Hello fellow Kings and Queens of the Highway!
I have been giving some thought to this whole CPC issue, and the thought occurred that this supposed “qualification” is nothing more than a money making exercise and I do believe it’s about time we stood up as professional drivers and said enough is enough!
Ok in a nutshell we have to take 35 hours (at considerable personal cost to ourselves) of courses to qualify for our CPC, what I can’t understand and find hard to comprehend is the fact that we can do 35 hours of the same course, whatever that may be, manual handling, tacho regs etc to get this frankly ridiculous and useless piece of paper.
Most if not all of us are out on the roads each and every day doing our job, having passed quite a stringent test to operate large vehicles, my question therefore is why do we need to have an additional qualification that is quite frankly not worth the paper it’s printed on?
Also once we have said piece of paper, we do not receive and additional benefits, salary etc. Now having worked in Aviation for a considerable amount of time may I add, every time I was required to take an additional qualification I would be duly compensated for this.
So if anyone would like to comment on this, then I would welcome the feedback or suggestions. What I would like to do is start a campaign to force companies, agencies whoever employs us to recognize this additional qualification and compensate us accordingly.
So if anyone would like to comment on this, then I would welcome the feedback or suggestions. What I would like to do is start a campaign to force companies, agencies whoever employs us to recognize this additional qualification and compensate us accordingly.
Welcome Disptachdog.
As everyone has to have the qualification, they will be compensated by companies and agencies by being offered work, against those who don’t have said qualification, who won’t.
I think that most of the keyboard warriors on here came to the its a scam,tax on our jobs conclusion a few years back.I drive buses and have sat through modules otherwise known as you tube clips about load security and overloading axles.It should either be scrapped or right back to the drawing board.
Hello fellow Kings and Queens of the Highway!
I have been giving some thought to this whole CPC issue, and the thought occurred that this supposed “qualification” is nothing more than a money making exercise.
and the winner of the ‘No ■■■■ Sherlock’ award is…
When i done mine the instructor said the Government had made 80 million so far out of it .Thats why it ain’t going away he said lets
hope he wrong and it dose go away.
Bolted horse gate shut after etc
Yep money making exercise is pretty much the collective thoughts on this.
Most have done it now though, so I would be well miffed if it was cancelled.
You would have to be insane to sit the same course 5 times though.
Oh and its a shiny card with your picture on it not just a piece of paper, also some rumours that it counts as a VIP pass at certain trendy locations, but this is yet to be confirmed.
way back all uk drivers /Europeans/ should of stood told all local mp/s eg government tpt minister if this not withdrawn . total transport strike but who would of had b…s to stick to it not many I think . problem is we lost our country/and our backbone and its our own fault and the great tony oh im a liar blair who sold uk down the s…er to brussells behind our back . but cheer up borders all open /free movement/ bla bla bla its gone lads just buckle down and wait for next load of bo…x coming at ya
Most if not all of us are out on the roads each and every day doing our job, having passed quite a stringent test to operate large vehicles, my question therefore is why do we need to have an additional qualification that is quite frankly not worth the paper it’s printed on?
Because of things such as so called “professional drivers” who’ve been using tachographs for 20 years yet still don’t know EU drivers hours rules. Because of the countless morons incapable of driving down the road without losing their load or hitting a bridge.
The DCPC was sorely needed. The only problem with it was allowing you to repeat modules and not testing people on them at the end of a day’s training.
Dont worry as come september this forum will become obsolete as every driver will have done the cpc and they wont need to ask any more questions as they will all be clued up on everything to do with the industry !!
aye right, ive already done my 35 hours and all i can remember is going to the toilet a few times !!
Hello fellow Kings and Queens of the Highway!
I have been giving some thought to this whole CPC issue, and the thought occurred that this supposed “qualification” is nothing more than a money making exercise and I do believe it’s about time we stood up as professional drivers and said enough is enough!
Ok in a nutshell we have to take 35 hours (at considerable personal cost to ourselves) of courses to qualify for our CPC, what I can’t understand and find hard to comprehend is the fact that we can do 35 hours of the same course, whatever that may be, manual handling, tacho regs etc to get this frankly ridiculous and useless piece of paper.
Most if not all of us are out on the roads each and every day doing our job, having passed quite a stringent test to operate large vehicles, my question therefore is why do we need to have an additional qualification that is quite frankly not worth the paper it’s printed on?
Also once we have said piece of paper, we do not receive and additional benefits, salary etc. Now having worked in Aviation for a considerable amount of time may I add, every time I was required to take an additional qualification I would be duly compensated for this.
So if anyone would like to comment on this, then I would welcome the feedback or suggestions. What I would like to do is start a campaign to force companies, agencies whoever employs us to recognize this additional qualification and compensate us accordingly.
hgv drivers stand up and say enough,no chance of that,we have never in the past and doubt if we ever will,they would in france but here,no chance
hgv drivers stand up and say enough,no chance of that,we have never in the past and doubt if we ever will,they would in france but here,no chance
They may well do in France, but all drivers here have a DCPC since 2012, and believe me it is MUCH harder to get here.
What I would like to do is start a campaign to force companies, agencies whoever employs us to recognize this additional qualification and compensate us accordingly.
When i done mine the instructor said the Government had made 80 million so far out of it .Thats why it ain’t going away he said lets
hope he wrong and it dose go away.
Talking out of his bottom methinks. And it’s not a tax on your job if you haven’t paid for it yourself.
I do agree that this unnecessary piece of legislation is a complete waste of time money and energy, it teaches us what we already know and in a lot of cases we actually know more than the ( college ) guy who is teaching us this crap, and also pointing out the many faults and myths along the way. We already have a HGV licence which is enough on its own to qualify us as professionals, the problem i find is we are not treated that way. We are not a collective organisation ( unionised ) and therefore have no clout whatsoever, those who are in a union are only protected from abuses in the employment field such as dismissal or disciplinary hearings etc. I have been saying for years that this industry should be united and/or unionised and then as a collective group we could campaign for action until then we have to grin and bear it.
There are a lot of drivers who have had to pay for this training out of their own pockets, i myself was fortunate to have been working for a company whom paid for its drivers and subbies to benefit from free training ( cough, cough ) so i believe there should be some kind of tax break for these drivers who have had to pay. As an afterthought, i wonder whether drivers who paid and went on a course, were refused payment from their employers for the time lost/time off.