called it day

after a lot of hard thinking and an hour spent talking to the boss of a firm i used to sub a lot of work off, i’ve decided to rap it up and call it a day.
from next monday i start back in the building game, which is something i thought i’d never do but having taken stock of everything, fanacially i just can’t turn it down, it’s as simple as that.
i’ve enjoyed the job even with all the ups n downs involved and would just like to thank all the lads on here who’ve offered me advice over the last couple of years and i wish you all the best of luck in the future.
may the wheels keep turning.

Good Luck Paul

let us know how it goes

:sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

Probably the best decision you will make, wish I could convince myself to do the same instead of hanging on beyond the point of sensible which is the current situation. Still it’s only a house at the end of the day. :imp: :imp: :cry:

Good luck in the future Paul and keep in touch.

Just to echo what’s been said above; good luck Paul & I hope it goes well for you.

Sorry to see you go :cry:
Good luck for the future.
There won’t be many UK OD’s left soon, Thanks Tony

Gutted mate :frowning: no one can say you never gave it your best shot Paul, such a shame but you gotta do what you gotta do to pay the bills

Bets of luck mate and chin up

i’m not down mate, i’ve sat down with the mrs and weighed it all up, if i’m gona pack up, nows the time to do it, it’s end of the fanancial year so keeps every thing tidy and i’m owed two months money, one off the brick job and one off the general but i’ve all but payed for the running costs for those two months so once i’ve sold the unit and collected what i’m owed, i’ll finnish with 20k plus in the bank that i can call mine and regular money coming in!
it’s a shame in a way because i really enjoyed the work but realistically if i can earn £800 a week on price work without even trying, thats gota be the way to go.

Costs of running a truck, road congestion and the UK government makes me wonder how you guys survive.

Paul b Good luck for the future

:open_mouth: Thats a bugger Paul! Glad your not going the way of others though, i.e down the tubes. Got anything you wanyt to sell?

paul b:
i’m not down mate, i’ve sat down with the mrs and weighed it all up, if i’m gona pack up, nows the time to do it, it’s end of the fanancial year so keeps every thing tidy and i’m owed two months money, one off the brick job and one off the general but i’ve all but payed for the running costs for those two months so once i’ve sold the unit and collected what i’m owed, i’ll finnish with 20k plus in the bank that i can call mine and regular money coming in!
it’s a shame in a way because i really enjoyed the work but realistically if i can earn £800 a week on price work without even trying, thats gota be the way to go.

I can’t blame you if you can earn that with no hassles, you’re one of quite a few of, what I would call, sensible OD,s I know, who have decided to call it a day. I very nearly did last Christmas, and may yet regret that I didn’t :frowning:
All the best in the future mate, and don’t forget to call in every now and then for a laugh at us mugs who are still struggling on :wink:

All I caqn do is echo what has already been said.

Good luck in your new venture I hope it works out for ya.

:slight_smile: Good Luck,Paul

There’s no reason why you can’t keep posting on this (and certain other :wink: ) driver’s forums though… :sunglasses:

good luck Paul, dont forget to reset your alarm clock no more 3am starts.

Paulb sorry to read of your decision and yes bin there done that and got the tshirt, but that was a few years ago and it certainly hasn’t got any easier.
The answer is certainly to get out before it’s too late for YOU,only you can make that decision,will certainly miss your well informed posts and the best of luck with your new venture.
regards derek

Why do so many assume that just because Paul will not be owning and driving a truck any more that he won’t remain here to give his views? Won’t change what he’s interested in, just as retirement hasn’t changed what I am.

Sorry to hear you are packing it in Paul, you always struck me as having the right approach, (no 1,000 horse power lump of bling for you :wink: ) and the decision to jump before you’re pushed is in line with that assessment.

Best of luck.

Another one bites the dust!! :frowning:

Who`s gonna be next

Now theres a question! :smiley: , whose running the book? :laughing:

at least youve got a licence and theres agency work if you feel cab happy at the weekend :slight_smile:

well it’s been a strange week, did my last load subbin on monday and parked up, cleared wagon out and squared everything up with the owner of the yard where i park. then sorted all my tools out ready for monday (why have you never got as much gear as you remember having?) and looked forward to having a few days off, yesterday the phone rings, it’s a fella local to me that i used to sub a bit of work off when i had the crane wagon, who’ve ive not seen in yonks “i hear you’ve packed up” :confused: (bad news travels fast i spose) “yes mate, i’ve called it a day” him “you wana come and work for me?, i’ve just bought to new scanias with 36tm cranes, and could do with someone who knows the job, you fancy it?” i don’t know weather i’ve lost my marbles, but i’ve agreed to give it a go, it’s on the books but paid on trip money, reckons his regular lads are dragging six a week which dosn’t compare to what i can earn on the tools but if i’m honest, i never really saw myself ever going back on sites before this week.
the last time i earnt money on paye? 1981 :open_mouth:


“there’s diesel in that thar’s blood!”

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: