Coca Cola Truck Leeds Tomorrow (Pics Included)



So here are the pictures from my venture :grimacing: I apologise they have random people in it but it was [zb] horrible taking pictures with every idiot and his mum walking infront of you :imp: :imp: :imp:

:laughing: :laughing:
Brilliant bit of posing there!

Which one the bloke pretending to be driver or the fit piece with the nice legs on the other side of the truck :grimacing: ■■


Jonny :sunglasses:

First noticed the fit one in the skirt. Then the bloke pretending to be the driver :laughing:



So here are the pictures from my venture :grimacing: I apologise they have random people in it but it was [zb] horrible taking pictures with every idiot and his mum walking infront of you :imp: :imp: :imp:

:laughing: :laughing:
Brilliant bit of posing there!

Which one the bloke pretending to be driver or the fit piece with the nice legs on the other side of the truck :grimacing: ■■


Jonny :sunglasses:

Or the old girl in the red coat siphoning tractor juice into a jerry can in her bag.


Christ the happiness and joyful spirit on this site is overwhelming sometimes.

Oy less of that, I changed my Avatar in November over 1 month before christmas :wink: :laughing:
I just dont like scania tea cabs being dressed up in poundworld rope lights trying to impersonate the original truck.
p.s. I think I might have solved the problem of the general public hating trucks, it involves a large cardboard box, gaffer tape, tin of red paint, poundworld rope lights and some coca cola logo stickers.

Mind you that will only work at christmas :laughing: :laughing:


Jonny :sunglasses:




So here are the pictures from my venture :grimacing: I apologise they have random people in it but it was [zb] horrible taking pictures with every idiot and his mum walking infront of you :imp: :imp: :imp:

:laughing: :laughing:
Brilliant bit of posing there!

Which one the bloke pretending to be driver or the fit piece with the nice legs on the other side of the truck :grimacing: ■■


Jonny :sunglasses:

Or the old girl in the red coat siphoning tractor juice into a jerry can in her bag.

Thats a woman :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:




So here are the pictures from my venture :grimacing: I apologise they have random people in it but it was [zb] horrible taking pictures with every idiot and his mum walking infront of you :imp: :imp: :imp:

:laughing: :laughing:
Brilliant bit of posing there!

Which one the bloke pretending to be driver or the fit piece with the nice legs on the other side of the truck :grimacing: ■■


Jonny :sunglasses:

First noticed the fit one in the skirt. Then the bloke pretending to be the driver :laughing:

Funnily enough he tried to talk to me when I first got there camera in hand and I didn’t understand a single word he said he got the hint when I just replied …eerrrrr No :neutral_face: :confused: But I did have a laugh at him though, funnily enough that was his facial expression when the bloke with his camera took the pic of him :open_mouth: Christmas spirit and all :laughing: I think they should have the drivers dress up like santa clause when they are driving and loading/unloading and the co-drivers/workers dressing up as elves :laughing: :laughing:


Jonny :sunglasses:


Christ the happiness and joyful spirit on this site is overwhelming sometimes.

Oy less of that, I changed my Avatar in November over 1 month before christmas :wink: :laughing:
I just dont like scania tea cabs being dressed up in poundworld rope lights trying to impersonate the original truck.
p.s. I think I might have solved the problem of the general public hating trucks, it involves a large cardboard box, gaffer tape, tin of red paint, poundworld rope lights and some coca cola logo stickers.

Because the ‘original’ in the pic that someone posted further up has the highest quality lights of course and nothing ‘poundland’ about them. You might be taking this too seriously, it’s not the Spice Girls covering the Beetles, it’s Coke dressing up a truck.



Christ the happiness and joyful spirit on this site is overwhelming sometimes.

Oy less of that, I changed my Avatar in November over 1 month before christmas :wink: :laughing:
I just dont like scania tea cabs being dressed up in poundworld rope lights trying to impersonate the original truck.
p.s. I think I might have solved the problem of the general public hating trucks, it involves a large cardboard box, gaffer tape, tin of red paint, poundworld rope lights and some coca cola logo stickers.

Because the ‘original’ in the pic that someone posted further up has the highest quality lights of course and nothing ‘poundland’ about them. You might be taking this too seriously, it’s not the Spice Girls covering the Beetles, it’s Coke dressing up a truck.

No ■■■ Sherlock, everyone knows its a marketing gimmick but a teacup scania just dont cut it as a replica of the truck in the advert, that kenworth is using the same poundlandworld lights that have been recycled and used on that not very good scania kenworth immitation

I don’t think anyone having their pics taken with it knows the difference between the Scania and a pop riveted tin box that passes for an American shed. It’s just the Coke truck to them.

Indeed that is true, but I would have thought surely they would have done better to cover up the sign writing underneath the cab wrap? :confused: It is still very visible if you get up close to the truck like a couple feet away.

Breaking news, Santa clause is now subbing for Coles & Sons :laughing: :laughing: :grimacing:

But as much as I’m not a major fan of the truck, it does look pretty tidy :smiley: Even if it is a T-cab. I’ve said my peace about this truck and trailer both on here and facebook. It isn’t something I’m going to be losing sleep over that’s for sure :grimacing: :slight_smile:


Jonny :sunglasses:

I don’t think anyone having their pics taken with it knows the difference between the Scania and a pop riveted tin box that passes for an American shed. It’s just the Coke truck to them.

:laughing: :laughing:
pop riveted tin box.
Its just a gimmick to sell more sugar pop
P.S. does you brother work in that garage just outside Lampeter? I am sure I have seen those blue vans and lorry outside a garage on my travels up that way.

Found this on you tube it was at a local retail park near me, never even knew it was happening and when I got held up coming home from work I still didn’t know, just thought there had been a bump or something but no it was saddo’s going to see it. :unamused:

Does it matter what all you ■■■■■ really think about this wrapping? Poundland lights? Who gives 2 ■■■■■■ flying FFFFFFFFF’s… Nothing but put downs on every thread I read, you’d seriously think everyone on this CRAP forum board was picture perfect… Its nothing more than to replicate the US Coca-Cola lorry, for Xmas, for THE CHILDREN… Do you think the CHILDREN care wether they get a Kentworth or a Scania? Poundland lights or the dearest lights on earth?

Does it matter what all you ■■■■■ really think about this wrapping? Poundland lights? Who gives 2 ■■■■■■ flying FFFFFFFFF’s… Nothing but put downs on every thread I read, you’d seriously think everyone on this CRAP forum board was picture perfect… Its nothing more than to replicate the US Coca-Cola lorry, for Xmas, for THE CHILDREN… Do you think the CHILDREN care wether they get a Kentworth or a Scania? Poundland lights or the dearest lights on earth?

We have a winner :grimacing: :laughing: :laughing:

i wonder if santa has to wear a hi-viz?

Steel toe caps?

Christ the happiness and joyful spirit on this site is overwhelming sometimes.

Some peeps on here just dont like the fact that some of us do really like trucks whatever they are :unamused: Anything will do to stir the doodah :wink:

That number plate is totally illegal .

Bla bla bla bla


There are many things up with the truck I would have thought was illegal, such as the rope light that could say restricts view, number plate being illegal, and I’m sure they would have something to say about the fact the trailer has 2 axles not 3 due to weight issues i’m asuming and the trailer is fully loaded full of whatever you could think of for events like this :grimacing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Been messing around with photoshop a little bit today and here are some of the end results. :open_mouth:

Almost makes it look good :laughing: :laughing:


Jonny :sunglasses:

Nice pictures Jonny , come out well , plus in picture two it seems you may have answered Switchlogics concerns

regarding the missing RobK :open_mouth: