Container flip


that’s one way to block someone in.

I know the driver of that truck. He was one of Adams transport planners until recently, when he went back on the road due to being unable to work with a ■■■■■■■■■■ in the office! (Fact!)

sniff sniff…truck drivers myth alert…warning…truck drivers myth alert

Road looks pretty straight to me from the pics…how the **** do you turn it over like that ?

How is that a truckers myth & or why would anyone make something like that up?

10 out of 10 for effort and artistic parking :slight_smile:

He didn’t do a half hearted job there did he !!

:open_mouth: :unamused:

I was just checking my DQC as I was on my way into work now I’m a qualified trucker ( with 30 years under my belt, class one to boot and no snobbery from me neither! :sunglasses: ) when I forgot my cup of tea in the kitchen! :laughing: my lodger shouts down " stay where you are, there’s incoming! " :smiley: CRUNCH, CRASH, BANG AND WALLOP! I says " I hope his cards are straight! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: " FFS mmtm that there’s a ■■■■■■■■■■ in the office! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: sorry I thought he lived there! DRAMA QUEEN! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Fair play to the driver for not putting up with a paedo in the office (how is he still employed there?) but -100 points for doing that to a nice motor (if it was his fault before some Internet jobs worth starts asking me how I know it was the drivers fault).

Road looks pretty straight to me from the pics…how the **** do you turn it over like that ?

There’s a slow right-hand sweep just before it and an armco barrier that you can just see the remains of - would provide a nice launchpad if he was doing any speed…

Armco doesn’t stop trucks, it just flattens.

Trucknet CSI where are you, ?what was the cause.? :smiley:

Page 2 of the thread and nobody has blamed Stobarts yet…….

Trucknet CSI where are you, ?what was the cause.? :smiley:

Probably an foreign ex stobart driver working on the agency who was too busy not flashing other drivers in and not thinking of the children…

Does that about cover it? :smiley:

too much speed southbound…that armco barrier might as well of been daffodils. it was only a foot off the garden wall…ssssssssssssssssssss he got the gas meter as well… get well soon driver.

“Well boss, you told me to tip the load by that house”

As above, couldn’t they make everything in the world out of twist locks and kingpins? They seem to stand up to everything!

I think the driver was cooking a spaghetti bolognaise in between.his legs and got burnt by the gas cooker causing the truck to flip over.

I know the driver of that truck. He was one of Adams transport planners until recently, when he went back on the road due to being unable to work with a ■■■■■■■■■■ in the office! (Fact!)

Well if you’re going to let kids drive trucks, this is what happens.

I still believe he came around the corner, see the Horse looking out of the loft window and though WTF is that and flipped it… end of. :open_mouth:

JLS Driver SOS:
I still believe he came around the corner, see the Horse looking out of the loft window and though WTF is that and flipped it… end of. :open_mouth:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I know the driver of that truck. He was one of Adams transport planners until recently, when he went back on the road due to being unable to work with a ■■■■■■■■■■ in the office! (Fact!)

sniff sniff…truck drivers myth alert…warning…truck drivers myth alert

You know nothing ya half-wit! Struggling for something sensible to post were you?? :unamused: