Daily Covid 19 Testing



Considering that you are the resident TN barrack room expert, doommonger and soothsayer on all things Covid, here’s a few genuine questions for you to answer…(assuming that you aint still ignoring me after you have presumably concluded that me and you are poles apart and that you will never change my views.)

Taking into account all the stuff you churn out on here about death statistics, theories, illnesses and all the rest of it…
What are YOUR personal experiences away from the forum in real life with all this stuff ?

Do you know people who have contacted this (as I do) ?

How good mild or bad were they because of it?

Any deaths of people you know personally and/or who were dear to you,?
And were these deaths PURELY due to Covid with no other serious health issues alongside it?

Anybody you know who has refused the jabs for any reason and have became severely Ill because of that?

Any who have refused, caught it and were fine?

Not asking for more proof, rhetoric,.stats or more tedious bloody links, but for what YOU have seen and experienced with YOUR own eyes.

Last question…
Has it been the case in one or more of these personal experiences where you have had a lightbulb moment and thought…Hang on, this is a lot different to what we have.been told or what I have swotted up on’’ ?
In other words just forget all the ‘‘Expert’’ opinions, official lines, and all the knowledge of '‘facts’ you have gathered in all this stuff for ONE MINUTE…and

Is there any one time that one or more of them does not gel or is totally at odds with what YOU are reading, believing and constantly repeating??
Cheers. :wink:

“Soothsayer”? Surely not…
I bet you won`t provide any proof of that…

Why am I “doommonger”?
I have consistently said (Feel free to check) that Covid is a real and serious disease.
Have I ever exaggerated* it`s seriousness?
If I give any figures showing how serious it is I try to (but get lazy sometimes) give sources for those figures.
I hope you nor anyone else thinks these are “my” figures.

The above bears on me setting myself up as a “barrack room expert”. I try to give links to genuine research.
And coming from you who consistently says the figures are exaggerated etc but all with no evidence at all?!
Get real!

Ive never been west of the Canary Islands, so from personal experience, I can state that the US of A doesnt exist at all. :smiley:

I read a lot of the links put up by those who disagree with me.
I dont just write them all** off as "flakes"....... Look ! Im even talking to you! :smiley:
Some of the links to things that go against “mainstream thought”. Fair enough and quite right they should be pointed out.
I am (generally) against censoring stuff. Poisonous writings, ideas, and the like should be brought out into the natural disinfectant of daylight. Inaccurate figures should be corrected.
Someone who thinks 2 plus 2 makes 5, should have the truth explained to them shouldn`t they?

The next bit makes me a bit frustrated because I have repeated my point, many times, in different ways.
Even if I do still talk to you, I wonder do you ever read my replies?

And were these deaths PURELY due to Covid with no other serious health issues alongside it?

What the !! is that about?
Why is that remotely important?
Does someone with asthma being dead mean less somehow?
Does a person undergoing cancer treatment, and so with a lowered immune system become a less important life?
Nearly two thirds of the UK adult population are over weight! Loads drink more than 6 pints of beer a week, smoke, or have some other sort of health issue…
WTF is it always so important to know what this minority subset of covid sufferers experience is?
Hardly a surprise that fitter people die less from covid…exactly the same as a fit person knocked down in the street is going to do better than an overweight smoker and drinker also knocked down…use your brain.

Sorry, but here is a link.
ft.com/content/74346367-3d0 … 10c8917b12
David Spiegelhalter saying that the majority of covid deaths, in spite of preexisting conditions, would mostly have more than a life taken away from them.
It isn`t a bunch of “coffin dodgers” losing a few months.
(no matter what some tell you)

Ive already said that my personal experience isnt necessarily a good window onto the world, but I know of those vaccinated who have had Covid and been mildly affected, more affected, or in a one case it was serious “man-flu” with a few days in bed. (An amateur footballer etc)
I know of a couple who chose not to be vaccinated. Under 65, non smokers, light drinkers, active and fit. One was almost untouched, one was taken into hospital then into intensive care unit. Now recovering, but months later still not fully fit physically nor mentally, but hopefully will get better.
From a personal experience thats a 50% serious and ongoing health experience, for non-vaccinated fit and healthy individuals. I dont try to extrapolate from that into the whole population. Far better to look at the data for the country not just my own little world.

*Exaggeration compared to any official figures not any news or www “made up facts”? And certainly not your “I dont believe it" and "its exaggerated” but have no real figures or stats!
** Well, there a couple of exceptions. Watching hours of a loon video after a few basic stupidities are made in a couple of minutes doesn`t float my boat.

Jeez where do I start with that.
If I replied to you with minute detail over 3 pages we are never going to be singing from the same hymn sheet.
As I’ve said, I just don’t get your absolute fascination and pre.occuoation with all this, the doommonger label refers to you exacerbating the ’ official line’’ that this is far more serious than anything in history,.and that we are all gonna die if we dont listen to the ‘‘exoerts’’.

Basically the way I see this is it’s another case of ‘flu going around’ as we have had since as long as I remember from time to time.
Granted it’s a more severe type of ‘flu’ and more serious than the common or garden type, granted people have died with it, granted a small percentage (I’ve no doubt you will have the actual percentage on hand :unamused: ) have had serious adverse effects, with a long term bad illness, but on the whole it is still a type of flu whether you are prepared to accept that or not.

Whether or not the jabs have made a significant difference is all down to opinion, looking at face value they maybe have, but we all know that figures and stats can be massaged and adjusted in anything, a common practice by authoritative bodies over the years, and masquerading as ‘‘proof’’, it all goes back to what the individual believes…
So as for me ‘‘getting real’’ as you say, my perception of reality is down to what I see,.not what I am told more often than not to the contrary to what I see.

‘‘WTF is that all about’’ you ask me, :smiley: …really?, you don’t know?
you exacerbating the ’ official line’’ that this is far more serious than anything in history,.and that we are all gonna die if we dont listen to the ‘‘exoerts’’
If there was a haemneroids epidemic that I fell victim to, and I died eventually after long term heart problems, , would haemneroids be deemed what I died OF and put in the official figures of ‘‘Death by Haemeroids’’ ■■
But you refuse to accept that because of the bizarre obsession you have…does not compute.
A ridiculous analogy I know, but you know all about them with your ‘‘Never been to America’’ chestnut. :smiley: :unamused:

You say ‘‘Far better to look into the data’’ …
Yeh?..Not in my world mate as I ain’t that [zb] interested.
I’ll come on here and spar with you from time to time on it for a bit of sport :laughing: , but that’s as far as it goes, I’ll leave it to those who make a living out of it, and who unlike you or me can make a difference, so yeah I’ll admit I don’t read 90% of your links, it comes under both my ‘CBA’ and '‘Life is too [zb] short’ categories if I m honest.
I’d much rather just get on with my life, with my (comparable to your’s, mundane) interests and my family, and hope all this crap just dies a death asap.
Thanks for answering my points (I think) …among all the usual Franglais style rhetoric and yet another link. :neutral_face: :wink:

You accuse: "you exacerbating the ’ official line’’ that this is far more serious than anything in history,.and that we are all gonna die if we dont listen to the ‘‘exoerts’’
Where? Have you any proof of this?
Obviously you had an introspection-ectomy long ago, but also an irony bypass?

Of course if we can “choose to believe or not in facts and figures”…

There is loads written on the ONS site going into great detail about how deaths are counted, how “due to” and “with” are defined recorded and allowed for.
That information is all there
You keep asking the same questions, in spite of the answers being fed to you.

Yes you are right:
You CBA to even read answers to your own questions.

Whether or not the jabs have made a significant difference is all down to opinion, looking at face value they maybe have, but we all know that figures and stats can be massaged and adjusted in anything, a common practice by authoritative bodies over the years, and masquerading as ‘‘proof’’, it all goes back to what the individual believes…



:open_mouth: Oh PLEEEEEEASE assure us this is true. :smiley:

Franglais old boy, I don’t know why you get so hept up about all of this. You are on a trucker forum and you complain that the posters aren’t going away and researching properly or reading your links enough. You should know by now that any thread or post is likely to get the full range of replies from thoroughly deranged through to carefully thought out and well researched (and everything else in-between). Reading links or researching properly is not a prerequisite to posting here. Making sense isn’t either, as many posters demonstrate on a daily basis. Just saying.

If anyone is interested “More Or Less” have a new series on BBC R4, and today are meant to be looking at www rumours about Covid deaths being a tenth of what is reported. And the 5 second rule on dropped food!

Those who chose to defend their rights on whether or not to believe in reality, are free to excuse themselves.
FreeView 205 has an offering for them at the same time, as Flop and Charlie play with the bunny today. tvguide.co.uk/detail/1973414/61513915/bing

If anyone is interested “More Or Less” have a new series on BBC R4, and today are meant to be looking at www rumours about Covid deaths being a tenth of what is reported. And the 5 second rule on dropped food!

Those who chose to defend their rights on whether or not to believe in reality, are free to excuse themselves.
FreeView 205 has an offering for them at the same time, as Flop and Charlie play with the bunny today. tvguide.co.uk/detail/1973414/61513915/bing

Let me consider watching that for a second.

Errrrr …no.
I’ll be washing my hair that night when it’s on. :smiley:
As for Flop and Charlie,.I’m a Spongebob Squarepants man myself. :sunglasses:

brandnewtube.com/watch/_21NLqlp … HdvEgBsPaE

There’s stuff going down folks.


There’s stuff going down folks.

18th January…guess the cops aren`t exactly rushing to shut down the vaccine centres then?

As so often a little nugget of fact in a huge pile of slime and crap.
The tin foil hatters have got a “crime number” from a police station. They are so pleased at this, that they are again running around shouting that the sky is falling down.

reuters.com/article/factche … SL1N2U10T1
reuters.com/article/factche … SL1N2U00Q8

As so often a little nugget of fact in a huge pile of slime and crap.

I note that you don’t seem to want to dispute the ‘fact’ that NHS are saying that there are more risks attached to AZ at least than Covid.
Which probably explains my blood pressure anomaly, recorded by my routine GP surgery BP checks, since April after first jab in March.
But which the NHS had for some reason kept the figures from me until asked for the information after I found it with a home BP monitor.
In addition to the fact of the NHS refusing to give me an AZ booster on request.
Now I know why.
Facts indeed.


Juddian if you want some truth about immunity watch this


Am l the only one getting these hideous text readings,presumably intended for the hard of hearing.on every bloody yt vid? ffs.
Seems a dodgy policy if so,and the misspellings are beyond parody.Just watched a vid on falconry featuring…‘Harry’s Socks’ instead of Harris Hawks ffs.What fresh hell is this ? can it be removed ?

Switch off subtitles/ closed captions



Juddian if you want some truth about immunity watch this


Am l the only one getting these hideous text readings,presumably intended for the hard of hearing.on every bloody yt vid? ffs.
Seems a dodgy policy if so,and the misspellings are beyond parody.Just watched a vid on falconry featuring…‘Harry’s Socks’ instead of Harris Hawks ffs.What fresh hell is this ? can it be removed ?

Switch off subtitles/ closed captions

Thanks chap.All good now. :sunglasses:



Whether or not the jabs have made a significant difference is all down to opinion, looking at face value they maybe have, but we all know that figures and stats can be massaged and adjusted in anything, a common practice by authoritative bodies over the years, and masquerading as ‘‘proof’’, it all goes back to what the individual believes…


It’s True. All the credit given to the vaccines COULD just be because death rates of later less virulent mutations are being compared with the original and early mutations that were around before the vaccine.




Whether or not the jabs have made a significant difference is all down to opinion, looking at face value they maybe have, but we all know that figures and stats can be massaged and adjusted in anything, a common practice by authoritative bodies over the years, and masquerading as ‘‘proof’’, it all goes back to what the individual believes…


It’s True. All the credit given to the vaccines COULD just be because death rates of later less virulent mutations are being compared with the original and early mutations that were around before the vaccine.

Speechless :laughing: :wink:




Whether or not the jabs have made a significant difference is all down to opinion, looking at face value they maybe have, but we all know that figures and stats can be massaged and adjusted in anything, a common practice by authoritative bodies over the years, and masquerading as ‘‘proof’’, it all goes back to what the individual believes…


It’s True. All the credit given to the vaccines COULD just be because death rates of later less virulent mutations are being compared with the original and early mutations that were around before the vaccine.

Except of course that is disproved by this CDC study showing that unvaccinated persons have a notably higher incidence of covid and a higher mortaity rate. The study shows rates of infection etc up to Dec 2021. It shows how current vaccines perform with current Covid strains.

So it is not true.

If someone wants to “choose to believe” otherwise that is their right.

If you liked that? You might like this?

“About 240 B.C., when Greek mathematician Eratosthenes compared the shadows cast in both Syene—now Aswan, Egypt—and Alexandria on the summer solstice. Eratosthenes had learned of a well in Syene where once a year on the summer solstice, the sun would illuminate the entire bottom of the well and tall buildings and other objects would not cast a shadow. However, he noticed that shadows were being cast on the summer solstice in Alexandria, so he measured the angle of the shadow and found it to be an angle of about 7.2°.”
All credits for the above to
Erik Frenz
Erik Frenz is a copy editor for Cell, Cell Systems, and Current Biology.

Other proofs are available.
(Should you “choose to believe” them)

If you liked that? You might like this?

“About 240 B.C., when Greek mathematician Eratosthenes compared the shadows cast in both Syene—now Aswan, Egypt—and Alexandria on the summer solstice. Eratosthenes had learned of a well in Syene where once a year on the summer solstice, the sun would illuminate the entire bottom of the well and tall buildings and other objects would not cast a shadow. However, he noticed that shadows were being cast on the summer solstice in Alexandria, so he measured the angle of the shadow and found it to be an angle of about 7.2°.”
All credits for the above to
Erik Frenz
Erik Frenz is a copy editor for Cell, Cell Systems, and Current Biology.

Other proofs are available.
(Should you “choose to believe” them)

What did Eratosthenes have to say about the links between AZ ‘vaccine’ ( experimental emergency licenced therapy like all the rest ) and clots and now myelitis.
Could he also tell me why I was refused an AZ booster by the NHS.


Could he also tell me why I was refused an AZ booster by the NHS.

Could be one of several reasons:

  • Your face doesn’t fit - all part of the conspiracy to keep you from having the booster you desire and everyone is in on it.

  • No staff to carry out the injections, they are all too busy doing “other duties” within their job roles … like delivering burgers and fast food.

  • They just dont like you - who can blame them based on the way you continuously whine on like a little girl.


Could he also tell me why I was refused an AZ booster by the NHS.

Could be one of several reasons:

  • Your face doesn’t fit - all part of the conspiracy to keep you from having the booster you desire and everyone is in on it.

  • No staff to carry out the injections, they are all too busy doing “other duties” within their job roles … like delivering burgers and fast food.

  • They just dont like you - who can blame them based on the way you continuously whine on like a little girl.

In that case they don’t like more or less everyone who has had two AZ jabs.
Plenty of staff to do Moderna or Phizer booster jabs.
If that’s the best reasoning I’ll skip the booster thanks.
It obviously doesn’t affect vax passport status have been issued with mine even without asking for it.
While in view of your preferential status they should obviously give you 4 AZ jabs to make sure you’ve got the best possible chance.


Could he also tell me why I was refused an AZ booster by the NHS.

Could be one of several reasons:

  • Your face doesn’t fit - all part of the conspiracy to keep you from having the booster you desire and everyone is in on it.

  • No staff to carry out the injections, they are all too busy doing “other duties” within their job roles … like delivering burgers and fast food.

  • They just dont like you - who can blame them based on the way you continuously whine on like a little girl.

The simplest answer is that nobody has been given AZ as a booster as mRNA have been reviewed by actual science to be more effective as a booster.

Juddian if you want some truth about immunity watch this


Thanks for that, having watched 20 minutes of it I shall have to find the time to see the rest of it. Up to the point seen it certainly points to why some people are getting seriously ill. Although this is extremely techinical it is in fact quite easy to follow.