acres with the rest being left until after the gimmer lamb sales. Had a day out at the Moorcock Show today which is quite an important show amongst Swaledale sheep breeders, we weren’t showing but just went to check out the opposition ready for the tup sales in October.
Our david won third prize in the classic tractor show with his Massey 65, which was purchased by Alice’s father in the early 60’s and has been on the farm ever since.
What a great model jshepguis certainly looks well in Colin’s colours, as far as i’m aware he’s never run a Volvo and at the moment we are awaiting the delivery of a new Scania R series 580 wagon to go with the drag trailer, and also a new S 580 tractor unit should be here in the next couple of weeks. Will post some pictures when they arrive, oh well I better go and pack up mi gear ready for another week at it loading telehandlers in the morning…

Cheers Wrighty.




Busy today topping a fair chunk of the council summer let to tidy it all up, lots of brambles trying to come back and thistles as well, the main reason I did it as it tidies it all up and there is a public open walk coming up soon for all the nosy local beggars who want a ganders to see what goes on. Its not open normally to the public and it ■■■■■■ them off and I want to give a good impression, Buzzer.

Tipping up north

We take the load you take the coffee ja only in Holland lol

Secure parking awful trucks,Calais lots of the sunshine crew & Nolans new advertising campaign lol


Alongside some of Evercreeches finest one Saturday I tipped in there place

Delivered onto this cruise ship in Pompey something a bit different


A few from Tracy Island always good when she’s had a bath lol

Tracy Island again
9BADC135-01DD-4407-97BD-3F967D0BB192.jpeg a few back this night


A bit of shananigans going on lol

Pole position doesn’t mean your be on it first in Pompey waiting for boat to Le Havre
6FF0C19D-FB61-4DD8-8E74-AA92825BCBFF.jpeg here it is
04B24D8A-6077-49F0-ADC6-23457C67EB80.jpeg all nicely tucked in for the night you can still make trl out even though been de stickered

Charlie 1 is very grateful Buzzer. Onions in vinegar or summat like that!

'Kin things OK on my laptop! Someone rotate it!

'Kin things OK on my laptop! Someone rotate it!

Only put these troughs in the park and fed them for the first time, don’t take long to know what hard grub is the white bag gives it away, feeding all now to keep the bloom on em, Buzzer

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