Canada ...driver arrested

Wokeness is a cancer on society.

We now have people demanding all these stupid pronouns and demand to be seen as neither male or female.

The far left are just as extreme and hateful as the far right but still pretend to be a force for good

Antifa and blm are nothing but terrorist organisations who pretend to be the good guys.

We now are in a position if your a straight white male you are classed as the cause for all that’s wrong.

Truly if there was a chance to hit a reset button and start again now would be the time.

But let’s get back to the matter reported, 20 percent of the population demanding the other 80 percent bend over and do what they demand. No democracy doesn’t work like that.

You can certainly not get the vaccination but you do not dictate how the elected officials or private businesses respond. You have the right to make a decision but you will live with the consequences of that choice and by stopping law-abiding members of the public going about their business simply because you demand the majority submits is terrorism once you resort to violence.

The people saying “80% are vaxxed so what are the 20% minority doing dictating to the majority” are using a very flawed argument.

Yes, 80% may be vaxxed, but so what?

The issue is this: there is a section of society with NO CHOICE. You may be unaware, but Canadian truckers (specifically those doing cross-border, which is MOST OF THEM) were told: get vaxxed or lose your job.

I don’t give a ■■■■ if you’re vaxxed or not - you had a choice and you chose to take it, but the problem is those who choose not to, don’t actually get a choice as they faced losing their jobs and livelihoods!!!

The argument of “so what? they’re a minority” is how atrocities happen, and that view is extremely dangerous.

The point is EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A CHOICE AND HAVE IT RESPECTED BY EVERYONE ELSE!!! If you don’t understand that, you have a problem.

PS: I have a trucker friend in Canada who told me about this first-hand. Most of the truckers he knows are totally fed up with the situation, and most Canadians are fed up with their totalitarian Government.

It’s not just a few truckers “causing problems” (that is the MSM narrative) - Canada stands behind and supports them!

The MSM worldwide are a threat to peace and stability in the West by pushing propaganda. Switch off the ■■■■ TV and go outside!

Part of the problem is those that feel they were coerced into getting the vaxx can’t accept a basic truth of any vaccine: they do not protect everyone else; only the person vaccinated.

Part of the propaganda around this “vaccine” is that it protects others. Total, and utter BS.

For the first time in history, someone who is vaccinated against a disease is afraid of catching it. It is absolute nonsense! The worst part of this propaganda campaign has caused a section of society to believe that if they catch it from someone who is not vaccinated, they will somehow be more ill as a result of the not-vaccinated person. There is absolutely no mechanism by which that can be true.

I think what has really happened is people have realized they have been conned, and can’t accept it, so they’re venting on the “unvaxxed” to make themselves feel better.

Here’s another fact that is ignored by the politicians, MSM, and other vested interests: most people who get the virus won’t have any problems!! I had the original strain back in Dec 2019 for approx. 2 weeks, and I think I had Omicron Jan this year for around 3 days. Guess what? I’m totally fine! No “vaccine” in sight, and I absolutely refuse to have it (I’m in the lucky position I can afford to lose my job should I be forced to have it - they can [zb] right off!).

As for this nonsense of “informed consent” - it does not mean you must say “yes OK” once you are informed! The way the MSM go on about this they make it sound like that is the case! It is not. Informed consent means you make a DECISION based on all available data (which can be hard to find if you do not know how to search for research papers). That decision is a HARD NO from me. I’m fit and healthy and right in the age bracket for maximum illness from the “vaccine”. I have already had the virus and no problems, so the risk profile for me is grossly weighted towards “dangerous”.

Just in the professional football players group alone in the last 6 months, there has been a 300%+ increase in sudden death due to stroke and heart attack vs. the previous 12-year average. They are trying to bury the absolutely massive increase in cardiovascular problems caused by the “vaccines”. The fact-checkers are of course out in force to try and bury the truth, but the statistics speak for themselves.

The issue is this: there is a section of society with NO CHOICE. You may be unaware, but Canadian truckers (specifically those doing cross-border, which is MOST OF THEM) were told: get vaxxed or lose your job.

The US authorities are refusing entry for non-vaccinated Canadian drivers. It will be true that those Canadians who choose not to have a vaccine may have less job choice. They wont be starved into submission, but they might be worse paid. Does blocking up Canadian city streets for weeks seem like a proportional response to that? Protest needs to be strong to get noticed, but their argument has been *heard* now. To carry on isnt a cry to be heard, it is trying to force a result.
Legitimate protest isn`t the same as coercion.

The argument of “so what? they’re a minority” is how atrocities happen, and that view is extremely dangerous.
The point is EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE A CHOICE AND HAVE IT RESPECTED BY EVERYONE ELSE!!! If you don’t understand that, you have a problem.

They have a choice. They are NOT being forced to have a vaccine. They are protesting because they dont like the consequences of their choice. Are those consequences just? Lets look in a minute…

PS: I have a trucker friend in Canada who told me about this first-hand. Most of the truckers he knows are totally fed up with the situation, and most Canadians are fed up with their totalitarian Government.

Your friends are most likely of similar views to you…

Part of the problem is those that feel they were coerced into getting the vaxx can’t accept a basic truth of any vaccine: they do not protect everyone else; only the person vaccinated.
Part of the propaganda around this “vaccine” is that it protects others. Total, and utter BS.

That is simply untrue.
Without writing a hell of a lot, ill suggest anyone abreast of the situation will remember debate about whether children should be vaccinated? It was about whether or not vaccinating them [u]was for their own sake[/u] [u]or to protect others.[/u] This isnt the place to debate that now, but their is a clear argument to vaccine widely to protect others. I`m not saying right or wrong here, but there is reason, it isNOT BS, total, utter or otherwise.

ust in the professional football players group alone in the last 6 months, there has been a 300%+ increase in sudden death due to stroke and heart attack vs. the previous 12-year average. They are trying to bury the absolutely massive increase in cardiovascular problems caused by the “vaccines”. The fact-checkers are of course out in force to try and bury the truth, but the statistics speak for themselves.

And it`s always good to end on a lighter note :smiley:
Is this the most artificial, contrived, and pointless (alleged) statistic so far in Covid discussions?
If its true, what does it mean?
Who went of the trouble of examining whole orchards of trees before find a cherry like this?
Comparing a 6month figure of two different outcomes, in a very small select group, with outcomes in a 12 year (!?) period, mentioning a relative increase but not the actual increase, or base? Linking this, or rather not linking this to an alleged massive problem…
Statistics do tell stories. Just as words tell stories. Sometimes meaningful and true, but not always.
These figures are

Whoops. I was going to link these articles too.
Canadians seem to be for removal of the protesters, using force if necessary.
They are also ■■■■■■ off with Trudeau.
Disliking the President doesn`t mean they like the protesters. … index.html … d-out-poll … tests-poll … -act-poll/

Another TRUCK NET thread gone off the rails on the first page :unamused: :unamused:
No wonder its rubbish on here now

blue estate:
Another TRUCK NET thread gone off the rails on the first page :unamused: :unamused:
No wonder its rubbish on here now

First Post…

Has Canada turned into what was EAST GERMANY…I am expecting a knock at my door

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Canada has over 80% of it`s population vaccinated… (our world in data)
Should a minority hold the majority hostage by blockading roads?

That doesn’t exclude the possibility that 100% of the population opposes MANDATORY vaccination, which is what the protest is about.
It was never protesting against the ability to be vaccinated.



Canada has over 80% of it`s population vaccinated… (our world in data)
Should a minority hold the majority hostage by blockading roads?

That doesn’t exclude the possibility that 100% of the population opposes MANDATORY vaccination, which is what the protest is about.
It was never protesting against the ability to be vaccinated.

There is not so far as I know any current move for compulsory vaccine in Canada. There has been discussion, but the Gov is NOT for it.

68% of Canadians are in favour of compulsory vaccine.

Ipsos are a well respected organisation. Polls can be contradictory, and can be deliberately or accidentally biased. All methodology details are here through this link.

No different to those insulate Britain ■■■■■■■■■ blocking the m25.
I’m not happy with my life…so I’ll fork everybody else’s up,until I get what I want


the truck drivers today who will be next to be squashed …thin end of the wedge…slippery slope…east germany here we come

Noticed that nobody agrees with you? What right do the 20% have to dictate to the 80%? The truck drivers are being targetted because they’re the ones blocking the roads stopping cross border deliveries preventing people from being able to get on with their lives for no other reason than they’re halfwits.

If the anti-vaxxers don’t want to take the vaccine then that’s fine, don’t. But don’t then demand special treatment because of the decision you’ve made.

People in pretty much every first world country are getting fed up of having to continue with covid restrictions for no other reason than to protect a small minority of people, the anti-vaxxers, from the consequences of their own stupid choices.

I dont think the 20% are dictating to anyone, they want to be left alone and not have a medical procedure forced on them against their will.

Im not an anti vaxxer ( Ive had 2 jabs ), Im pro choice but the thing I dont understand is this, if you are fully jabbed what difference does it make if the person next to you is jabbed or not ? Because fully jabbed can still catch it and pass it on, just like those anti vaxxers, so what is the difference ■■

I dont think the 20% are dictating to anyone, they want to be left alone and not have a medical procedure forced on them against their will.

Im not an anti vaxxer ( Ive had 2 jabs ), Im pro choice but the thing I dont understand is this, if you are fully jabbed what difference does it make if the person next to you is jabbed or not ? Because fully jabbed can still catch it and pass it on, just like those anti vaxxers, so what is the difference ■■

The 20% have the choice still, whether to have the jab or not. But their choice has consequences.

If I choose not to wear a crash helmet, I cant legally ride a motorcycle, my head getting bashed in doesnt affect anyone else, so why force me? Same with seat belts.
Well, it DOES impact on others.

It will take more than couple of minutes to go through this, but I`ll have a go.

@ hairyarsetrucker
I`m not an expert and there are sources that can explain things better than me, but try this as a start, check it out elsewhere too.

The seat belt and crash helmet law goes like this:
There is a limited amount of medical resources available. Taxes can be raised to make more, but realistically there are limits to it.

People taking unnecessary risks take resources away from others. Spending money and effort on caring for avoidable injuries is a waste.
So far, so good?

So could we decide who to spend effort on? Refuse to treat motorcycle riders if they didnt wear a crash hat? That is a possibility, but we dont do that. We oulaw that, but will treat those who disobey.
Some argue that stance, as some argue that unvaccinated should be refused treatment, the obese and smokers should be turned out of hospitals.
So far, so complicated…

Currently vaccination is compulsory for different diseases in various countries.
France and Italy have compulsory vaccinations for hepatitus, mumps, rubella, polio etc.
In the USA and Australia, schooling and welfare is dependent on your vaccine status.

None of which is about Covid particularly. Bear with me.

Herd immunity: Wiki has a good explanation,
The bones of it are easy to see…if 98% of people are perfectly vaccinated…one is infected…then the chance of him meeting the one not vaccinated is slim.
The 98 protect themselves, and also the shield the one who is allergic to vaccines.

It does get more complex in the real world. Theres a shock! :smiley: (Ill avoid R_{0} stuff but it is all out there)
If a virus is very infectious then it will affect more people. You will need a greater proportion of the population vaccinated to protect the vulnerable.

It is also necessary to remember that vaccines are not perfect.
Some people simply cannot have them. They may have allergies or compromised immune systems, so cannot be injected.
They are often at greater risk from Covid, and are less able to protect themselves.

Vaccines will not 100% stop anyone getting the virus. If they do get it, the vaccines are most likely to prevent the worst effects, and to make onward transmission less likely.
But in the real world, nothing is 100%, and nothing is 0%.

Vaccines are pretty safe.
But in the real world, nothing is 100%, and nothing is 0%.

Even when vaccinated some will get Covid and suffer seriously form it. Mostly they wont, but (nothing is 100%, and nothing is 0%.) some will. Some will die from the vaccine (nothing is 100%, and nothing is 0%.) most wont.

For those with a high or average risk from Covid, it is clear that generally vaccines make sense. The risk from vaccines is tiny.
For society it is also clear that vaccination benefits the most.

So, we have a few bare bones, where we have personal risk/benefit and society risk/benefit.
And we can start to see where one is countered by the other.
Should kids (at low risk from Covid) be vaccinated? Them getting jabbed would benefit their parents and grandparents, but is it an extra risk to the kids?

ED ■■■■… went for preview and hit send!
Ed 2, Ill let the forum troll post twenty paragraphs about how much he doesnt care before doing any more.

No different to those insulate Britain [zb] blocking the m25.
I’m not happy with my life…so I’ll fork everybody else’s up,until I get what I want

Those Bolshevik scum don’t own my house so it’s my decision whether I want to turn it into a mouldy damp wreck by filling cavity walls and blocking the air flow around the loft.
Bearing in mind I don’t believe that CO2 cooked Venus.

The truckers have a right to protest under their fundamental freedom of speech rights in Canada. They, and other Canadians, also have the right to refuse to be vaxxed and not fear mandates being imposed on them. Joe Biden, like Trudeau, also tried to force to vaccine mandates on U.S citizens but fortunately failed.

Trudeau and his leftist administration have become a totalitarian government by trying to FORCE these truckers to get vaxxed. The truckers are being threatened with losing their jobs, being arrested, having their bank accounts frozen, and having their pets that are with them euthanized by police - these threats are already being carried out as we speak. This is by definition, being FORCED through government tyranny. This what the left wants.

I am by the way fully vaxxed but I am not so ‘pro-vax’ to feel the need to force my opinion on others that EVERYONE else around me should be vaxxed. It should be personal choice amongst individuals to get a vaccine that ‘may’ or may not protect them.

The bottom line: The bigger picture that nobody is talking about is that CHINA should be held accountable for MANUFACTURING the China-virus and deliberately sending it out worldwide to cause havoc. Whilst the West continually politicize the China-virus and squabble amongst themselves, the CCP in China continue their relentless assault against the West.

No different to those insulate Britain [zb] blocking the m25.
I’m not happy with my life…so I’ll fork everybody else’s up,until I get what I want

NOTHING like that, actually.

“Insult-hate Britain” want to push their green agenda on the rest of us, which most of us don’t give a toss about one way or the other.

These Truckers in Canada on the other hand - 90% vaccinated out of a population we are told has a slightly lower average take-up rate of the vaccination programme…

…Are against NOT ending the lockdowns with immediate effect (Like Boris has quickly capitulated to, ahead of the curve…)
and FORCING people to have a jab that for whatever FREEDOM related reason - “They’ve decided they don’t want”.

FFS we’re not talking that Covid is as infectious or has the mortality rate as Smallpox, Pneumonic Plague, or even SARS - are we?

“OOh how selfish the filthy, unvaxxed murdering, child-abusing anti vaxxers are”…

Why not go the last hurdle and get the unvaxxed to wear their yellow star lapels hmm■■?

The “Freedom Convoy” isn’t about being for-or-against Vaccinations, Covid, or the lockdown thus far - it is about the “Lockdown” one day coming to a finite END - before we find ourselves walking into a global dictatorship where we get run against each other by millionaire elites, each and all of them above their own laws, and never accountable at the ballot box, as we got told NOTHING about this prior to any election, either side of the world…




Canada has over 80% of it`s population vaccinated… (our world in data)
Should a minority hold the majority hostage by blockading roads?

That doesn’t exclude the possibility that 100% of the population opposes MANDATORY vaccination, which is what the protest is about.
It was never protesting against the ability to be vaccinated.

There is not so far as I know any current move for compulsory vaccine in Canada. There has been discussion, but the Gov is NOT for it.

There is discrimination against truckers who cross the border who are not vaccinated. That is the same vein as mandatory vaccination.





Canada has over 80% of it`s population vaccinated… (our world in data)
Should a minority hold the majority hostage by blockading roads?

That doesn’t exclude the possibility that 100% of the population opposes MANDATORY vaccination, which is what the protest is about.
It was never protesting against the ability to be vaccinated.

There is not so far as I know any current move for compulsory vaccine in Canada. There has been discussion, but the Gov is NOT for it.

There is discrimination against truckers who cross the border who are not vaccinated. That is the same vein as mandatory vaccination.

The USA is deciding which foreigners are or aren`t allowed to enter.

Is that discrimination?

“Discrimination is the act of making unjustified distinctions between people based on the groups, classes, or other categories to which they belong or are perceived to belong. People may be discriminated on the basis of race, gender, age, religion, or ■■■■■■ orientation, as well as other categories.” Wiki.

The distinction is due to vaccine status, so is that distinction Justified or Unjustified?

There is a greater risk of transmitting the virus by unvaccinated persons than vaccinated ones. If infected the virus can be passed on in both cases, but since the unvaccinated are more likely to become infected, they are a greater risk.

Seems to me that is a reasonable justification to refuse a foreigner entry. Protect one`s own citizens.
The US can make any rules it wants, these rules seem as OK as any to me.

Wouldn’t be at all surprised if those rozzers were Blackwater hired goons.

, but since the unvaccinated are more likely to become infected, they are a greater risk.

WHAAAAAT? Honestly, that is so far into the realms of fantasy as to be laughable!

the maoster:

, but since the unvaccinated are more likely to become infected, they are a greater risk.

WHAAAAAT? Honestly, that is so far into the realms of fantasy as to be laughable!

That’s a bit different to the less likely to suffer serious illness and hospitalisation narrative.
Having said that what’s the situation with medical insurance in US if taken seriously ill unvaxxed and can’t get home to Canada.
That might explain some employers/insurers issues .