Chateau Kenworth. You can keep your Scanias!

As you know, this is my truck. I know it isn’t a condo cab, and it is far smaller than some you see over here, but I like it.

72" sleeper with 3’3" bed, loads of headroom and space to move around a bit. Best of all, the room is away from the steering wheel. The microwave fits under the bed nicely, along with my box of grub.

The driving compartment is compact, bijou and well appointed.

Note the gearlever!Also, note the red and yellow buttons. The yellow is the park brake. The red is trailer supply.

All in all, I like it far better than any european vehicle.

Château ? Bijou ? Vehicle ? They teach you them words way out West , bobthedog ? :laughing:
& that yaller knob pull would be soo easy to accidentally push back in when you are walking around in that smart rig.
Also where is the night heater ? :wink:

In fact H it’s worse than that.

I had the extreme misfourtune to do one trip to Rumania in a cabover version of this particular bijou cháteau and in the process of mountaneering up over the red-hot steel engine box that was at the same hight as the dashboard to get to the ‘luxury’ PVC covered bunk it was actually impossible not to push the ‘yaller knob’ in and go skiting off down the parking. I never ran into anybody during these excursions but that was only luck. Imagine fitting a handbrake that has no locking device! Frankly I would have rather done the trip in a Jennings cab ERF B series - and that’s saying something!

But, hey! bobthedog it’s your truck and you love it. And why not? Me? I’ll stick with a Scania (or anything European), thanks.


The other thing is Dave , that even with their bitter winters they dont have night heaters. So they cant park in gear because their heater is the silent straight six ■■■■■■■ with the stack running up the back of the sleeper.
Those old girls look good from across the road but driving them you got your hands full. :laughing:
bobthedog More power to your elbow mate,but that machinery is not Euro-Friendly.
Nice gearbox tho`.
PS. How are your airlines fixed to the truck. On one of mine they were fixed to the main plumbing with jubilee clips !!

David Miller I had a go in my mates Aerodyne cab-over Kenworth The steering wheel was so big you scraped your left knuckles against the door trim. & when you went over a bump you thought the windscreen would pop out.The cab inside was all angle iron.The passener seat was on steel legs & bolted to the floor. What with that massive hump & low ceiling. The lower bunk was converted into a silly kitchen with running water. The top bunk is where he slept. Gawd let me out !! :laughing:

I’m with Bob on this, you 2 old ■■■■■ who’ve forgotten your origins and gone soft
are talking about chalk and cheese. :open_mouth: :laughing:
There’s no climbing over engine humps in Bob’s wagon and all your ‘walking
around’ is done behind the seats in the sleeper, not in the cab.
Would agree though that a measure of security regarding the locking of the
park brake would not come amiss. :wink: :laughing:

Spardo We were talking about cabovers ,you young scrote !! :laughing:
& if you look at where that cute little knob is positioned its just handy to nudge when you are going to the passenger seat. Most of those push pull things dont need the human touch they will quite happily go back to the dashboard on their own...You neednt be in the cab at all! Thats progress. :laughing:
“you 2 old ■■■■■ who’ve forgotten your origins and gone soft”■■ So you have disconnected your night heater ,I take it…? You would cry your eyes out if they took your Euro motor away & gave you a US spec replacement.I dont think they have even disk brakes. Its only recently on the normal drives that they have bothered to fit brakes on the front axle!! We are talking from experience. Horses for courses. US trucks for the wide open spaces & European trucks for our crowded little continent. Hope this clears things up Mr. Moderator ? PS Just seen your profile. Calling us old ■■■■■ !! Youre the one playing petanque :unamused:

But it feels so good to rain on parades!! :laughing: :laughing:

I went to Quebec and they use words like that out there. God knows what they mean when they say it in Quebec though!
The park brake is far tighter than you would think. The truck is a 2006 model and has only done 140000 so things are still nice and new. The stack comes up behind the sleeper so I can’t hear it and the Cat is a bit chattery but aren’t they all.
Best of all, every one of the trucks on the firm have a night heater in them. Mine only froze up once last winter. That was for 2 days until I could get the lines cleaned. The first night I idled the engine, the next I stayed in a motel. Then again, it was nearly -50 outside.
The airlines on mine are crimped in the proper manner. I imagine jubilee clips would make for easy repair though!

Oh, and the bed is a real mattress. No vinyl covered stuff for me! :smiley:

They are more up to date than you think.

I’m with Bob on this, you 2 old ■■■■■ who’ve forgotten your origins and gone soft
are talking about chalk and cheese.

Old ■■■■? Old ■■■■?? I’m not at all sure that I don’t resemble that remark! :laughing:

But forgotten my origins? Never! When me an’ thy father built Sahara Desert - things were tough then!

In all honesty I, like everyone, looked at American trucks and thought they were the dogs… Till that one trip and then I found that they were not - anything near. Now of course a 2006 model will be different and so would a normal control but horses for courses. And I know what I’ll stick with.


Not knocking your rig,Bob. Just the way they were in the old days.But I have to agree about the bed . It had a real mattress . My truck was Swiss spec so it had to have a night heater & proper hand-brake. This one had proper susies. It had many good things but on the old roads at that trime bits kept on falling off. I have a picture here of it in its normal working mode.

I’ll try to get a picture of mine with the engine exposed, though not with the cab tilted I hope. :laughing:
They have had to improve them. People wouldn’t drive them else. The dash and trim in the 06 models is really modern. No false walnut with huge toggle switches anymore. I even have one electric window! :open_mouth:
The 06 models were from November last year. The ones from 6 months before weren’t nearly the same.
Standard specs here include aircon, cruise control and seperate blowers for the sleeper. The bed is bliss and you can always open the emergency exit for a through draught or for getting your clobber in and out of the admittedly narrow driving compartment. The doors are small and I have banged my bonce more than once.
They use the same doors on nearly all models, and the cab panels are rivetted in place and are standard parts throughout most of their range. It’s dead handy though, as a clout in a panel is fairly straightforward to repair. You drill the rivets and rivet a new part in place. They are all aluminium panels, too, so they don’t rust.
I will be honest though. The trucks were nothing to do with why I came here. I would have brought my old Premium to drive if they had asked me to.

I can see by your front lawn why you went there… :smiley:

That’s just a little bit of it! This is half of the front lawn. Check out the lovely green grass, well tended and cut to a decent length. 2 weeks before it was nearly at armpit level! :blush:

Sadly, the back yard isn’t in such good order. It would take a dozen goats a month to eat the grass in the back 3 acres and the 4 acres of woodland need tending. Maybe the winter will assist me there! :laughing:

I just hope it gets better for you & yours,Bob. In UK its the law of diminishing returns so if you owned all that space in a very short while you would be owing Gordon Brown & all his Scottish mates more than the property was worth . Keep the shiny side up.
By-the-way, do they tolerate ■■■■■ people in North America or do they have a special community centre for them , like Guatamala…?
PS. All the shots of your truck are from the R/H side. Do you carry spare wheels…?

Just in case you get homesick this is a snap from my front garden street on Saturday morning after a 0300 punch up amongst town centre revellers. Gets you all fuzzy with nostalgia don`t it…? :unamused:

Heres one from the other side for you. Sorry about that.

As for getting homesick…Not a chance! Sorry to hear that things are worse than ever in Britain.Obviously, the folks in charge of the country are doing a fine job! Hope that wasn’t your window, Harry. I sometimes get to thinking about things I miss and there isn’t much. Had I stayed, I almost certainly would be in chokey by now. I had permanant rage. :smiling_imp:
In the UK you get the neighbours cat digging or scrotes planning to burgle you wandering through your garden. Here you get deer! :sunglasses:
Bit of a change!
Of course, some are getting bears in their gardens at the moment! :open_mouth: :laughing:

Just been outside and it’s so quiet I’m beginning to wonder where the drums are!
Before anyone thinks it, there is nothing untoward in these posts or the thread. I started out as a laugh, and am carrying it on in the same vein.

This is from the other side of the street. Note the nicely mown lawn! Also note the nice drainage ditch which wasn’t cut then. I wasn’t brave enough to take the mower (see below) in there!


The house with deck and legally required barbecue! :smiley: They’re nuts here. I’ve seen people having a barbie in -20 snowstorms! :open_mouth: The satellite dish was put there by me as I don’t have a ladder! The Christmas lights were there already. Believe me, we are not the only householders with festive lights still on the house!

The woods in the background are ours. They are a bit on the wild side but I’m thinking Boreal here!! :sunglasses: :laughing: :sunglasses:
The grass in between is a little out of hand! Don’t think John can help me here!

Meet John! :laughing:

By the way. I would never have been able to get anything like this in the UK, and I have a sizeable mortgage here. The house has a finished basement with 2 bedrooms, a huge utility room and a huge den. We have the telly from the UK down there. That way we can watch all the DVDs we had when the telly is all in french.
Upstairs, there are 3 bedrooms and the house is nicely sized at 1340 square feet on both levels.
We have the front garden of 3 acres, backyard of 3 acres and 4 acres of woodland.
Only seen 2 snakes this summer,both Garter snakes, and numerous deer. We had lightning bugs in the garden for a time which was a real sight, and the mother in law says she saw a hummingbird this afternoon.
The only part of it that isn’t so good is that we get ticks and mosquitos in large numbers but the windows all have screens so we don’t have a problem indoors.
We paid the equivilant of £75k.
It’s ■■■■■■ fabulous!

Yes it is my place ,Dave, & thats the front garden .The back garden is a row of window boxes. Its a 2 bed town centre flat that has the market price of over double of what you have paid for Southfork. Those Canucks dont know what theyre missing.
In fairness its the first direct hit from the local Taliban for 10 yrs. But that doesn`t count the 2 slashed tyres , smashed window ,radio ripped out , door kicked in, and the obligatory keying on the car .
Still home sick…? :smiley:
( I [zb] am )

Canada looks like a fantastic place to live, and the way things have gone here over the last week, coupled with the ongoing antics of Blair, Prescott and co mean that it looks even more appealing!!

I was looking on the net at property prices and you seem to get a different concept of value over there, with several acres and lovely views for a fraction of the cost of property here.

I have never seriously considered leaving the UK but, I suspect, like a lot of people I am wondering whether this is the best place in the world to bring up kids…

Hmmmmmmmmmmm… :laughing:

If you compare the pictures of the two homesteads I think its a no-brainer on the one I would choose if I could. :laughing:
& it aint dear old Blighty!
In fact I would move into Bobs truck as long as you took the wheels off! :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Looks like I have been having Trigger moments. I have been calling Bob,Dave… :roll: :unamused:

Shouldn’t worry about the Trigger moments, Charlie… :laughing: :laughing:

Sorry to hear about all the damage though. Wild West over there by the sound of it. To be honest, we didn’t get too much trouble like that where I lived, although There are still the odd few I would like to get my paws on. I never felt that safe leaving She Who Must Be Obeyed and the offspring alone for weeks to a time, though.
Over here, they feel safer and are healthier and happier. That’s worth a lot. It’s no picnic- proper Heinz beans are hard to come by and they don’t sell lime cordial- but the lifestyle is better.

Various nations have been using force, trying to drive the British people into the sea for centuries. They have never succeeded. Now they are doing it with their stupid laws and attitudes.