Cola Cowboys (Mid-East)

Reading some of the postings on the “Astrans” thread, this book is obviously still well sought after!!

Well theres that one on Ebay that looks well shabby ,but I have located another copy of the Cola Cowboys book (hardback) being offered on another website. :open_mouth:

The link is

Type in the Authors name (Franklyn Wood) and the books title. It has located one in the USA for £17.90!! (How Much!!) :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Hope this helps those who are still looking for a copy.

Cheers, bullitt.

PS, at this rate the publishers should consider reprinting it!!

Nadgers!! :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: it must have been sold,can’t find it on there.

That was quick!!! :open_mouth:

It was there, honest!! Will post again if I find another copy.

Cheers, bullitt.

PS was it anyone from on here who bought it??

the one on e bay went for £35

You want to listen to truckyboy and get the unabridged version.
(Our own middle east pioneer)

It is certainly a good read though.

Lots of them who arent with us anymore :frowning:

If anyone is still interested I think I have found a couple more, though these are hard back copies by the look of it!!

Try the following links… … 15-2953210 … 59-2114526

Dont know how up to date the info is but maybe worth a try.

Good luck,

Cheers, bullitt.

Cheers bullit,seeing as my paperback copy is now more than 20 odd years old and somewhat worse for wear,I’ve just ordered a hardback copy.

Thanks for that bullit. Just ordered a copy.

Glad to be of help chaps, hope you get them ok.

Cheers, bullitt.

PS, Coffee, have enjoyed reading your diaries,it must be nearly 10 years since I last took a truck over the water, brought back some good memories., especialy your last post mentioning seperate customs cleareance times, gettones etc!!
As for getting to the customs abit late to clear that day so having to go and “wait” in a bar until the next day, NEVER, honest!! :laughing: :laughing:

Spent 5 days waiting to clear at La Janquera once, terrible it was!! :wink:

Have to agree with the mad rush, now the companies expect you to tip and load in the same day with out any time for finding a bar :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

At least Im out of that rat race called Dover :sunglasses:

Just need to convince them to ship me to St Malo or Santander.

Maybe Neil should start inventing serious problems in his stories, to keep this foreign lark to ourselves :bulb:

bullitt,dont think you would spend 5mins there now came through yesterday and not even a copper/guard to be seen on either side,dont think that you would recongnise the place as changed so much in the last 5 or so years,froggy.

exuse my ignorance…but what is this book about and why so popular :question: :confused: :confused: :laughing:

Tis about the ‘old days’, Margate and the runs down to the Middle East …as told by the truckers

sounds like a bloody good read that bear :laughing: :laughing: might have to try and get a copy now then :laughing: :laughing:

Copies of this book have changed hands for up to 40 quid recently, a lot of money as it’s the type of book you’ll read straight off.

I re-read Cola Cowboys earlier this year, got the local Library to find a copy. It may take them a couple of weeks but it’s well worth the wait.

The ISBN is 0-491-02757-5 and the author is Franklyn Wood.

A library stock search has just revealed a copy sitting on the shelves at Daventry Library …

Tis about the ‘old days’, Margate and the runs down to the Middle East …as told by the truckers

With a large amount of poetic licence, better book by far in my opinion is Robert Hutchison’s Juggernaut ‘Trucking to Saudi Arabia’

Thanx, Biggles…will look out for that one

But the best thing about Cola Cowboys is that it is written with stories and anecdotes from proper blokes who I worked with.

Some of them sadly not here anymore.


Keep the trucking tales going in Heaven :wink:

Juggernaut, by Robert Hutchison was also published as “Danger-Heavy Goods”.
Today is offering eight copies.

Juggernaut, by Robert Hutchison was also published as “Danger-Heavy Goods”.
Today is offering eight copies.

Is it the same book, Sheeter?? I can find heavy goods but not cola or juggernaut