Covid job mandatory for health staff... whos next?

I’d deny the earth was round if it got me shot on Elle McPherson!

I reckon some of the “doom n gloom” merchants on TNet are some of the same ones who spend their spare time outside Parliament with megaphone and placards shouting their beliefs and trying to get themselves in the background of broadcasting.
Being so anti about everything and anything is the only thing that keeps them going through life

Here’s a link for Franglais,.I know how much he likes them. :smiley:
Even our exPm (not a fan either btw) is advocating that now most of the country is actually vaccinated,.that we should all be left just to get on with it, and move on… using travel and leisure as an example.
As she says, people are always going to die with, or because of , Covid, so just deal with it, :bulb:
Those who want to shelter from it do so, those who don’t want the vaccination for WHATEVER reason, just please yourselves,…newsflash the rest of us, or at least most of us, don’t actually care! you know !! :open_mouth:

It might not be that those vaccinated are immune, but may be protected from serious illness, especially as new variants appear. In which case, they may still be carriers (and infectious) for a time.

It might not be that those vaccinated are immune, but may be protected from serious illness, especially as new variants appear. In which case, they may still be carriers (and infectious) for a time.

I get that, but what is the alternative as I keep saying?
Do as much work as you like through the week. but do ■■■■ all in your own time for the rest of your life.? :unamused:
If I ended up catching it,.( and yeh after having the vaccine) by trying to live a decent life, so much so that it finished me,.I’d be prepared to take that chance, nobody to blame but myself …for not spending my weekend locked in a ■■■■ wardrobe or something wearing a mask :unamused: …in the sane vein as those who refuse to have the vaccination for whatever reason, their own fault if they get it, and I’m sure they accept that…well apart from those who think it ain’t a real disease/condition anyhow. :smiley:

As i’ve said many times here, nothing would make me happier than to be entirely wrong about this, and that in ten years time we are all enjoying life through natural progression and evryone here is still alive and well.

Yes, to please Lolipop :smiling_imp: and a couple of others, if i get the bloody flu as just punishment for daring to question and kick the bucket i’ll only be blaming myself, not as any bugger will hear me because Health Secretary Obersturmbannfuher Handcock aided and abetted by carefully rehearsed questions from eager accolytes in the House has already announced that the NHS has no duty to provide care for refusenik criminals (i’ll have a refund for the last 50 years then ta :laughing: ) due to not doing as told schnell by the tory prefect.

Let us pray the great reset, build back better you will own nothing and be happy and other such exortations from wannabe world dictators will all have been figments of fertile imaginations and life will have returned to almost boring tranquility with all here pointing fingers at those like me and laughing, smugly.


It might not be that those vaccinated are immune, but may be protected from serious illness, especially as new variants appear. In which case, they may still be carriers (and infectious) for a time.

I get that, but what is the alternative as I keep saying?
Do as much work as you like through the week. but do [zb] all in your own time for the rest of your life.? :unamused:
If I ended up catching it,.( and yeh after having the vaccine) by trying to live a decent life, so much so that it finished me,.I’d be prepared to take that chance, nobody to blame but myself …for not spending my weekend locked in a [zb] wardrobe or something wearing a mask :unamused: …in the sane vein as those who refuse to have the vaccination for whatever reason, their own fault if they get it, and I’m sure they accept that…well apart from those who think it ain’t a real disease/condition anyhow. :smiley:

On the basis that this virus isn’t going away, this seems perfectly reasonable. If a large proportion of the population is vaccinated then serious illness will be reduced and hopefully the rate of infection too.

There probably will be a few incidences of people who didn’t partake in getting a jab who subsequently contract a variant and get seriously ill.

At the moment though, there are quite a few second jabs in the pipeline and I am one of those due for my second quite soon I think.

It probably will come out in the wash as time goes by whether the people being admitted to hospital had the jab or not.

Maybe they should offer everyone a free flu jab as well and be done with it.

What you’ve taken isn’t a vaccine, it’s experimental and licenced only for use in emergencies and years off the long term trials being completed, entirely different to real vaccines and will make permanent alterations to how and why your body responds to infections.

That’s why every Professor, every Doctor, every Epidemioligist throughout the world and anyone in their right mind has taken it. Of course there might be a lorry driver somewhere that knows better. :laughing:

Jake, get back in the coffin and sleep for a year or two till the ship berths back in Transylvania, Igor will protect you during the daylight hours :smiling_imp:

Come to St Ives to test your theory
Visitors are complaining that everywhere is shut - it is because the workers are infected - they’ll probably survive, but on minimum wage they only call in sick if they are really 4Qed

Well I thought my reference to the disgraced struck off, UK Doctor and empire builder in the US, Andrew Wakefield, and his cronies who are in the higher echelons of the anti vax campaign.would have got at least Some feedback on this thread .
Most of which are quacks and old style snake oil salesmen who have made an absolute mint from the anti vaccine campaign, including the comedian who says that ingesting disinfectant and bleach, (and sells it surprise surprise) is a far superior method of keeping it at bay than a vaccine and who was actually quoted by Trump btw last year :smiley: :unamused:

Is it because the anti vax members on here either have never heard of him or can’t be arsed to check him out, or is it a realisation that these guys in charge of it all, or at least who started the ball rolling, are an even bigger ■■■■ con that they perceive the vaccines to be? :neutral_face:
Just curious.

Well I thought my reference to the disgraced UK Doctor, Andrew Wakefield, and his cronies who are in the higher echelons of the anti vax campaign.would have got at least Some feedback on this thread .
Most of which are quacks and old style snake oil salesmen who have made an absolute mint from the anti vaccine campaign, including the comedian who says that ingesting disinfectant and bleach, (and sells it surprise surprise) is a far superior method of keeping it at bay than a vaccine and who was actually quoted by Trump btw last year :smiley: :unamused:

Is it because the anti vax members on here either have never heard of him or can’t be arsed to check him out, or is it a realisation that these guys are an even bigger [zb] con that they perceive the vaccines to be? :neutral_face:
Just curious.

Don’t worry too much, I’ve referenced this particular git a few times previously and got little response.
The deaths in Swansea a few years ago were more or less due to him and his disgraceful behaviour regards the MMR false news stories. Those who were influenced by his scare mongering about a perfectly good treatment, the MMR vaccine, didn’t vaccinate their kids…
Even today there are many saying “No smoke without fire” or “he is being shut up by the establishment” etc.
Full story about him in Ben Goldacre’s excellent book “Bad Science” and about him (Not a Dr) Gillian McKeith and others on the Bad Science web site.
No photos of Ben’s cat though…[emoji3]
Ed to add a link (hooray!) to a video!!
Not a Graudian site.
15-ish mins… … anguage=en

Hmmm 4 days and still no addressing of my point by the TN anti vax contingent.
As one of the more vocal ones on this thread has just said to me on another thread…
‘‘No answer,.speaks volumes’’.
Just about sums it up I reck. :smiley:

I’m not sure what your point is. You have selected 1 person out of 1000s on government payroll who have shares in pharmaceutical companies, mask manufacturers and myriad of other conflicting interests. If that’s the extent of your argument then here, have a cookie. Well done chap. We’ll just ignore the 1000s of others as those don’t suit our agenda. Nothing to see here, move along now.

Keep getting your jabs please.

Hmmm 4 days and still no addressing of my point by the TN anti vax contingent.
As one of the more vocal ones on this thread has just said to me on another thread…
‘‘No answer,.speaks volumes’’.
Just about sums it up I reck. :smiley:

Given TN seemed to be taken ‘off air’ following this discussion opening up, I suspect any anti-‘government propaganda’ posts will be quickly given the 77 brigade treatment.


Hmmm 4 days and still no addressing of my point by the TN anti vax contingent.
As one of the more vocal ones on this thread has just said to me on another thread…
‘‘No answer,.speaks volumes’’.
Just about sums it up I reck. :smiley:

Given TN seemed to be taken ‘off air’ following this discussion opening up, I suspect any anti-‘government propaganda’ posts will be quickly given the 77 brigade treatment.

Im sure youre right.
Whenever I post a pro Gov item it goes straight through the www. If I ever post summat anti-gov, or anti Johnson it gets lost somewhere.
Im sure others must have noticed this? And just recently the Sheriffs blue helicopters have been replaced by those others with birds of prey on them, and even yellow ones…
Sent from NightVale

Well I thought my reference to the disgraced struck off, UK Doctor and empire builder in the US, Andrew Wakefield, and his cronies who are in the higher echelons of the anti vax campaign.would have got at least Some feedback on this thread .
Most of which are quacks and old style snake oil salesmen who have made an absolute mint from the anti vaccine campaign, including the comedian who says that ingesting disinfectant and bleach, (and sells it surprise surprise) is a far superior method of keeping it at bay than a vaccine and who was actually quoted by Trump btw last year :smiley: :unamused:

Is it because the anti vax members on here either have never heard of him or can’t be arsed to check him out, or is it a realisation that these guys in charge of it all, or at least who started the ball rolling, are an even bigger [zb] con that they perceive the vaccines to be? :neutral_face:
Just curious.


Anti Vax campaign, check.
Quacks, check.
Snake oil salesmen, check.
Anti Vax posters, check.

For what its worth i’ve not heard of Andrew Wakefield that i am aware of, nor do i have any idea who he’s supposed to be shacked up with, nor do i have the foggiest idea where they got their loot, and you’ve got more chance of ■■■■■■■ in the Queen’s handbag than me watching some bloody channel4 hatchet job docusoap (not as i could live cos no telly licence), but no doubt if chanel4 say he’s a bad un then it must be true.
Did i inadvertantly offer a link to the bloke or something? is there a reason for naming him.
I also haven’t got the foggiest idea which comedian sells disinfectant and bleach.


Well I thought my reference to the disgraced struck off, UK Doctor and empire builder in the US, Andrew Wakefield, and his cronies who are in the higher echelons of the anti vax campaign.would have got at least Some feedback on this thread .
Most of which are quacks and old style snake oil salesmen who have made an absolute mint from the anti vaccine campaign, including the comedian who says that ingesting disinfectant and bleach, (and sells it surprise surprise) is a far superior method of keeping it at bay than a vaccine and who was actually quoted by Trump btw last year :smiley: :unamused:

Is it because the anti vax members on here either have never heard of him or can’t be arsed to check him out, or is it a realisation that these guys in charge of it all, or at least who started the ball rolling, are an even bigger [zb] con that they perceive the vaccines to be? :neutral_face:
Just curious.


Anti Vax campaign, check.
Quacks, check.
Snake oil salesmen, check.
Anti Vax posters, check.

For what its worth i’ve not heard of Andrew Wakefield that i am aware of, nor do i have any idea who he’s supposed to be shacked up with, nor do i have the foggiest idea where they got their loot, and you’ve got more chance of ■■■■■■■ in the Queen’s handbag than me watching some bloody channel4 hatchet job docusoap (not as i could live cos no telly licence), but no doubt if chanel4 say he’s a bad un then it must be true.
Did i inadvertantly offer a link to the bloke or something? is there a reason for naming him.
I also haven’t got the foggiest idea which comedian sells disinfectant and bleach.


Cheers Juddian,.I mentioned him in an answer to our mate who mentioned Hancock and Witty, it was meant to redress the balance that there are incompetents and shysters on both sides, that was all.

This Wakefield guy can be sourced on Google, not just C4 :smiley: , he was one of the founders of the anti vax campaign in the US after being wholly discredited by the medical profession in the UK,.and could arguably be responsible for the death of many kids who did not have the MMR jab after he publicly rubbished it, he has also denied the validity of polio injections, and jumped on a similar bandwagon with the Covid virus.

Robroy, i can quite agree with you there are frauds and shysters on both sides (i hope i’ve only linked to people that seem as best i can see to be doing what they are for the best of reasons not just to make or keep the loot rolling in), i can make no comment about Wakefield because i haven’t a clue about him but the very last place i would be searching for impartial facts about him would be google, if he’s annoyed big pharma then he’s going to struggle to get a fair hearing because $$$$$$$$$$$ is persuasive to the buyable and those people and businesses that appear to worship money for its own sake.

In other news it appears some dolly bird was desperate enough to snog our health monster, seems to be a regular pattern in tory circles.
A right furore is going on about it, why pray?
I couldn’t give a tuppeny ■■■■ who or what is going on, these people are of no interest to me just as anything they say do or write is of no interest, they haven’t taken my freedoms because they were never theirs to take in the first place so won’t be going along with anything they say in order to have some minor freedoms granted to me if i’m a good boy and eat all my greens :unamused: (behaving like some benevolent slave master? get over theirbloodyselves the jumped up nobodies) that they never took in the first place, sod 'em.

Robroy, i can quite agree with you there are frauds and shysters on both sides (i hope i’ve only linked to people that seem as best i can see to be doing what they are for the best of reasons not just to make or keep the loot rolling in), i can make no comment about Wakefield because i haven’t a clue about him but the very last place i would be searching for impartial facts about him would be google, if he’s annoyed big pharma then he’s going to struggle to get a fair hearing because $$$$$$$$$$$ is persuasive to the buyable and those people and businesses that appear to worship money for its own sake.

In other news it appears some dolly bird was desperate enough to snog our health monster, seems to be a regular pattern in tory circles.
A right furore is going on about it, why pray?
I couldn’t give a tuppeny ■■■■ who or what is going on, these people are of no interest to me just as anything they say do or write is of no interest, they haven’t taken my freedoms because they were never theirs to take in the first place so won’t be going along with anything they say in order to have some minor freedoms granted to me if i’m a good boy and eat all my greens :unamused: (behaving like some benevolent slave master? get over theirbloodyselves the jumped up nobodies) that they never took in the first place, sod 'em.

Itss not the fact that he (a married man) played tonsil tennis with a married woman hats the issue. It’s the brass neck of him, after blathering on that we had to “stick to the rules” in order to “dont kill granny”, and ths fact that he made a big song and dance of that professor what got caught with his trousers down , and who had to resign. ■■■■■■■’s incredulity was almost sincere…

The ■■■■ has to go.