Bridge basher of the week!

Words actually fail me on this one! … ell-505415

No doubt it was the satnags fault. :unamused:

Horses for courses (just not courses involving low bridges though, obviously)

neigh bother you will fit under.

Rein it in lads, this is serious.

Reading the comments it seems that the bridge height signs had been removed, could a claim be in order?


Maybe, but you still have eyes. If it looks too low, and there aren’t any signs, then either stop and assess it carefully before proceeding or turn around, don’t just plough through and hope the best.

Theres too much horsing around in the comments here. Be serious

Height indicators or not, if I approached it I’d have a nagging feeling!

Think the horse has bolted on this one.

Hossis ■■■ was deffo too big for the box :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

That bridge is 9 foot. Very optimistic driving.


Latest reports tell us the driver is said to be in a stable condition.

What a night MARE, seriously I bet they feared the worst when it happened thinking they decapitated the poor thing.

must have been an absolute night mare for the neigh bours

The MANE problem is the box refused to go under the bridge [emoji1]

So why didn’t it jump the bridge.Still at least he never knocked the bridge over.How many points deducted for a refusal?.

Usual funny quips being trotted out !