Do you get harassment/petty comments/jokes that are not jokes but are personal attacks from managers and fellow drivers?
If you were 5 minutes late and then get punished with a rubbish job/load or trip?
Managers and drivers at work that have a go at you and dish out abuse but when you do it back they do not like it and make a fuss and put in a formal complaint.?
Drivers that spend more time worrying what everyone else is doing or where they are going.
Can they just do their own work and job without throwing the toys out of the pram if Joe Blogs got two runs to Scotlabd.
He must be a blue eyed boy then.!
Not speaking from a Drivers experience on this but the cleaning manager in our place is a ■■■■■■■ for bullying!!
He’s quick enough to pick on the small and the ones who won’t speak back but when he is given it back, his bottom lip comes out and everyone is a big bad bully.
Hand on heart in the past 30 months i have worked at this place on security (sorry ) i would say we’ve have a cleaner come in going ‘wages are wrong again’ guaranteed…each time he tells them “tough, you’ll just have to wait till next payday” …it happened to him "last month…everyone was on his case saying "oh you’ll just have to wait till next pay day…gotta tighten your belt then!2. God did he throw a wobbler.
He is the facilities manager’s blue eyed boy.
Anyone getting abuse at work should have a hidden voice recorder or use the one on a mobile phone.
Make a diary of what was said.Log the time and date and who said it.
Go to a lawer with the evidence.
Funny when push comes to shove they deny what was said even though it was recorded.
Few people in our place have put a complaint in about him this week…4 in total I think.
Will be very surprised if anything happens to him. He’s a ‘Yes Man’ …the only thing he is good at cleaning is the chocolate starfish of the managers.
I would either ignore them or ask them to talk to like that outside the gate
Seriously, all places have their fare share of mouthy and grumpy gits, play along with them unless it gets personal, thats where the line is crossed in my opinion.
I got some stick for getting this drivers job recently, daft things like ■■■■, arselicker bosses mate all that childish crap. My reply was, “I have more money, more overtime and I never kissed anyones arse, I just worked hard without winging like a bleeding child.”
It shut 99% of them up and the others are beyond help other than chinning them with a left hook
Ignore them, ■■■■■■ people off even more when you do that:)
Only weak people get bullied in my opinion.
Not kids, that’s different. But full grown men in the work place letting people belittle and walk all over them isn’t on,
I would rather land one sweet right hook and then get my head kicked in than have someone constantly making snide comments and niggling at me every day.
I would either ignore them or ask them to talk to like that outside the gate
Seriously, all places have their fare share of mouthy and grumpy gits, play along with them unless it gets personal, thats where the line is crossed in my opinion.I got some stick for getting this drivers job recently, daft things like ■■■■, arselicker bosses mate all that childish crap. My reply was, “I have more money, more overtime and I never kissed anyones arse, I just worked hard without winging like a bleeding child.”
It shut 99% of them up and the others are beyond help other than chinning them with a left hook
Left is the way forward
Only weak people get bullied in my opinion.
I can remember one of my first driving jobs & waiting to use the weighbridge back at the yard. One of the waste sorters was physically big, but not quite all there in the brain dept IYKWIM. Lovely lad, but you wouldn’t want your daughter to bring him home for tea.
He was getting some severe hassle off a nasty piece of work, I remember rolling a ■■■ & being totally transfixed on the developing situation.
With my nose almost pressed against the windshield, I was willing the big lad to whack him one, I can’t remember what it was all about, but it mattered to me that he turn around & stand his ground.
It didn’t happen & it fair broke my heart.
At the end of the day, we used to park the trucks up against the doors to the containers that stored anything worth nicking. That night, the nasty piece of work just happened to be hanging around the containers & he never knew what hit him, actually he did. I’m not that daft that I hit him with the truck, I simply reversed the truck up to the container door & jumped out of the cab on the side away from the yard office windows.
“Pick on me you ■■■■■■”.
Do you get harassment/petty comments/jokes that are not jokes but are personal attacks from managers and fellow drivers?
If you were 5 minutes late and then get punished with a rubbish job/load or trip?
Managers and drivers at work that have a go at you and dish out abuse but when you do it back they do not like it and make a fuss and put in a formal complaint.?
Drivers that spend more time worrying what everyone else is doing or where they are going.
Can they just do their own work and job without throwing the toys out of the pram if Joe Blogs got two runs to Scotlabd.
He must be a blue eyed boy then.!
No, no and no but i am a blue eyed boy.
I dont get on or even see much of my Dad these days but he brought us up alone in the early 70’s (respect) when I was 7 and I always remember one bit of advice he gave, “Be the man and let people take the niss but never let them make a ■■■■ of you” served me well for my 48 years.
And yes its such a shame to see those less quick of mind be picked on by sad illusionists that are quick of mouth.
Only weak people get bullied in my opinion.I can remember one of my first driving jobs & waiting to use the weighbridge back at the yard. One of the waste sorters was physically big, but not quite all there in the brain dept IYKWIM. Lovely lad, but you wouldn’t want your daughter to bring him home for tea.
He was getting some severe hassle off a nasty piece of work, I remember rolling a ■■■ & being totally transfixed on the developing situation.
With my nose almost pressed against the windshield, I was willing the big lad to whack him one, I can’t remember what it was all about, but it mattered to me that he turn around & stand his ground.
It didn’t happen & it fair broke my heart.
At the end of the day, we used to park the trucks up against the doors to the containers that stored anything worth nicking. That night, the nasty piece of work just happened to be hanging around the containers & he never knew what hit him, actually he did. I’m not that daft that I hit him with the truck, I simply reversed the truck up to the container door & jumped out of the cab on the side away from the yard office windows.
“Pick on me you [zb]”.
Yep, I do feel sorry for some blokes that just lay down and take it, maybe that’s their way with dealing with it but it must be all building up to head ready to explode rather than just nipping it in the bud early on.
It’s surprising that if you stand your ground (I don’t necessarily mean chinning the ■■■■■ although that course of action has its place ) most of these idiots will back down in astonishment.
If the red mist descends its difficult to think things through though and not go over the top
Can you go off sick when suspended
Sadly no, the suspension would stand before the sickness note could be dated as sickness note cannot be backdated unless you had previous medical records to support this though if you have worked in the mean time you could not count that as sickness.
I know of a place that, as an agency bod I’ve worked at, that got a new transport manager earlier this year, who seemed to take great delight in talking down to the weaker of the drivers that worked there, both as employees and agency, and would ignore you if you tried to talk to him.
A guy who I’ve worked with for years, and has become a great friend of mine, started about 4 months ago, first on the agency, and latterly being taken on, encountered this guy first hand, over his time taken to do the various runs, and when he tried to explain that he didn’t have a set run like others, it was obvious that it was going to take him longer until he learnt them. This guy then decided to invade my mate’s personal space by standing inches from him, so my mate politely asked him to back off, or they might be having a different type of discussion, so he did. However this guy carried on having a go at others until last week, when the company dispensed with his services…
Must have been suffering from small ■■■■■ syndrome, so decided to try and be the big man.
Only weak people get bullied in my opinion.
, not in all cases it all comes down to the individual, a spot i worked at some of the drivers in their little club used to take the p88s out of me ect, i just ignored them as they were in their own little sad world… dont see why i should loose my job for some idiot, and i knew my time would come… it did one saturday night in town… my other work is door work, well guess what happened when they tried to come into the spot i was working at? no violence on my part i may add…
For goodness sake man da ■■■■ up
Place I used to work there is a right horrible ■■■■ he started abusing a right easy going guy screaming and shouting right in his face. Went on for a couple of minutes bloke did nothing then with a nod of the head put the horrible ■■■■■ nose across his face.
Bullying happens at many different levels, of course there is the violent loud mouth bully, they are easy to deal with. But then their is the non violent bully, these people are non aggressive, cunning pieces of work. If you give them a slap or have a stand up row with them especially with a few swear words you’ve played into their hands. Of they go to the boss spouting various things like feeling unsafe at work or threatening to take the company to an industrial tribunal if they don’t deal with you.
So you find yourself out of work and they find themselves with a nice little payout, I know somebody who runs a car dealership, he said every year a couple of the mechanics would have a bit of a set to, this would be dealt with and everything would calm down, but last time it happened one of the mechanics took his company to an Industrial Tribunal because they didn’t sack the other mechanic. It cost him £9000.
Or they find the people they need to creep round and make it their job to point out any slight mistake you might make, even if they’re worse at their job than you are at yours. Because they have the ear of the “right People” what they say is listened to and when you try and point out they are wrong you will be ignored or labelled a trouble maker.
I have had to deal with people like this on more than one occasion, the only way seems to be to wait, as eventually like the Emperors new clothes they are seen for the incompetent [zb] they really are.