Container driver nutcase

i was following a container truck on the m3 when a car driver left it late to change lanes for the exit slip as usual these days,anyway he decides to run this car onto the hardshoulder with his trailer and puts him into the gravel,i have never in 30 years of driving trucks seen such dangerous driving,yes the car driver was in the wrong for leaving it late but is that any reason to try to kill somone?or causing a motorway pile up involving innocent drivers,anyway my truck is fitted with a camera which has recorded it all,would vosa prosecute if they saw it or should i send a copy to the owners of the truck,i know there will be some on here who say mind your own buisness but maybe you would change your mind if it was one of your family in the car,i really think the driver has a very serious anger managment problem and will cause someone serious injury if he is allowed to carry on driving hgv.s

Dangerous driving brings us all to account.

Send to boss, its his employee his reputation and his responsibility.

Sorry been in that position before driving a truck.


mod in disguise :question:

Grass the kcid! Truckers have steel cages in spades around them .Cars are prefabricated plastic.I accidentally dinged a car in my blind spot on the M11 when i was driving a container. Slight damage to the car but the husband ,wife & little boy were in a state of shock! I jacked in ,all I was loaded with were plastic showcases from China.I equated the worth of that plastic junk to that young family so I reduced the danger on the road x 1. I was bored with the job & never drove a truck again…lived happily ever after btw. :slight_smile:

Sounds as the only lunatic was the car driver, for the artic to be able to do what it did, the car was too close and cut up the truck, the car driver put his and everyone else’s life in danger including the artic drivers, too many of the idiot car drivers who should of never been given a licence,that’s assuming that they have licences

If you want to report the lorry driver you’d better report the car driver too. Bit harder to do that though isn’t it. Most folk don’t have their phone no. and address stuck on the side of their car.

Post the video up on here and let us be judge,jury and executioner! :wink:

It was the car drivers fault in my accident. I was in the wrong lane ,a truck flashed me in but the car nipped into the lane behind & then along side me. It was his fault but I was in no danger & he stood to wipe out his family. After a lifetime of trucking it was time to hang up my spurs rather than be involved in petty knocks on a daily basis. I had had a good run & God was telling me it was time to quit.It was the look on their faces that did it. I talked & talked to calm them down but their expressions didn’t change -they had looked at death in the eye & it had made a lasting impression. It was a stupid way to make a living,plastic junk out & fresh air back to FX. WTF?
To put it in context Mondays was usually URGENT bouncy castles to Hereford.How will the human race improve & evolve with boxes full of junk blocking up the roads? Beats me. :laughing:

If you want to report the lorry driver you’d better report the car driver too. Bit harder to do that though isn’t it. Most folk don’t have their phone no. and address stuck on the side of their car.

the registration numbers of both vehicles are clearly visible so both could be identifide,ime not picking on the hgv driver but his actions were not that of a sane person behind the wheel of a 44ton truck,you dont use your trailer to force another vehicle off the road,yes the car driver was in the wrong but you dont know who they had in the car,there could be kids in there,it could be you he decides to brake test or run off the road nextime think on

Grass the kcid! Truckers have steel cages in spades around them .Cars are prefabricated plastic.I accidentally dinged a car in my blind spot on the M11 when i was driving a container. Slight damage to the car but the husband ,wife & little boy were in a state of shock! I jacked in ,all I was loaded with were plastic showcases from China.I equated the worth of that plastic junk to that young family so I reduced the danger on the road x 1. I was bored with the job & never drove a truck again…lived happily ever after btw. :slight_smile:

Is that a joke? Cars are metal btw not plastic. Thats just some of the exterior bumpers and trim. Why are you on a truck forum if you quit trucking? Thanks for giving someone els a job though lol its no less trucks on the road…

One of the reasons why I drive overnight! Surrounded by idiots driving dangerously during daylight hours! It’s bad enough early in the morning! :imp:

tried to upload it but its saying file to big as its in 5min segments i will edit it down and try again

Post the video up on here and let us be judge,jury and executioner! :wink:

Is that a joke? Cars are metal btw not plastic. Thats just some of the exterior bumpers and trim. Why are you on a truck forum if you quit trucking? Thanks for giving someone els a job though lol its no less trucks on the road…

Have you ever looked at a skelly? its all corners & built like railway wagon & has no side guards. The driver that took over came from DHL who were employing Commie Block material. & Ex-Truckers hold this website together .
I finished trucking because it had died of boredom ■■■■■■■ in red tape years ago.
I love the way you get so passionate over buzzing around UK or the EU but good luck ,the golden age is over & will never return to this part of the world.If it floats your boat keep at it but don’t try to police this website, its not rocket science to drive a modern truck.(56MPH) :laughing:
Any scrap dealer will tell you that cars have more plastic than ever before.

It’s OK Harry! You lost your bottle driving containers about that’s fair enough! But! There is no reason whatsoever for any modern car to be tangling with HGVs!! :unamused:

i was following a container truck on the m3 when a car driver left it late to change lanes for the exit slip as usual these days,anyway he decides to run this car onto the hardshoulder with his trailer and puts him into the gravel,i have never in 30 years of driving trucks seen such dangerous driving,yes the car driver was in the wrong for leaving it late but is that any reason to try to kill somone?or causing a motorway pile up involving innocent drivers,anyway my truck is fitted with a camera which has recorded it all,would vosa prosecute if they saw it or should i send a copy to the owners of the truck,i know there will be some on here who say mind your own buisness but maybe you would change your mind if it was one of your family in the car,i really think the driver has a very serious anger managment problem and will cause someone serious injury if he is allowed to carry on driving hgv.s

so, not only did the car driver cut up the truck, but, after doing such a stupid thing, he then proceeded to do something even more stupid, he slammed his brakes on

this is deduced from your statement, if the car driver didn’t slam on, how could the truck get back along side the car to put him on the hard shoulder?

it is a case of Red Mist by the trucker,we have all had Red Mist moments,you kind of black out and all sense of reasoning goes out of the window,it lasts a few seconds and the police recognise this.

Well I dont know the full ins and outs as we only have a one side story but if its the same thing that haooens to me when you start going past a slip road and some dumb ■■■ in a car trys to under take insted of giveing way as stated in the high way code then the car is in the wrong.

i found old people the worst,they have no idea how to drive on a motorway,when you get to the services,you see cars driving around the hgv parking looking for the car parking,and not seen the car park signs,if they can not see that,are they safe on the road?

From my exspeance horse box drivers I had to tak evasive action yesterday on the a2. I was going up hill had droped a gear doing 5(mph chaned lane to get past a horse box and to get in lane for m25 then the lasses desided she wanted my lane as I started to pass and she kept comming over sounded the horn as I had cars beside and to the rear banged hazerds on cars gave way stradeld the,lanes and she looked as if I came from space. I know I could of touched the brakes but to be on a bizzy hill and chaging to 2nd will cause more trouble than worth but that happens every now and the.

Most the time we now the ones who leave it late they come by us with the left hand already in place for the indicator just let them or they might kill us aswel as them selves