Container flip

Mr McDonald said: “It’s not what you expect to see on a normal Monday afternoon. There’s no doubt both the driver and the lady have been very lucky, it could have been a lot worse.”

Full story here: … ving-room/

is this one of those ghost pics or is there someone looking out the window in the loft of the house, or maybe I have had too much coffee

JLS Driver SOS:
is this one of those ghost pics or is there someone looking out the window in the loft of the house, or maybe I have had too much coffee

I see it too, I must be on the same coffee!

JLS Driver SOS:
is this one of those ghost pics or is there someone looking out the window in the loft of the house, or maybe I have had too much coffee

Just noticed it too but my coffee must be stronger than yours cos it looks like a horse head to me!:?:?:-D:-D

I can’t see what they have done here.

Have they used part of the container to prop up the front while they’ve taken the trailer away?


JLS Driver SOS:
is this one of those ghost pics or is there someone looking out the window in the loft of the house, or maybe I have had too much coffee

Just noticed it too but my coffee must be stronger than yours cos it looks like a horse head to me!:?:?:-D:-D

:open_mouth: :laughing: your right, must be a lodger


I can’t see what they have done here.

Have they used part of the container to prop up the front while they’ve taken the trailer away?

:confused: The trailer is still there!

Trucknet CSI where are you, ?what was the cause.? :smiley:

Ah Ok I couldn’t see it. It is skewed around in that photo.


:? The trailer is still there!

Well I see three axles in that photo.

What happened to the other three belonging to the trailer?

They’re obscured by the unit although you can just see some of the wheels on the left.

the red bit between the rear wheels of the unit and the container is the trailer



:? The trailer is still there!

Well I see three axles in that photo.

What happened to the other three belonging to the trailer?

They’re obscured by the unit

Thanks - I’ve got it now


■■■■ me he’s done a proper job there :open_mouth:

[zb] me he’s done a proper job there :open_mouth:

Nah, the 4x4 is still intact!

Just goes to show- Twist Locks work really well !
(Perhaps we should Twist Lock every Pallet & Bag to the deck, to keep Vosa happy)

Just goes to show- Twist Locks work really well !
(Perhaps we should Twist Lock every Pallet & Bag to the deck, to keep Vosa happy)

I would like to say what a stupid idea, but with the new plastic pallets that’s probably not such a bad idea after all.

Duncan Adams… speaks volumes you can hear their spurs when they overtake you. They are thick as pig ■■■■ forever trying to intimidate all and sundry on that A977. Had 2 gulf aviation tankers in front of me doing 40 yesterday and i sat about 30 metre back from them, it was probably this zoomer in the photograph who was a 6 foot off my back doors the whole way, how can that be a pleasant drive? :neutral_face:

John Mitchells is the much more professional outfit by a country mile.

How the flip did he manage that?

A miracle the driver only had a few cuts and bruises, it would be interesting to find out what actually happened.

I know the driver of that truck. He was one of Adams transport planners until recently, when he went back on the road due to being unable to work with a ■■■■■■■■■■ in the office! (Fact!)