what is it with car and van drivers when you drive an hgv,coming along the dual carriageway beside kent intl airport[manston]you have a number of roundabouts,as you come up to them and you are in your lane why do these car and van drivers feel the need to cut into your lane,i had one today who almost lost the side of his van,i blasted my horn at him and as we came onto the straight off the roundabout he slowed down and was looking in his mirror at me,probably wondering what my problem was,they have no idea,i dont even think they know they are doing it,crazy people
Who is at fault if there is a collision? I wondered all this myself a few days ago since it happens quite a lot coming out of So’ton docks.
I just try to pinch the second lane slightly enough so they can fit, but it’d be bonkers to go to the bother of trying. Usually does the trick for me.
if you hit them it would be impossible to prove you were in the right unless you had a witness,cos they would say you undertook them on the roundabout
I try to take as much space as I need. If that means both lanes - so be it.
What about when you pull onto a clear roundabout, start to go around when some teararse shoots up behind and blws on their horn because you have made them brake?
People who try and drive as fast as possible around roundabouts ■■■■ me off. All they do is stop other vehicles getting on. Drive steady around and watch a vehicle from most entry points manage to get on.
Oh and busy roundabouts don’t mix with MAN auto 'boxes.
Oh and busy roundabouts don’t mix with MAN auto 'boxes.
Nor anything else fitted with the AS Chronic, if anything the Iveco is worse if thats possible (psst Scania is worse, left in auto its like watching paint dry), better if you drive them in manual override when loaded, at least its in the correct gear to start with and can’t keep swapping cogs.
I try to time roundabout approaches to avoid having numpties alongside, unfortunately many of our bethren in lorries with presumably borrowed or forged licences have started this trying to fit two lorries alongside at roundabouts fad, when our own start this lark its all over.
What about when you pull onto a clear roundabout, start to go around when some teararse shoots up behind and blws on their horn because you have made them brake?
People who try and drive as fast as possible around roundabouts ■■■■ me off. All they do is stop other vehicles getting on. Drive steady around and watch a vehicle from most entry points manage to get on.
Oh and busy roundabouts don’t mix with MAN auto 'boxes.
yeah,i have met dicks like that
on the same subject,i used to operate around heathrow and came down the southern perimeter rd one day,it had been raining and had stopped but the road was dangerous,as i came to the roundabout where the animal reception centre is a car driver came up on the outside and before the roundabout must have touched 60 or 70 mph down there,he totally misjudged the roundabout got round about halfway went into a skid and went up the kerb between the fence and a lampost and totally wrecked his car by ripping out the wheel and suspension and coming to a halt on the grass,he was ok and although you should not i could not help laughing,a very embarrassed person
what is it with car and van drivers when you drive an hgv,coming along the dual carriageway beside kent intl airport[manston]you have a number of roundabouts,as you come up to them and you are in your lane why do these car and van drivers feel the need to cut into your lane,i had one today who almost lost the side of his van,i blasted my horn at him and as we came onto the straight off the roundabout he slowed down and was looking in his mirror at me,probably wondering what my problem was,they have no idea,i dont even think they know they are doing it,crazy people
Take what space you need. In the interests of safety I always make the decision for muppets who havent got a clue in the first instance about what room we need…I’m a Knight of the road…although I expect they think differently.
Who is at fault if there is a collision?
You’ll be lucky to ever be cleared of any wrong doing in a collision with a car, even if you’re stationary they’ll try blaming you…
What about when you pull onto a clear roundabout, start to go around when some teararse shoots up behind and blws on their horn because you have made them brake?
That’s alright with me, they can toot their horn all they like. Talk to the trailer, matey, 'cause the cab ain’t listening.
What about when you pull onto a clear roundabout, start to go around when some teararse shoots up behind and blws on their horn because you have made them brake?
I tend to stop, look at them in my mirror & presume that there’s a problem with my lorry. ■■■■■■ 'em off no end ! Lol. (Got pulled in the office for it once, because the Numpty car /racing driver thought I was being ‘Aggressive’, not me Officer lol)
We get it all the time on the Big roundabouts in MK, boy & girl racers, who think that they are playing Grand Theft Auto & try to navigate the roundabouts at Warp Factor Nine. I just stay in my lane or straddle 2 if I need them & let all the cars do their own thing.
People who try and drive as fast as possible around roundabouts ■■■■ me off. All they do is stop other vehicles getting on. Drive steady around and watch a vehicle from most entry points manage to get on.
I agree. The whole basis of a roundabout is flow.I have noticed a few new r/bouts with crazy lane markings. Tesco r/bout at Cirecester and the one at Bracknell A329 spring to mind.
Cars not using indicators on roundabouts are as bad, well I just go sod em, if they beep there horn I will stop and inconvenience a bit more!
There was a similar thread recently and now from a couple of the comments I can understand the situation a lot better.
As I said before I drive regularly on a busy main road with many roundabouts but usually have a different problem.
When I am driving a truck(artic) or coach I very rarely have any problems.
However when I am driving my car I am occasionally cut up by trucks taking far more room than they need.
I might add there is plenty of room for a normal artic to negotiate these roundabouts staying in their own lanes but some insist on taking far more room than they need and blocking cars from passing.
Fair enough on smaller roundabouts when there is not enough room for 2 vehicles but on large ones why do they adopt such a selfish attitude?
People who try and drive as fast as possible around roundabouts ■■■■ me off. All they do is stop other vehicles getting on. Drive steady around and watch a vehicle from most entry points manage to get on.I agree. The whole basis of a roundabout is flow.I have noticed a few new r/bouts with crazy lane markings. Tesco r/bout at Cirecester and the one at Bracknell A329 spring to mind.
And let’s not get into roundabouts with 24 hour traffic lights on them. What’s the point of a roundabout if you’re going to stick traffic lights up every ten yards?
Rhythm Thief:
And let’s not get into roundabouts with 24 hour traffic lights on them. What’s the point of a roundabout if you’re going to stick traffic lights up every ten yards?
They aren’t roundabouts, they’re very small one way ring roads!
There was a similar thread recently and now from a couple of the comments I can understand the situation a lot better.As I said before I drive regularly on a busy main road with many roundabouts but usually have a different problem.
When I am driving a truck(artic) or coach I very rarely have any problems.
However when I am driving my car I am occasionally cut up by trucks taking far more room than they need.
I might add there is plenty of room for a normal artic to negotiate these roundabouts staying in their own lanes but some insist on taking far more room than they need and blocking cars from passing.
Fair enough on smaller roundabouts when there is not enough room for 2 vehicles but on large ones why do they adopt such a selfish attitude?
Ok i’ll have a go.
I’m in my loaded artic approaching a roundabout on a dual carriageway, some of the roundabouts are OK for a lorry and car to negotiate but only just big enough so keeping strictly to your own lane is necessary for both parties…agreed?
When driving its quite easy to spot who is and isn’t a proper driver whatever vehicle they happen to be in, i find good drivers in cars or lorries try to time roundabouts (where possible, in very heavy traffic this can’t and won’t happen) so that we arn’t side by side on the roundabout itself.
Where two good drivers work together, say a car is approaching from behind as you are coming up to roundabout, if he makes it obvious he’s a pro by his line, he’ll tuck in slightly behind the lorry, the good lorry driver can then straighten the roundabout out at far higher speed than sticking rigidly to lane for no reason, both vehicles have maintained progress, saved fuel and are back up to speed, the car driver uses the slingshot manoeuver to overtake swiftly as the lorry re-enters the left hand lane the other side of roundabout.
Usually though the overtaking driver can’t see or time this and ends up alongside around the roundabout…invariably this means both vehicles have to keep rigidly to lane and both vehicles exit the roundabout from a very low speed, often enough the forcefull car driver bottles it mid roundabout even of the lorry is fully in lane and comes to an almost complete stop…no winners here both losers as both have lost momentum/time and used more fuel.
Similarly if the car is approaching fast enough to clear me before entering the junction, i’ll back off more than i would and allow the car to get in front and then again both he and i can straighten it out and again both have kept momentum, often get a wave of thanks fromthe car driver.
Where i encounter a good car/van/lorry driver who hangs back a moment to enable both of us to ease swiftly through the roundabout, i never fail to give them a wave/toot/flash of thanks, invariably answered… in fact i never fail to acknowledge a courtesy, pity too many of our brethren have been brought up without manners.
For all of this requires keeing ones wits about you, if we all progressed as if on test sticking rigidly to lanes when there is no need we’d never get a bloody days work done and the roads would come to a standstill…think Friday afternoons when the lemmings come out to play, its bedlam.
Talking of roundabouts -
examiner.co.uk/news/west-yor … ks-6344574
Don’t know if this link will work but it’s about Ainley Top.
I say if it aint broke…
Thanks Juddian for your reasoned response which can be a rare thing on here.
I agree entirely with what you are saying but I think the problem is the lack of good drivers.The bad ones seem to outnumber them by quite a bit these days.
These particular roundabouts I am speaking about have more than adequate room for both vehicles to negotiate together at their appropriate speeds without compromise but I am afraid occasionally when in my car I will be completely cut up for no apparent reason other than badness.
Car and van drivers do the same for sure but maybe because I despise bad truck driving I tend to notice these things more.
By all means use the whole roundabout (both lanes) if there are no other vehicles in sight but to blatantly cut someone up for no reason is totally out of order in my book.