Thanks all for your replies much appreciated
Hi nick, I will talk to the boss about it, don’t know if they alter the contract though, is it possible that I can sign only the parts i agree to, or is it usually all or nothing?
Hi henk, if I haven’t signed the contract, how are they able to hold me to be responsible within the terms of the contract? With no signature i havnt accepted their terms & conditions, previous work done for them with no contract .
Hi lollipop, I have worked for a few companies without having signed a contract including this one, I’m happy here & get on well with the work & everyone else too. It would be a pity if this contract was to spoil things. And if I was ever to be sacked for any reason unfairly, I wouldn’t want to remain working in the same place if found in my favour.
Hi Fred there’d, both me and them know what is required of both parties, the problem I have is with some parts of the contract , which could result inleave me in a serious financial loss through no fault of my own!!!
Hi liberty guy, I am hoping that we can sort out the negative side in a positive way, and if not , well…watch this space!!
Hi DrivingMissDaisy, thanks for the advice, sounds like a good idea, I will give them a call .
Hi winseer, thanks for the insight, I 'm taking it all on board.
Hi robbo, yes they trying don’t they.